
Monday, January 09, 2012

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week: Tiger Chanter!

It's been a mighty fine week for comments here at ISBL. Picking a winner of the coveted....coveted?....ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment of the Week award, has been grueling. I went through a whole bottle of Patron just trying to sort this out.
Oh yeah, comments, let's roll......
Republicans. Try As I Might, I Just Don't Get 'Em, especially one Vaneta Becker:
froggy said...
I'm completely kerfuzzled!!

twunty mcslore said...
Why would she want to do that? Is she completely humorless?
Get a life, or get laid. Not sure. That hairdo is hypnotizing me, by the way. Is she married to an astronaut?

Beth said...
The handful of us liberals in Indiana are laughing about this. Sadly, a lot of people seem to think it's a fine idea.
Well, it's a good thing we don't have any economic or education or healthcare crises going on in Indiana, so she can focus on important stuff like this bill! :P

Biki said...
What is up with these republicans? They need to get their asses back to work on fixing some of our biggest issues. Grind stone people!

designing wally said...
Ah! Behold the mastodon writhing in the tar-pit of its own creation...... 

I had a little fun this week--well, we all had some fun--making light of Marcusssssss Bachmann'sssssss ambiguous sexual orientation in Just For Giggles:
Cubby said...
We've probably all known men who were gay but didn't know it themselves. Usually these guys come to a self-realization by the time they reach middle age. Poor Mr. Michelle is way past due. 
Wonder Man said...
In 5 years we will know the truth about him

There was a little bit of good news on the bullying front this week, at least in one state as Illinois Steps Up Against Online Bullies: said...
While difficult to monitor and enforce, at the very least this might discourage bullying to a degree. Even if only one young life is saved it will be worth the effort. Thanks for sharing this good news!

This weeks' trip through home design was a bit arduous. it climbed and spun, and was very narrow, but hey,it's Architecture Wednesday: Bird's Nest:
R.J.  said...
I like the view but it looks like a Human Habitrail that would make IKEA jealous.
mistress maddie said...
This one might be a little modern for me, unless I want to lay an egg in the courtyard! 

Nothing makes me happier than a politician with common sense, or a politician who does the right thing because it's the right thing, or a politician who sets aside their own religious beliefs for law, or a politician who understands 'separate but equal' and 'separation of church and state'. And, luckily for all of us, Washington Governor Chris Gregoire is all of those things and hopes to make her state Lucky Number Seven??:
Sam said...
Finally someone with common decency. Now why can't everyone understand this
Mitch Block said...
Separating church from state?!? Is that even legal?!?

My mind is often like a trashcan filled with stuff you can't use, and then I share it, a la, Random Musings, and I find many of you have the same problem:
froggy said...
I read today that Santorum thinks the only sex that should be allowed is procreation sex. Damn. Having twins cuts down your whoopee.
Princess said...
Seems Ms Bachmann has a long history of outing herself as her hubby's beard...
tamayn said...
I tip my hat to Carlos's PVC burn. Always good to have a man with a well timed sense of humor.

Oh, the things people say, even in this day and age when nothing is private, but, um, I Didn't Say It....:
Bill Dameron said...
I love Dan Savage's comment. How many times have we heard of these "gay friends"? what self-respecting gay would admit to being friends with them?
Wonder Man said...
GOP candidate are like the cast of Jersey Shore
Frank said...
Yeah, Dan Savage. Like some of my best friends are homophobes.

I like the PR--I don't mean Puerto Rico, although, I do like Puerto Rico--but Project Runway, because I like the catty bitchfest and I love the creativity of giving someone a meatball and a piece of twine and having them make a evening gown for Iman to wear on the red carpet. So I was pleased to see that the all-stars are on, and to see that the first challenge was a good one, PR: All-Stars: From 99-Cents To Half A Million Bucks!:
David said...
Not a fashion gay myself, and not a game show watcher as well (unless its classic Paul Lynde on Hollywood Squares), but I do so I enjoy your recaps!!!
That being said, that Kenley design made me think of the early 1970's sci fi films, maybe even Logan's Run. I see the late Farrah Fawcett running through crappy sets in this outfit with inappropriate shoes and a wide smile and a blank look.

I try to put up a little good news on the LGBT front as my last post for Fridays, but sometimes the pickings are slim. Not so this last week when a Gay Binational Couple Wins Immigration Victory:
designing wally said...
I just adore all the good news of late...
I'm a firm believer that every gay person should come out. If we stay closeted, then it appears we feel some shame at being gay, so why would we expect straight people--of the homophobic variety--to feel different. Which was why i was thrilled that Kristy Comes Out:
R.J. said...
I loved watching her TV shows while growing up. Too bad she's still not acting but I'm happy for her.
Stan in NH said...
I did love watching Kristy. and I agree, I suspected for years, but it was never really official. although those vibes were undeniable!So glad for her and hope she enjoys the complimentary blender she'll receive with her Homo Depot Gift Card. 

No Lohan sightings--sorry Jim--for this week's I Ain't One To Gossip, But.... although Al, Ashton Elin, Kelsey, Will & Jada raised some dander:
froggy said...
Thank goodness for celebs with more money than sense - they are providing jobs for the construction industry (and in Elin's case the deconstruction industry - do you suppose the fixtures, windows, anything salvageable went to Habitat for Humanity? - this is one of my peeves with HGTV's series when they take a sledge hammer to kitchens and bathrooms)(exiting soapbox now xoxox)
Mitch Block said...
Kelsey Grammer is more (or is it less) than just an arrogant jerk. He's also a hateful right-wing wacko who didn't find Fox News conservative enough for his tastes, so went and helped launch an arch-conservative and biased network of his own in 2010. I don't know the state of that network now, but hope he lost a bundle (of course, he could just write it off).
mistress maddie said...
Is it me or does the once sexy Kutcher look like shit? And it wouldn't surprise me if he already banged the oldest daughter. And if he did, he better look out, he;ll have a very pissy Bruce after him......
Wonder Man said...
I hope it's not true about Jada and Will

But this week the coveted....coveted?....ISBLOGCOTW award comes from a comment left about yet another celebrity joining the ranks of the out and proud, and proudly out, and by that I Mean, Kristy Comes Out:
Tiger Chanter said...
Congratulations! But, truth be told, I thought that she already HAD come out some time ago! I hate it when I mix up my lesbians! ;)

Congrats Tiger, and thanks everyone for the week's comments. Y'all made me day, er, week!


  1. I always feel so honored to be included here and I love catching up any comments I missed. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Congrats Tiger!

  3. Congrats Tiger Chanter!

  4. (Blush) I am so honored! You like me! You really, really like me! ;)


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