
Monday, September 26, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week

Ah, yes, Fall is in the air, and a young man's...I have no idea who he is....thoughts turn to the announcement of the coveted...coveted?...ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment of the Week Awards.
Once again, we here at ISBL HQ were inundated with the witty, the profane, er, profound, and the bitter and bitchy, so......let's roll: 

I took issue with those idiotic GOP candidates for president and their wacky debates celebrating dead people, people dying, and booing our gay servicemen in Why The %&$@ Would Anyone Choose To Be Republican? 
tamayn said...
Why is it always the anti gay-side bringing the issue of sex into it? It's not as if anyone wants to imagine what on earth Tony Perkins et al. are doing with their respective wives or husbands at night.
designing wally said...
I wanted to leave a comment, but I am way too busy having gay sex right now.....

And on It's Over, the repeal of DADT:
froggy said...
Dawn has broken and we're all still here!!!! No natural disaster visited upon us by God as punishment, families have not imploded and the milk cow has not gone dry. All is well.
And people do loves the gossip, and not just me, so we had some thoughts on I Ain't One To Gossip, But...:
Tivo Mom said...maybe if you get drunk, have sex with hookers and still get a lot of people to care enough to roast you, then you can get 25....dollars. As for Lohan...Bless her heart. Travolta with or without hair is still weird as shit. And I am an Aniston fan but the stupid words were just that stupid words. By no means did Pitt put down Aniston. His marriage sucked. He got divorced. And Angelina scares me.
mistress maddie said...Well Bob, I have always been in Jolie's corner. I don't think Jenny wants to push it too far. Angelina will have a breaking point before she makes a meal of Jenny and sucks her blood dry!!!! And a major upgrade for the the Jacobs camp for taking out the trash!!!!!!
I knew I was the only one who got a Dick York vibe from David Boreanaz at The Emmys, so i decided to put the evidence out there in Dick and David: Separated At Birth:
designing wally said...
At least you look at peoples' faces.....They aren't twins but could surly be kin.
Wonder Man said...
I could see that, but I would only want to hook up with David
Mitch Block said...
I like TAMAYN's take on it. I still don't see it, but I'll concede there are features that have some degree of similarity.
And I'm glad you admitted you like to over-dramatize. I would never call you a complete and utter fool. You are brilliant and always astute.
As I type, I've been staring at both pictures and am now beginning to see it!
Prince Toddy English said...
On the first three seasons of Buffy David used to be so hot. But now seeing him as Dick York I no longer want him to bite my neck.::cries::
Most people seemed to agree with my assessment of The Emmys, but a few of you took umbrage with my lack of love for The Big Bang Theory--and sorry, I still won't watch it--in The Emmy A-wk-wards:
Tiger Chanter said...
"Charlie Sheen, doing his mea culpa, and looking like he'd been rode hard and put away wet while doing so, awards Jim Parsons Outstanding Actor in a Comedy for The Big Bang Theory, which I've never seen, and don't care to see, no matter how many people say it's funny."
Actually, it is a very funny show, and Jim Parsons is one of our tribe, so you should be sending him some loving...I'm just sayin' ;)
P.S. You are a scream! Love the post! :)

Cubby said...
"...awards Jim Parsons Outstanding Actor in a Comedy for The Big Bang Theory, which I've never seen, and don't care to see, no matter how many people say it's funny."
I don't get you, Bob. Big Bang Theory is a comedy for smart people. If you are intelligent enough to string two sentences together, and I know you are, you should be Fan #1 for this program.
And yes, Jim Parsons is family. Didn't you know?
(Oops, looks like Tiger beat me to the comment, but I'm commenting on it anyway.)
And, as for the PR, everyone seemed thrilled that Olivier and His Accent and His Beige Clothes and His Hatred For Real People were finally Auf'd, and let us know in PR9EP9: Rock'n'Roll'n'Runway:
David Dust said...
Thanks Jeebus Olivier is gone. I had about enough of him, thankyouverymuch.
Tivo Mom said...
so pleased that Olivier is out...
Robyn said...
Oliver lasted longer than I thought he would.
Finally, auf'd!
Tiger Chanter said...
I can't believe that you didn't mention the scene where Ewan and Tim were looking over Olivier's work so far and Olivier said point blank to Ewan; "You big!" as the reason for his problems,and Ewan and Tim just stood there speechless! Oh, it was long overdue for Precious Moments to be Auf'ed!!!
Joy said...
All the designs sucked. Thank goodness Olivier is gone!
And, with the news that local authorities will be investigating Jamey Rodemeyer's suicide, and looking to charge those anonymous haters with criminal harassment, Will There Be Criminal Charges For Jamey Rodemeyer's "Anonymous" Bullies?, came the following:
designing wally said...
The real shame is that the world will never know what a beautiful bird was taken from them...
A song extinguished by fear & discord.
Years and years from now, the bullies will be having problems in their lives, and they will wonder whom to call, and they will think of Jamey then, I promise you!
Unfortunately, that phone will just ring and ring....
Miss Lisa said...
This is just ripping my heart up. I wish I could tell these kids how needed they are in the world. How awful the world is without them in it.
Stephen said...
I am heartbroken...
The day after the end of DADT, The Marines Are The First To Step Up, in recruiting from the LGBT community:
Robyn said...
This is great news. It always should have been to recruit the best no matter who or what they are. Better late than never.
And, naturally, what's a week in politics without Mitt Romney playing the fool, causing us to add to our original post, with Oh Mitt, Call It Over Already, Part Two:
Kyle said...
The longer they hold on to their delusions, the grander the next one is.

And, of course, I was not the only one saddened by the news that REM would be no more, in It's The End Of The World As We Know It, And I Don't Feel Fine:
Tivo Mom said...
did you read the tweet..."who does REM listen to when they break up" found that funny since they were my go to band for depression and getting high back in college..
And Froggy had something to say about the Death Penalty in  I Didn't Say It....:
froggy said...
Let's just address the cold heart - it is cheaper to confine someone for life than the 20 years of appeals to put someone to death. Surely that would move some people.

And, because I guess being gay really is a choice and John Boehner was right....kidding....The ISBLOGCOTW Award goes to FDeF's comment on Boehner Boner:
FDeF said...
I remember filling out some form and checking the box next to "GAY".
I guess I might have made a choice????

And that's another week of outstanding comments! Thanks to all of you, and Congrats again to FDef!


  1. Once again, I am honored to be among such company. Wonderful comments all around.


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