
Monday, December 19, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week: Will J.

Once again it's time to award the coveted...coveted?...ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment of the Week award to another deserving recipient.
Let's rip....
Nothing makes me giddy like a gay school boy than when i hear a hate group talk of all their followers and supporters, and it turns out there are just two or three, as happened with Show Of Hands....Who Donates To NOM? One......Two......Bueller? Anyone?: said...
Great post! Your analogy at the end is spot on! 

One of the great things I like about blogging, is the opinions, and the shared thoughts and feelings. I love the comments, even from those with whom i disagree, and when i hear from those folks, well, it's time for Letters!! We Get Letters!!:
Wonder Man said...
get them Bob 

twunty mcslore said...
Wow, the hypocrisy of that person is mind blowing. It never ceases to amaze me that bigots think that as long as they spew some 'can't we all get along?' rhetoric, no one will notice that they'd rather be spared having to deal with people that have different *ahem* lifestyles. The freaking post said, 'AVOID' those hotels. What does anon say? That he'll simply avoid places that don't want him. Huh? What a cluster f**k of stupidity.
By the way, I LOVE the 'we get letters' posts. You are so smart and it's really satisfying to see someone with your level of intelligence take on the asshats. 

froggy said...
ah, the 'lifestyle' word.
Since, somewhere along the line, I apparently signed up to be white, heterosexual and female, I would like now to add slender, an inch taller and good at math. 

Princess said...
It is nice to see someone that takes the time to answer their fan mail!
I'll only differ with you on one point Bob...
"demand respect from all people."
In my experience... Respect is something that is Earned by an individual and is not a quality that can be demanded.
Thanks Princess, for I misspoke. I, too, think respect is earned, and not something that should be demanded.Thanks for setting me queer. 

Bullying in schools--and not just LGBT kids, but any kid deemed 'different'--is almost an epidemic in this country, and yet In A District Overrun With Teen Suicides, Homosexuality Might Be Considered A 'Controversial Topic':
froggy said...
I know parents shouldn't have to, they pay for the schools, they should be able to use the schools - but if more parents started removing their bullied kids the schools would pay attention. If they are funded like our state which pays for # of bodies in the building.

tamayn said...
The fact that a person exists isn't controversial. At least, I don't think so. I think the big issue is that people get all tripped up in the sex part of things. If we judged all straight couples based on sex, we'd have a very different situation. 

I saw a recent picture of Colin Farrell, and once my heart started beating, I had to share, because ♪ ♫ Isn't He Lovely ♪ ♫:
Sean said...
"Isn't he lovely?" NO. He is one sexy mother-fucker! 

I loves me some American Horror Story, and was thrilled to see that the house is for sale--not so thrilled to see that my bank account lacked the nearly 5 million asking price--but still, Architecture Wednesday: American Horror Story allowed me to dream...or is it nightmare:
Beth said...
Even without knowing that's the Horror house, it still looks kinda creepy to me! I'm not quite sure why, but it gives me the willies. 

insomnia said...
The house is gorgeous.
Love the show. The house is a character in the show as far as I'm concerned. 

mistress maddie said... 
You know I almost did a post on the house myself as I love the show!!! Love the house too. Move in in a minute if there are promises I'd be man handled by the gay couple Chad and Pat, and Dr Ben!!!! 

Wonder Man said...
I live just a mile away, I'm going to see it this weekend 

And he did.....and he lived to post a picture of the proof!
There once was a man who was in the closet, and in the Navy, and came out of the closet and was kicked out; then he was asked to come back in, and was kicked out again. Now, he wants back in, which shows how ridiculous DADT is, in Out Gay Man Jase Daniels Has Been Reinstated To Active Military Duty:
Sam said...
Yes best wishes froggy that a republican doesn't get back in office and kick him out again. 
Fucking crazy the back and forth. 

I love a good giggle, and Just For Giggles: The Holiday Hot Tub gave me one, as did this response from:
twunty mcslore said...
Why don't gingerbread men have red hair? 

As usual, there was lots to be said, by you, and some potent notables, but I Didn't Say It:
Bucko (a.k.a., Ken) said...
I think the total shutdown of the subject by Mittens, and the fact that Bob Garon saw the true man in his eyes speaks volumes. 

Everyone seems to have an opinion on vampires, and most of you, like me, are not fond of the teenage, sparkly kind, but the most dead sexy kind, as we found out in Note To Twi-Hards:
designing wally said...
Oh Yeah!
Sexy & scary at the same time, I may even have to watch an episode... 

S'A said...
Sparkly vampires make me queasy. 

Stephen said...
I love him so much... I want him to bite me! 

It was another week of the usual suspects in I Ain't One To Gossip, But.... and they never fail to surprise:

R.J. said...
Courtney Love (used to) pay $27k in rent? No wonder she can't afford a decent stylist. 

Jim said...
Lindsay continues to be a basket case. LOL 

I love a good cartoon, because they can make you think, formulate an opinion, or just make you laugh, as with Sunday Funnies:
Mitch Block said...
I bet you $10,000 these guys will only get richer (win or lose the race). 

I had several things on my mind during Random Musings, including my kitchen tumble, which was put in queer, er, clear perspective for me, and for that it deserves the ISBLOGCOTW Award:

Will J said...
"We have the most hideous 70s linoleum in our kitchen."
This proves conclusively that sexual orientation is hard wired in the brain. Concerns about design and the quality of the furnishings (ie that '70's sheet flooring) superceded the survival instincts buried deep in your brain to use your arms to  reach out and stop your fall.

Congrats Will!
And thanks for stopping by....


Say anything, but keep it civil .......