
Monday, November 21, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week: And It's A Three-way!!!!

Yes, tis true, it's time once again to award the coveted....coveted?....ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week award. It was a week of some lovely news, some not so nice viewpoints, and some chuckles, and, week, the chuckles won out.
Let's rip.....
Some folks just don't get it; you can't use an anti-big business, anti-corporate greed protest, to line your own pockets. But what else can we expect from Jay-Z when He Is The 1%:
twunty mcslore said...
Wow, I thought they were supposed to be marketing geniuses. Talk about not know or caring about your target audience!
I love when people who are not known for their brilliance speak out against gay people, especially people who have spent their lives being back-up singers for their more popular brother and sister, and prove that Homophobia Is An Osmond Family Value:
Mitch Block said...
Love the pic. Caught in a very natural pose. What awful people.
Ozzo was happy this week, as was his favorite of his two dad's Carlos, when he appeared in Drama Queen, Doggy-Style:
Sam said...
Careful Bob, posting of this nature have been known to get a blogger one of those fancy content warning pages for graphic photos. Xoxo
P.S. Maxine gives two paws up for the pose!!
It seems like every couple of weeks, and sometimes every couple of days, that someone well-known comes out as gay or lesbian, in every field from the arts to sports to politics, and I say Keep This Streak Going:
Kevin said...
I love this post.
Sometimes, it's not enough to say "LGBT people are your friends, family, co-workers..."
Sometimes there is more impact with "LGBT people are your ice skating champions, sports heroes, Heroes and Enterprisers, news anchors, childhood idols, tough rugby dudes, soldiers and so on..."
It didn't take too long, but Michigan finally came to it's senses about bullying, and They Took The Baby Jeebus Exemption Out Of The Law:
S'A said...
They do it because they think they can. I believe they know exactly what they are doing and they just hope it will fall through the cracks, that no one will notice. Thank goodness this one got noticed!
Good news out of Oklahoma City this week, as the OKC Votes For Nondiscrimination Policy That Includes Sexual Orientation....even though some rabid asshats lied and preached against it, in said...
Great post! (I love it when you get riled up!!)
The legislature of metropolitan Nashville, Tennessee, voted in favor of a similar law only to have it struck down on a state-wide level.
Unfortunately, throughout our country pockets of fair-minded citizens are surrounded by ignorant, backward-thinking lemmings that do/say/think only what they're taught on Sunday mornings.
Let's hope the law in OKC sticks, that the good people of Oklahoma oust that shrew, Sally Kern, and join the rest of us in modern civilization.
Personally, I love Architecture Wednesday because I love architecture, but I also love everyone's reactions to the places I find.....
mistress maddie said...
What the hell? I just don't know about this one. Where would one keep wigs and gowns?
Stephen said...
It looks like the Napa Valley of China... I love this house!
Lotsa gay folks coming out lately, and the newest is Salon editor, Steve Kornacki Comes Out, which may cause a stir in the home appliance business, at least that's what....
froggy said...
You know this might be the beginning of a shortage of toaster ovens.
While sharing some Random Musings, I had some thoughts on Bill O'Reilly and his "book" and so did:
Joy said...
Bill O says he used to TEACH history! Education's gain = TV audience's loss.
This weeks I Didn't Say It.... featured a couple of my favorite hotties, one who was voted Sexiest Man Alive, and one who has been, and still is, the Sexiest Man Alive"
Sean said...
BC's modesty, real or false, is part of what makes him so sexy. Also, RG is too young to be THe sexiest man - almost all of the past title holders have been closer to or over 40 than 30.
For the record, Brad is still and will always be my man - he's the complete package: looks, brains, personality and is a compassionate human being who uses his fame and money to help others.
This story just keeps going and going. But now The ACLU Stands Up For Zachary Huston:
DeepBlue said...
You got that one right. 
Adults are always to me the bigger culprit in all this. I'm more angry at my teachers for not doing anything back in the 80's when I was taunted and verbally abused then the bullies themselves.
One of the more disturbing posts this week was about the teacher, who, um, you know, while he was lecturing, in Those Who Can, Do:
mistress maddie said...
Oh dear he must have grabbed the wrong microphone! Couldn't he have at least waited till break, and taken it to the restroom at least?
But the winner, er. winners, of the ISBL OGCOTW award are a few of the Blogging Comedians, who are always good for a chuckle, chortle, snort, guffaw or belly laugh. One such winner loved the picture in Just For Giggle, of the woman with the h=odd way of holding her hands.....
Princess said...

..."and my Vajayjay is shaped like this"....

And then there was these, is response to Ah....I'm Ready To Conquer The Weekend:

David Dust said...

Welcome to the (furry) Gun Show.

designing wally said...

It's a good day, I feel just like Sigourney Weaver!

Thanks to our Tied Trio Of Funny for making me laugh.


  1. Will the foolishness slow down this week?.... probably not.

  2. Awww shucks... Don't thank me Bob...
    Thank "Ms Merkin" and her subliminal hand and finger work. That Gal would give Marcel Marceau a run for his money. Top hat and White powder face and she'd be a dead ringer....

  3. Oh.... And who better to break me in for my first public Threeway!!!

    *Bats eyelashes at David and Wally*

  4. Princess hit it on the snout!

    A threeway with two of my favorite candies!!!

    But all the company at Bob's place are sweet...

    *Big lazy wink back at Princess*


Say anything, but keep it civil .......