
Monday, April 30, 2012

Top Ten Outstanding Guest Comments of the Week

Here we are, another week gone, and more outstanding guest comments. So, in random order, here are the ISBL Outstanding Guest Comments of the Week.....
#1 RuPaul threw a monkeywrench at us last week; The Drag Race ... Was It Really A Drag?:
KDNA said...
If that snaggle-toothed bitch wins I will CUT someone! 

#2 I think that many in the Catholic Church are turning away from its policies of intolerance and self-destruction, and, in one place at least, those turning away ar at the top; Catholic Pastor Applauded For Shunning Anti-Gay Marriage Drive:
Ron said...
Every now and then there is a brave man (or woman) who takes a stand on principal. Bravo for Rev. Tim Clark. He is a rarity in today's risk adverse world. 

#3 Maybe he will be president one day....of his homeowners association; Random Musings:
Ask the Cool Cookie said...
In Newt's mind, he is a hero, not for winning, but because he wanted to save us from ourselves. And that, in his mind is what makes Newt Newt's number one fan. 
#4 With all the problems it faces --see stories about priests defying orders, pedophile priests and lawsuits--this story makes no sense; The Vatican Tries To Bitchslap Nuns:
Orice said...
All I can think of, as the Patriarchs point fingers at the nuns, is how they use women/nuns as scapegoats for their own pedophilia. 

#5 Bullying is bullying is bullying, and when you omit protections for one group, you make them a target; Louisiana Legislators Shelve Anti-bullying Bill Because It Protects LGBTQ Students:
kathy said...
*aren't well trained to recognize bullying*
It can be so subtle and right under your nose.
I was with a sixth grade English class. We went to the library. A bunch of boys were all excited about a book - well, that's good, right. We got back to class. They placed the book in the middle of their table (kids sat four to a table) and made sure the cover was facing the boy at the corner of the desk. The boy was extremely overweight and the book was about the dangers of obesity. The teacher was in charge of 25 students and had to get thru that day's lesson and didn't see it. I did. I was able to remove the book, tell them to grow up but the damage was done for that day. 
#6 I was a Cub Scout many moons ago, but I never wanted to be a Boy Scout; maybe now i know why. More Anti-gay BS From The BSA:
Bill Dameron said...
Even their response was so condescending and full of bigotry. I have known for a while that they were very anti-gay, but now they don't even try to hide it. 
mrs.missalaineus said...
a boy scout tried to sell me popcorn once. i told him, 'no thanks, i support the homosexual agenda.......'
Miss Lisa said...
Every time I see a kid in our neighborhood in his Boy Scout uniform, I can't help but think the parents are uninformed, at best; thoughtless, not compassionate, and possibly bigoted at worst. 
If my kid wanted to join the Boy Scouts, I'd say no. And once I explained why, I know my son would completely agree with me. Little kids know what's fair and right. 
#7 I was a couple of days late with this one, but still y'all had lots to say; I Didn't Say It....Monday Edition:
mistress maddie said...
Matthew Mitcham should be applauded for speaking his mind...and not caring who likes what he says!!! Now on another note, since I can't swim, is he available for private swim lessons? 
Wonder Man said...
Ken and Harry can vanish now 
#8 I know it's all about the architecture and the design, but sometimes an ugly piece of furniture steals the show; Architecture Wednesday: Gramercy Park Redesign:
mrpeenee said...
Love the house, hate the hemorroid couch. 
#9 I could say I'm not suprised by what they're trying to do, but I just can't; The Tennessee Senate Is At It Again:
Joy said...
This is driving me crazy! I thought the "don't say gay" thing was over. But no!! Some of these hateful wingnuts elected to what once was a fairly reasonable state legislature now want to make abortion murder. Legally murder. Yes. Just when we think it can't get worse! 
Oh, and you are right about what will happen now. This is giving carte blanche to gay bashing and bullying and worse! I can't stand it. Many of us are appalled.
#10 Like he needs more issues to make the voters wonder WTF he's doing, MIttsy's Got A Problem .... And It Goes By The Name Richard Grenell:
twunty mcslore said...
That's over 800 offensive tweets! 
Who does he think he is, Gilbert Gottfried?  
Will J said...
Yeah, just sorry that he got caught. But, nevertheless a good fit for the RMoney "tell me what you want to hear" campaign in which there is no moral compass except expediency and self promotion. 
Thanks again for all the fabulousness,
What was your favorite comment this week?


  1. "hate the hemorroid couch"

    ROFL - oh my gawd!!

  2. Love the hemorrhoid comment, too!


Say anything, but keep it civil .......