
Monday, November 07, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week

My how the week flies. it's time, yet again, to bestow the coveted...coveted?....ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment of the Week Award. And, as I have been remiss in recent weeks, I must thank you all for commenting. I love sharing my views and rants and tirades, but I also love to hear yours. Thanks so much, and now, let's rip......

It's always kinda fun to watch these anti-LGBT, GOP bigots get caught up in their own little homosexual mess, as was the case with Another GOP Gay Sex Scandal:
Tamayn said...
Not nearly as flabbergasted as we are, Mayor. Normally if people have nothing to hide they could find a better excuse than "I dunno." Between this guy and Kim Kardashian, it's a wonderful time to be married.

I do love a story with a happy ending, and a story that teaches a lesson...are you listening, Boy Scouts Of was the case with Let Bobby Montoya Be A Girl Scout:

Biki said...

Ahh, I love the smell of inclusiveness in the air. Its about time we all just learn to get along, and allow each other to be the snowflake individuals we are, instead of the clone-bots society thinks we should be.

We've all been following the story of, now identified, gay student Zachary Huston, and the videotaped beating he took at the hands of Levi Sever, and one reader had a simple solution in Update 2: Videotaped Beating Of A Gay Student:

Cubby said...
The bullies need to be expelled. Not just these ones, but all bullies. Only when bullies get punished proportionally to the injury they cause will justice prevail.
I think we were all disgusted by the marriage-for-money-and-publicity, of Kim Kardashian and fill in the blank but one word summed up how Mitch felt about Seriously..........:
Mitch Block said...

I long for the day when LGBT youth can be as openly accepted and treated with equality as all students. We had, what I like to think was a big step forward this week with Rebeca is King! Haleigh is Queen!: said...
Great post! I couldn't agree with you more when you hope for a day when news like this will be status quo and not worthy of mention!

Mitch struck again, and concisely and cogently as well, with the news that at Shorter University...Where Being Gay Will Get You Fired:
Mitch Block said...
"Shorter" is a very appropriate name for the place. Shorter on intelligence, shorter on kindness, shorter on enlightenment, shorter on so-called godliness. The shmucks!

People seem to love a good Carlos story, and there are plenty, but this one, Don't Ask Carlos For Directions, really made me giggle....and I was there when it happened:
Anonymous [AKA Carlos] said...
I--- DID --- NOT--- PRONOUNCE--- SUCH--- DIRECTIONS E-V-E-R!!!! carlos
I love doing some Random Musings because my musings become your musings, and they make me laugh:

Will said...
They sold Ms Kardashian a Marriage License when what she really needed was a Learner's Permit and more adult supervision.
We all have opinions, and we all like to share, from I Didn't Say It........ to You Said It For Me:

R.J. said...
Rick Mercer is absolutely right and I love Oliver Callan's attitude. Joel Osteen should take his place at the right hand of Satan. He's nothing more than a glorified used car salesman who peddles hate.
It's been a while since I've bestowed this honor, those thousands have been in consideration, but this week I reintroduced the Asshat Of The Week: Kathleen McKinley:

designing wally said...
What a wonderful loving mother she'll be....
For some self-righteous, hate-filled bullies.
This week's winner was just as disgusted as I over the newest addition to the PR family, as only she can tell us in Random Musings:
Miss Ginger Grant said...
I'm holding out for Project Laundry.... then we can she how all that craptastic stuff they made on Project Runway holds up in the wash!

Congrats, Miss G. But, um, don't give Heidi any ideas, unless you plan on suing for plagiarism!!

Until next week......


  1. I would watch Project Laundry!

  2. I'm honored to be included ... twice. And thanks for reposting the winningest comment by Miss Ginger Grant. I had missed it and I think it's brilliant!

  3. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I second Project Laundry.

  4. Project laundry?? Oh my. I would have to sign up for this!! I'm a laundry whore. I dont allow anyone to help, it brings me peace of mind knowing I got the whites so white. I have the gift.
    Someone needs to work on a pilot episode! Nothing I love more than washing clothes and looking at hoarders.
    Bob. This is a hit tv show!!!!!

  5. Tug: you can swing through Houston and do my laundry any time you want! I even just bought brand new Whirlpool® machines!!

    I'm touched... truly, honored, to be recognized, once again, for my extreme, at times obnoxious snarkiness! I'd like to thank Bob, and all the other little commenters who weren't as snarky as me, but mostly, I wish to thank Jeebus for bestowing the gift of snark upon me! Good night!


Say anything, but keep it civil .......