
Monday, October 31, 2011

Let Bobby Montoya Be A Girl Scout

Bobby Montoya was born a boy, but has long indentified as a girl. And Bobby loves all "girl stuff" from Barbie to The Bratz, and, now, the Girl Scouts. And even though classmates pick on Bobby, for being different, Bobby wants to be a Girl Scout, only thy won't let Bobby join.

When Bobby's mother, Felisha Archuleta asked what the big deal was after being denied, a local troop leader told her, “He has boy parts. He can’t be a Girl Scout. Girl Scouts don’t allow that. I don’t want to get in trouble by parents or my supervisor.”

Ouch. But, see, the thing is, the Girl Scouts of Colorado do allow that after all, and, in fact, the organization realeased following statement:
“Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization. If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout. Our requests for support of transgender kids have grown, and Girl Scouts of Colorado is working to best support these children, their families, and the volunteers that serve them.”
Great news, but now someone needs to tell Bobby’s local Girl Scout leader. And i hope they do it soon. Booby describes the feeling of being picked on and made to feel different as a feeling that "hurts my heart."
And that's no way to treat a child.

Another GOP Gay Sex Scandal

Chris Myers, mayor of Medford, New Jersey is being accused of paying for sex with a male escort and not following through on a promise of a car and other gifts following a paid sexual encounter.

Myers is vehemently :::foot stomp...head toss::: denying the accusation.

But what is clear is that Chris Myers is the subject of a website started by the, as yet unidentified man, who claims he was paid $500 for sex with the former congressional candidate. The man claims the sexual encounter took place at an Orange County, California hotel in October 2010, and says he is publicizing his encounter with Myers because the mayor reneged on his promises.

“This is absolutely crazy. I have no idea who this person is,” Myers said. “Obviously, we’re dealing with a crackpot and someone who is pissed off at me in some way. There are crazy people.”

But the man claims that Chris Myers identified himself as a mayor from New Jersey and then offered his township identification card and gold ID shield as proof during their  early-morning ALLEGED tryst at the Fairmount Hotel in Newport Beach.

And the man's is currently unavailable, has photos which depict a man who appears to be Myers in his underwear lying on a bed, as well as other photos of Myers and personal IDs.

Myers, in his third term as mayor, said he learned of the photos and the website this month when an email was sent to the township website. He said he has not looked at the man’s website.

Really? Someone sends you an email talking about your underwear pictures on a website and you don't check it out? M'kay.

And while Myers is said to be angry that the accusations have been posted on the Internet, his attorney has advised him that there is nothing he can do to get the site taken down. “I will check again, but I’ve been told to ignore it and not investigate,” he said. “I’m thoroughly disgusted at the lengths people will go to.”

Notice, however, he doesn't ever really say it isn't him. I mean, even Anthony Weiner denied the Twitpics were him, at first.

The first in a series of email messages from the ALLEGED escort included a photo that appears to be Myers lying on a bed with his eyes closed and wearing only glasses and blue Calvin Klein underwear; the email also included a photo of his township badge and identification card.

Contacted about the photos, Myers said it is the “nature of the beast” for politicians to be attacked. He also said he had no intention of having the photos or the photographer investigated. And, yet again, failed to deny the pictures were him.

So, then a second email was sent that included another photo and this text: “Chris Myers is a lying, manipulative, egotistical hypocrite and escort enthusiast. I am proof.” That was followed by a third email that included a link to the website featuring the photos and the man's ALLEGED story of being a male escort and having Myers a client. In addition to the photos in the earlier emails, the website has a photo of an ATM receipt for the $500 fee the escort ALLEGEDLY charged.

The writer then describes in lurid detail his ALLEGED sexual encounter with Myers, saying the mayor contacted him through his advertisement on, a favorite website of closeted well-known self-loathing homosexuals.

From the website: 
"I asked him where he lived and what he did for a living. He told me he that he lived in NJ...and that he worked for the government. I jokingly asked if he was some sort of spy. He laughed and said that he was actually a mayor. After telling me that, I didn’t believe him so he got up from the bed and gave me a wallet from his briefcase. I opened the wallet and sure enough it was a badge and his identification showing him as Mayor of Medford, New Jersey.”

The man has also provided two phone numbers he said he used to contact Myers. The owner of one was listed as C. Myers, but the owner of the second one couldn’t be traced.  Myers said he’s a public official and it’s easy to get his phone numbers.

Myers also said he has been to California and many other places around the world on business, but he couldn’t say whether he was there in October 2010 when the ALLEGED incident occurred.

Couldn't remember if he was in California last year? Really? That's the story? Maybe you could check credit card receipts, or hotel bills, or with an airline, to refresh your memory? Myers then went all Weiner, and said he wasn’t even sure the photos were of him or if they had been altered: “I’ve been down that road before, where a photo has been photoshopped to look like something it wasn’t,” he said, though he declined to provide specifics.

Myers also the bag with his identification in it was easily accessible and that someone could have sneaked into his hotel room to capture him sleeping and take photos of his personal ID cards and badge.

But, um, Chris, you don't even remember if you were in California, so how do you now think someone sneaked into your room, took your picture, rifled through your things and took pictures of your IDs and then left?

“I just don’t know. There are crazy people and I’m not going to justify craziness,” he said.
Well, of course not, he's a politician, and a married man. He couldn't possibly be gay. He couldn't possibly have hired an escort. That never happens.

And, if the "I was asleep" excuse doesn't pan out, Myers also says he has received calls from people telling him not to run for Congress again. After that he cited controversial real estate issues in Medford. And then he says the website could be the work of right-wing Republicans, since he opposed DADT. And finally, is none of those excuses pan out, he does recall being recognized in California at some point and being called a “hypocrite” for his position on renewable energy.

“I’m just flabbergasted by all this,” he said. “It’s just a typical, awful, fabricated attack.”



Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week

It's time once again to bestow the coveted....coveted....ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment of the Week Award, AKA  the ISBLOGCOTW. As usual, there were plenty of contenders, but one did stand tall above the others is sheer high-lariousness, so, let's rip.

I love gay friendly businesses, and try to frequent them whenever I can while avoiding those gay-unfriendly establishments. That's why I loved that Home Depot Won't Go Neutral:

Cubby said...
Stay neutral? What does that mean? You're either for civil rights or against them. There is no neutral. 

The story of Janice Langbehn and Lisa Marie Pond is a heartbreaking one, but it could very well be the story of the entire LGBT community with federal marriage equality. But Janice's story is also one of inspiration, and had a bittersweet moment recently in, Janice Langbehn Honored With Presidential Citizens Medal 

Designing Wally said...
A sadness becomes a noble sadness. These are the events and people that we all must be thankful for.
It was very good of the president to take note of our plight, not caring if it could damage him politically, but moving on behalf of what is right... 

I was a bit worried about the chance that marriage equality might be repealed in New Hampshire, in Is New Hampshire Going Back To The Dark Ages?, but a reader from New Hampshire remains optimistic:

Kyle Leach said...
Don't despair yet. The fat lady has not sung. Lots for us to do before and after January when this will come to vote in the NH legislature. 

I love a good barn, and, apparently, some of you also get a little verklempt about them, as I discovered in Architecture Wednesday: Luxury Barn:

Twunty McSlore said...
Total heaven. High ceilings give me designgasms. 

When I first read about that gay teenager in Ohio, in Oh No It's Not A Problem At All,  who was attacked by a bully, while the bully's cousin videotaped the whole mess, I was disgusted, as were some of you, though you had suggestions for teachers and parents and media:
Froggy said...
The parents need to button hole the school board. Being elected officials they have a lot to lose. Town next door decided to ban *all* clubs to keep a LBGT club from forming. Took two weeks, until the next meeting, to turn it around. The paper stepped in with an editorial, letters written to the paper and the board, parents complaining and the policy was reversed. We did the same thing with a book banning issue. SPEAK UP PARENTS AND MEDIA. 

One of my favorite posts is I Didn't Say It, because I get to respond to the asshats, or applaud those open-minded free thinkers, and because you get to do the same:
R.J. said...
I'm glad Chaz went as far as he did but how far did he take his message? It makes me sick when commenters on other web sites like HuffPo still refer to him as "she" and it's not as if they're getting their pronouns mixed up by accident.

S'A said...
R.J.-- saying "he" would be an acknowledgement (in their wee little minds) that they aren't willing to make. 

That videotaped beating of an Ohio gay high school student, has had me all pissed off for a few days now, wondering when, or even if, anyone will step up. In Update On That Videotaped Beating Of A Gay Student, on commenter came up with a reason why our politicians won't do anything:
R.J. said...
The only way you'll get Ohio's legislator's attention is to grab John Boehner in the hallway and give him a vicious beatdown. But even then they won't understand why bullying is bad. 

I love a giggle to start the weekend, and this week's Ready For The Weekend, was an high-larious display of bad package advertising, unless, you happened to think like:
Tom Rimington said...
Maybe this batch was to be shipped to West Virginia??? 

I do loves me some gossip, and I loves me some people who like to gossip on gossip, which is why this comment, on I Ain't One To Gossip, But..... made me giggle:
Miss Ginger Grant said...
I always look forward to when you "don't gossip!" So let's dish!
Really, Playboy- you're going to spend $1mil to show Lindsay's vag to the 6 of your "readers" who haven't already seen it?
Clearly, Tara, your marriage wouldn't be legal in the US- because you married a big ole 'mo, and Gay marriage is not yet legal in most of the states!
And finally- (read this really loud in your head): "I HAD A DREAM, AND ALL I NEED, IS 88 BUCKS, PAPA! THAT'S ALL I NEED, 88 BUCKS, PAPA!".... Oh, and a frontal lobotomy! Someone put this bitch out of our misery!!
Looking forward to next week's "Hollywood Dirt!" 

The kids are always good for a post, and my idea of exploiting them for profit, a la Dina Lohan and Kate Gosselin, was the inspiration for Caturday: Head Shots. Lots of you had things to say, but one of you made me spit Sweet Tea all over my computer screen, and that person is this week's winner of the ISBLOGCOTW Award:
David Dust said...
I'm thinking this would be more a "Lifetime Original Movie" entitled "Not Without My Pets!" starring Jane Seymour as you, and Catherine Zeta Jones as Carlos.

You're welcome.

Rugby Star Jed Hooper Comes Out

Jed Hooper, rugby player and Old Redcliffians captain, has become the first Combination player to publicly announce that he is gay.
Hooper, twenty-two years old, came out to family and friends earlier this year, but is now speaking openly about his experience in the hopes of helping other young rugby players come to terms with their sexuality.
"I met someone earlier this year who said he could not be with someone who was in the closet. That, basically, was the catalyst that I needed. Before that, I think I had already told about ten friends and their reaction was very positive so that gave me an inkling of what might happen. And I also thought if the crap really hits the fan then at least there are ten people on my side!"
Even with that knowledge, though, Hooper still agonised over what he knew he had to do.
"I was never going to do it bit by bit, that would have been too drawn out, so I decided to text everyone and also put it on Facebook. I was horribly nervous. I wrote and rewrote the text four or five times, and I had my finger on the 'send' button for ages before I finally pushed it. 
The text basically said something along the lines that 'I've been hiding it and fighting it for too long, and I can't hide any more. If you can accept me this way then great ... and if you can't then I don't need you and you can get lost!' 
I then cried my eyes out as I was thinking to myself 'what have you done?, but very quickly I must have had 40 replies and all of them were positive."
Hooper instantly felt that wave of relief that nearly all gay men and women feel when they come out.
"A massive weight came off my shoulders. If I couldn't accept myself the way I am, how could I expect my friends to? No punches were pulled with questions from the rugby lads, that's for sure. I can't repeat some of the things I was asked, but I've always been someone who has been at the centre of any banter flying around, and the only thing that's changed is the type of banter."
Welcome out, Jed.
And please accept, as our gifts from HOMO HQ, your personal copy of The Gay Agenda, and the obligatory Coming Out Toaster Oven.
Glad you could join us.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Caturday: Head Shots

I'm thinking of pitching a new idea to Bravo, The Real HouseCats Of Camden, so I have been taking headshots of the players for my proposal.
Here they are:
Tuxedo would be that cat. The one everybody
loves and wonders why he is on such a trashy show.
Consuelo Roca Jones would be the cat that flips the table.
Tallulah Belle is the crazy one, with the wonky eyes,
that you never know when she'll attack
MaxGoldberg will be the one who cries.
On cue.
And for a little diversity, we'll toss Ozzo in the mix.
He'll be the outsider who's always crashing the HouseCat
parties and eating their food.

I Ain't One To Gossip, But.....

Well, I guess next up she'll actually be whoring herself out on Hollywood Blvd, with her mom wearing a purple velvet hat and driving a Cadillac.
Lohan's posing for Playboy!
C'mon! You know she's gotta pay the lawyers now.
It's been confirmed that Lindsay Lohan is shooting nude photos for Playboy, and she isn't getting paid in stolen jewels or prescription meds. Word on the street is that the wacktress will pocket nearly $1 million for baring it all.
The original offer--the deal has ALLEGEDLY been in the works for months--was for a $750K payout, but fame-whoring Dina Lohan shrieked, "My kids won't get naked for less than a million!"
So, Lohan will be showing the world what the good Lord gave her. Well, the good Lord and any number of plastic surgeons and doctors who've enhanced her breasts, Botoxed her forehead, and pumped collagen into her lips.
I wonder if they'll do the shoot in the morgue, while Lohan's doing her community service? i mean, her face looks cadaverous already so it isn't that big a leap.

And then we have news on someone I like to call Lindsay Lohan-lite. Or Lindsay Lohan 2.0. Or Lindsay Lohan  without the arrest record.
Tara Reid. 
It seems that Reid’s two-month marriage to Zack Kehayov is over. And she's going so far as to say it really wasn't a real marriage anyway.
But let's look back a moment. It was just mid-August when Reid announced, via Twitter naturally, that she had gotten married. The entire world--okay, not the entire world, but all the bartenders in the world--assumed she'd married her Danish boyfriend, Michael Lillelund, until she clarified that it was some other guy that she probably met over body shots the night before, one Zack Kehayov.
So, she got married, and then the next day left her husband so she could appear on Celebrity Big Brother Bosnia, or something. She was kicked out three weeks later, and was soon seen partying with her "husband" who mostly spent his time carrying her bags, and propping her up in public. Reid even talked about having children, until the UN issued a declaration that she not be allowed to reproduce.
No need to worry about that now, because Tara and Zack are now over. And she says it was a real marriage because, that marriage that Reid just couldn’t shut up about, was apparently never made legal here in the good old U S of A.
And now it's over.
And the bartenders of the world are waiting for her triumphant return to that spot of tile under a stool.

I kinda know how this feels, cuz I'd be doing the same thing, too, if Paltrow was my wife.
Chris Martin, AKA Mr. Gwyneth Paltrow, is not fond of interviews, and not at all fond of interviews where the questions seem Gwyneth-related.
And, seriously, can you blame him? I mean she talks about herself so much why should he even mention her name? He doesn't even appear in public with her.
And again, can you blame him?
Once, when a female journalist asked if he';d ever record a duet with the missus, he responded by asking the reporter about her favorite sexual position.
Another time, he punched a guy in the chest for mentioning Gwyneth’s ex Brad Pitt. 
He also walked off a BBC interview when it took at turn he didn’t like.
But then he had a change of heart, and, in an interview with CBS, said being married to Paltrow was akin to “winning the lottery.” Which is apparently what happened because I think that right after he said that, Paltrow cut him a huuuuge check.
But now he's back to this old "No Gwyneth" stance. Martin was doing a phone interview on radio with several journalists, and there were a lot of questions about Gwyneth. So, what did Chris Martin do?
He hung up.
Of course, he immediately called back, probably because Gwyneth had one of her perfectly manicured talons aimed at his jugular, and said that he didn’t object to any particular question, but that it was more about the fact that too many were coming at once, and Gwyneth scarcely had any time to tell him what to say about her.
Like I said, if I was married to her, I'd keep my mouth shut, too.

Wow. This is shocking.
Fame-whore, and money-grubbing, Kate Gosselin is planning to enroll her brood of eight into acting, singing, dancing, joking, shilling for Mama, classes.
According to sources--and I can think of at least eight 'people' who wanna dog Kate--her "ultimate goal is to get her kids into the entertainment business and manage their careers. She’s looking into acting, singing and dancing classes near the family’s home in Pennsylvania. She wants to get the kids started in commercials by next year…”
Kate believes that she can be the mother of all stage moms, making big bucks by managing the kids’ careers, and never having to work a day in her life again. Because that's what she does, whore herself and her children out.
She's the New Dina Lohan.
But ex-husband Jon isn't keen on kid-sploitation. According to those eight sources, Daddy, er, Jon, has "been very outspoken about wanting to keep the children off TV.”
But Kate is one mean mama who don't take 'No' for an answer if it comes between her and not having to actually work again ever. I mean, her TV show failed, she tried to get a talk show and that fizzled, her dancing was more lumbering, and her latest TV show was canned.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ready For The Weekend?

Start with a giggle.

Me thinks someone in shipping and packaging may have some 'splaining to do.

Update On That Videotaped Beating Of A Gay Student

via Towleroad:

It seems that the school's initial report did not mention anything about the victim's sexuality, the Chillicothe Gazette reports:
"According to the initial report obtained Thursday by the Gazette, the two boys were on their way to a third-period class when they "bumped shoulders." The 15-year-old suspect told deputies he has a mental illness, that he "just zoned out," and didn't know why he punched Collins' son, according to the report.Collins' son sustained a black eye, a knot behind his ear, a chipped tooth and a possible concussion, Collins said.While Collins told deputies she thought the fight was motivated by her son's sexuality, the report indicates Osborne told the deputy he talked to the teacher and students in the classroom and no one reported the student saying anything about Collins' son's sexuality."
So, the bully has a mental illness and kinda blacked out and just happened to attack a boy he had been taunting on Facebook? That had better not wash with authorities, because then they would be the one's accused of suffering some sort of mental defect.

And by authorities, I mean school authorities, too, who are investigating any connection between the Facebook bullying and the assault. The victim's mother's claims that the fight was motivated by her son's sexuality and the Facebook posts that came to light just recently. Not quite so coincidentally, cell phone video was shot by the bully's cousin because chickenshit little asshats like to work in pairs.

Also, the attack--some folks are calling it a fight, but it was an attack--occurred during a class change and though there was a teacher monitoring the hall, he or she did not know what was happening. Nice monitoring.

The sheriff's office continues to investigate the motive, and county Prosecutor Matt Schmidt said his office is evaluating whether to file an assault or felonious assault charge:
"What people are failing to understand is there isn't an Ohio law to enhance it (if the assault was motivated by the victim's sexuality)," Schmidt said. He did note that there is a federal hate crime law, but that the federal district attorney would have to file the charge.

So, then i hope the mother contacts the federal district attorney, and I hope the state of Ohio opens up it's eyes and realizes that this was a Hate Crime, this was bullying at it's worst, and this cannot be tolerated on any level.

I want all those Ohio legislators and politicians and teachers and school administrators and district administrators and parents to ask themselves, "What if that was my son?"

And then do something about it. Before one more person dies.

PR9EP14: Finally.....The Finale

It's over. Finale! Finally.
So, there's no challenge to set up, no morning drama to report, no Little Velvet Bag to eff things up. The only change, and I think it was done to ensure that the winner chosen is the winner everyone--and by everyone, i mean the producers--wanted, the designers were given an extra $500.00 to spend at Mood on whatever they want and to make whatever they want, which is odd, considering they'd already spent the initial $9,000 in PR bucks. I didn't much care for it because it reeked of fixing the outcome, but, why don't we just let 'er rip......

After the critique of the Final Four, in which no one got the boot, Kimberly is regrouping. And she's taking the extra 500, and the little pink bubble butt skirt, and is thinking, Reboot. I think it's a smart move. Bubbles might be good; hot pink bubbles, not so much. 
Of course, however, mini-disaster strikes and the black fabric for the new bubble isn't the same weight as the pink, so it's tossed out and the pink is back in.
Back in, as well, is Kimberly's habit of becoming totally scattered when Tim comes by and not being able to fully explain what she's doing or why she's doing it. But I think that's all part of the 'Well she or won't she win' edit, even if we already knew the answer to that question.
As for her collection I liked the urban-ness of it. I liked the bold bright colors, though they hinged on a little too bright. But I hated the chunky shoes she chose. 
Her whole collection seemed disjointed to me, because, in one step, it went from bold and bright colors to this very chic ivory outfit that I thought, while it was gorgeous, seemed like it was from another collection. 
I still  however, loved her black sparkly gown, which seemed most suited to be shown in an Ebony and Ivory show and not in a Bold Bright Brooklyn Girl collection.
Kors liked that Kimberly listened to their critiques and restyled her girls, and lost some of the clunkier accessories, i.e., the handbags. He loved the black gown, but the flowy long dress with the pink mini-skirt underneath looked like a huge mistake. 
Still, he called Kimberly exuberant and glamorous and kickass. Which she is, and probably will be, if she can just settle.
Guest Judge, L'Wren Scott--oddly enough, pronounced Lauren Scott...which means I will change my name to B'Wob, though still call myself Bob--loved the blue shiny dress that opened the show, and loved the pink dress with the cutouts, though she liked it best without the jacket.
Heidi loved the ivory number, but thought it didn't fit in with the others very well, and wanted to see more of that design style. She still hated the bubble skirt, especially since it was paired with a bubbly top. Too.Many.Bubbles! Nina thought it was great, all-around, and loved the sexy backs; Kimberly is bringing the sexy back back. She also adored the modern black gown.
Still, and I think we all knew it, Kimberly is the first one Auf'd. But, for someone who, through the first several shows, got the Almost Invisible Edit, it was nice to see her make it to the end.

Viktor, who has been super-confident all season--bordering on obnoxiously arrogant, at times--believes that his collection is just perfect as it is, though he agrees it does need some editing. 
But then he took that extra five C-notes and went sheer crazy at Mood; and by that, I mean, he bought all the sheer fabric he could get his hands on and then created another, separate, mini, collection of sheer madness clothes.
It was overkill, and I think it may have sealed his fate. Even Tim was shocked by how much of his original collection he simply tossed aside like it was garbage.
He even ditched the evening gown he showed last week with the white leather-and-pearl jacket. I thought that dress was gorgeous, if a wee bit transparent. But he repalced it with another evning gown that was totally sheer. 
Hello Granny Panties! And Bra!
Big mistake. Huge. I don't know who would wear such sheer things, or wear they might be worn. It seemed to have been done for the shock value, but there was less shock and more shrug.
But I liked his collection, it was chic and sophisticated. And it fit his Mexico/NYC aesthetic in the prints and the kind of urban rocker chic-ness of it all. Best of all were his prints, that he designed himself.
And I was so happy he took that zippered leather skirt off that one print dress--though he kept that dress and it showed beautifully--and then created another outfit, of the sheers, to show off the leather. This one outfit, I think, needed the sheer fabric, and the combination of leather and see-thru was cool.
And Kors loved the prints as well. And, once more, he admired Viktor's abilities to tailor an outfit and show a polished collection. But, like me, he thought the sheers were too much; who wears that? It was too showy.
L'Wren loved the prints also, and especially on the first look, which screamed New York woman to her. She thought his collection had a cool vibe, but that, again, the sheer looks were a misfire. I kept thinking, Why didn't you line them?
I need to stop taking all this so seriously.
But Heidi, of all people, because I disagreed with her most, got it right. It was two collections. The chic prints and the tough girl sheers. Hard and bitchy or glamorous; pick one, Viktor, and run with it. And Nina--Goddess bless Nina Garcia--was the first, and only judge to suggest that Viktor should have taken some of those fabulous, totally Viktor, prints, and used them with the sheers; as a lining. As a coverup. Something. 
To my amazement, because I thought he'd win, but it's all about shock value and show for the PR producers, Viktor was given the second Auf'ing.

Eyebrows in place, hair shellacked. Josh Crawford gave us the schizo show. 
And I'm not talking, yet, about his clothes. With his extra $500, Josh raced to Mood, and to the Neon Section, which I think is hidden in the in the 1980s back...and bought Neon Green fabric. I.Don't.Get.Him.
He likes shine and glitter and plastic, which doesn't say fashion as much as it says costume, or, as Tim noted, crazy. Tim said the girl that Josh designs for doesn't know if she's uptown, or downtown, or even in this century.
His collection was crazy. 
Why does he take these sorts of urban colors, of blacks and grays, even though they are neoprene fabrics, and then toss in hot pinks and nuclear greens? And then adds bits of plastic? 
It's like he's two people, which is clear in how he's portrayed on the show. He constantly bitches about how hard he works, and how much he needs this, and how much he's lost--oh lordy, he doesn't even have a job to go back to if he doesn't win this thing--but then he does the mini-breakdown and tear-fest and I miss my, Mom. 
I don't want to sound callous, but between his assholiness and his Mama Can You Hear Me moments, it was a mess.
And Heidi called his collection  a mess, er, mesh, of hard and soft, and that's Miss Crawford; she's a hard bitch, or she's a soft puddle. Either way, it's an act I ain't buying.
And I ain't buying his collection either. It was as odd as his dueling personalities. 
That tuxedo tail dress seemed like a joke to me. And those green lace-up shorts? WTF and OMG. But his simple black dress, in neoprene, was very cool looking, as were his gray-and-black coats. The joker striped tank was stupid, and the gown with the plunging neckline and the plastic epaulets was ridiculous.
Heidi loved his collection and loved the green shorts. [Note to producers: send Heidi to style school]. Kors called Josh schizo, with the colors and the plastic and the neoprene and the chic urban dresses. L'Wren loved the purple dress, perhaps because she hadn't seen it in orange? And Nina, well, she liked his clothes, because she could see them in an editorial fashion shoot. But could she see anyone in America wear them? I think not.
And, since no one else did, I'm gonna say it, since no one else did, that first number that opened his show, the purple draped one? It was an exact replica of the orange draped number he made for the bird challenge, complete with the chain detail in the back, Why wasn't he called out for that? Who knows?
And luckily, the judges saved us from a Josh win and Auf'd him at the very last second. That was worth the wait.

She was a mess, kind of like her designs. Her original collection was a disaster and should have sent her packing. Of the three looks she showed last week, the judges thought two of them were hideous. 
And yet, surprisingly enough--or maybe not so much because maybe these things are decided long before the finale--she makes it through.
And she takes that extra $500 and buys yards and yards and yards of black-and-white prints, and then, in the two days left before the tents, she creates an almost entirely new collection. 
Now, don't get me wrong, I like Anya, but I think that extra cash stash was given out just so Anya could make a collection and then be named the winner.
The Underdog, The Come From Behind Gal. Miss Last Minute.
I like her. And I like her collection. It's pretty. Pretty one-note. It floats and flows. it looks like the beach. I get it. And I liked that she did listen to the judges and change out the shoes. her clothes are sandal clothes.
But, wouldn't it have been nice to see tropical also done urban? Or tropical done more diverse? Maybe mix in some solid colors with the patterns. or do some of that structured thing she was doing at the end. anything to mix it up.
I will give her props for tossing out the awful black bathing suit and hideous puke brown cover-up that she showed last week. Her new swimsuit and cover-up, in a cool B&W print was much improved. And that first dress was, for me, the best thing of all four shows. Sexy and cool and elegant.
But I will take her down for that one look, in the black-and-white print, with the lone high neck. it looked like a turtle-nicked-caftan. No, it just looked ugly. And she had the nerve to put it on the model who also got the win. 
Sidenote: The winning model gets all the food you can east in a lifetime, which is a small tin of Altoids and some cigarettes.
Heidi likes Anya's vibe, and the amazing fabrics she uses. But, rightly so, she noted that, out of ten looks, eight had the same neckline. It's nice, and it's Anya, but it could have been more. Maybe of Anya didn't always wait until the last minute to get to work, she could have been so much better, and more deserving of the win.
Plunging, flowing, tropical. Pretty. One-note. 
Kors also loved that first look, because it had movement and edge and glam and sex, without the slutty. Kors seems fixated on slutty. That's all I have to say about that. But he feels Anya needs to push it more because not everyone wants Tobago Love.
L'Wren also loved the prints , but doesn't think it was a collection that all women could wear; it was too taste specific, eh, L'Wren? Or was it too one-note? 
Nina, yawn, also loved the fabulous prints, and adored the new swimsuit, but wondered if Anya would be able to translate her Caribbean vibe to every day women, or find a niche in the retail world.
One-note. Too taste specific. Similar necklines. It went from worst to first?
Congratulations Anya, you are the winner.

I think the extra five hundred wasn't fair. Viktor really didn't need it, though he misused it. Josh didn't need it, though he neon'd it. Kimberly didn't need it, and it doesn't seem like she even used it. So, it was just for Anya? So she could fix her catastrophe and "earn" the win? Not fair, Lifetime, producers, Heidi.
Even with his two-sided collection, I thought Viktor had the best designs and should have won. Don't get me wrong, I loved Anya's stuff, but, well, seen one? Seen 'em all.
I do, however, think this was a good season of the PR. Drama and bitches. Good fashion and bad. The wrong one wins. But hey, to each his own. I do know that i will be sitting, remote in hand, and DVR set, when the PR All-Stars take the stage.
One word: Mondo.