
Monday, October 31, 2011

Let Bobby Montoya Be A Girl Scout

Bobby Montoya was born a boy, but has long indentified as a girl. And Bobby loves all "girl stuff" from Barbie to The Bratz, and, now, the Girl Scouts. And even though classmates pick on Bobby, for being different, Bobby wants to be a Girl Scout, only thy won't let Bobby join.

When Bobby's mother, Felisha Archuleta asked what the big deal was after being denied, a local troop leader told her, “He has boy parts. He can’t be a Girl Scout. Girl Scouts don’t allow that. I don’t want to get in trouble by parents or my supervisor.”

Ouch. But, see, the thing is, the Girl Scouts of Colorado do allow that after all, and, in fact, the organization realeased following statement:
“Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization. If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout. Our requests for support of transgender kids have grown, and Girl Scouts of Colorado is working to best support these children, their families, and the volunteers that serve them.”
Great news, but now someone needs to tell Bobby’s local Girl Scout leader. And i hope they do it soon. Booby describes the feeling of being picked on and made to feel different as a feeling that "hurts my heart."
And that's no way to treat a child.


  1. I wanty a follow up on Bobby's Story...

  2. I read that Bobby is now allowed to join and the person who said no will be given sensitivity training. (I read that here:

  3. Ahh, I love the smell of inclusiveness in the air. Its about time we all just learn to get along, and allow each other to be the snowflake indivuals we are, instead of the clone-bots society thinks we should be.

  4. Anonymous3:05 AM

    When I first heard this I thought, "This is just a branch of the homophobic Boy Scouts". I'm pleasantly surprised by this outcome and I hope this has a happy ending.

  5. time for the Boy Scouts to learn a thing or two.


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