
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ladies and Gentle-Ladies, Your GOP Anti-Gay Presidential Candidates:

I can't help myself, because this sums up the GOP perfectly.
The GOP presidential candidates echoed and re-echoed their anti-gay marriage sentiments loud and clear in Iowa last week. And even though nearly every single poll out there shows that the majority of Americans  support marriage equality. Only former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman distinguished himself for his support of civil unions--which is still not good enough.

MITT ROMNEY: Marriage is a status. It’s not an activity that goes on within the walls of a state and as a result, our marriage status relationship should be constant across the country. I believe we should have a federal amendment to the Constitution that defines marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman.
JON HUNTSMAN: I also believe in civil unions, because I believe this nation can do a better job when it comes to equality and I believe we can do a better job when it comes to reciprocal beneficiary rights rights.
RON PAUL: I think marriages should be between a single man and a single woman and that the federal government shouldn’t be involved.
RICK SANTORUM: It sounds to me like Rep. Paul would say that polygamous marriages are okay.
MICHELE BACHMANN: I support the federal marriage amendment…and as president I would not nominate activist judges who would legislate from the bench.

Asshat Quotes


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    It seems to me that not one of these people is able to understand the difference between the Laws of God and the Laws of the Land. I hold out hope that the crazier these nutjobs appear and act the more they make President Obama the better choice.

  2. What's the betting that as soon as it becomes clear that these candidates (except that lone one) find that they are likely to lose more votes net than to gain them (and I'm sure it WILL happen) they'll either water down their objections to gay marriage or turn completely, like the proverbial worm, in the fashion of "I've reconsidered my position."? I'm sure that day is approaching.

  3. When I put this post to my ear I can hear the ocean...

  4. That elephant picture never gets old. Is there a bumper sticker? I need to do a mass mailing. I can think of, oh, a couple hundred thousand people who would love one.

  5. I really don't like these people. make them go away, perhaps a bucket of water for each, like the Witch from Oz?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm quaking with fear about the possiblity that any of these people could be elected president. What a dark day indeed if that happens.

  8. To us reasonable people who can think critically, they are scary and ridiculous. However, there are way too many batshit crazy voters out there who scare me more.


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