
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

UPDATE: Mark and Todd Wathen's Discrimination Complaints Can Proceed

Way back in February, I posted a story about Mark and Todd Wathen who live in Illinois and wanted to have a Civil Union ceremony and party [The Illinois civil union law went into effect June 1] and met almost instantly with bigotry and homophobia from two venues who didn't want any gay ceremonies or parties on their property. See original post HERE.

Mark and Todd Wathen filed complaints against two Illinois inns--the Beall Mansion Bed and Breakfast, and the TimberCreek Bed and Breakfast--that refused to allow the couple to have a civil union ceremony and party on their premises. You know, cuz they're gay and all. The Wathens say that the owners of the B&Bs specifically did not want to host a same-sex union ceremony, something owners of both venues deny.

Mark and Todd ended up having their Civil Union ceremony in their backyard in June.

And this week, the Illinois Department of Human Rights announced that it found “substantial evidence” of discrimination against the couple, a finding that is not a final ruling but means the men can have their complaints heard by an arbitrator, a circuit court judge, or the Illinois Human Rights Commission.

Todd and Mark Wathen said they would discuss their next steps with their attorney. “We felt we were right in doing what we did,” Todd said, “We are pleased by the fact that someone agrees with us.”

As am I. Look, it's simple, if you operate a public business you must serve the public. Denying service to a gay person or couple is no different than denying services to a black couple, a Muslim couple, an interracial couple, or even a couple with really bad hair.

Discrimination is discrimination. And, um, yeah, it's illegal, folks.



  1. I'm not sure about the hair - aren't mullets and comb-overs illegal in Illinois?

  2. Every time I hear about lgbt discrimination, I substitute the word gay, lesbian, etc with any other descriptive human word. Doing it that way, makes it crystal clear just how repugnant this discrimination is.

    Replace same-sex with any of the these words to see what I mean; black, jewish, democrat, hobbit, satanist, republican.

  3. So if I have a cafe, I can't refuse to let the Teabaggers, Rednecks, or Fundamentalists in there? Drat!!

  4. Maybe if they don't speak.

  5. Corina 1.09:09 PM

    Wedding are a big racket anyway, and cutting your business off from a piece of that pie, is business suicide. The businesses may think they are holding to their morals or whatever, but, gay straight white black, all the money they spend is still green!

  6. froggy--not illegal. Just more prevalent the further south you go!


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