
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Me And AC: On The Same Page

So, this morning Carlos and I were discussing Michele Bachmann and her campaign and her refusal to answer any questions she doesn't like, but instead only says, "I'm running for the presidency of the United States....." And I said, "Oh, she's running all right. But she's not running for something, but away from answering questions about things she's said in the past."

Gay people suffer from a sexual identity disorder,
gay people are sexually dysfunctional.
Gay people live a life of bondage, of despair.
Gay people are of Satan.

She's not judging, mind you, when she calls us every foul thing that pops into her anti-gay head; things no doubt fed to her by her ambiguously heterosexual husband Marcussssssssss.

Still, after Carlos and I ranted and raged about the Missuses Bachmann, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Anderson Cooper, my husband in my head, had the exact same thoughts as I did.

Me and AC. Simpatico, dontcha know!


  1. If you physically attack someone because they are gay, you are charged with a hate crime.

    How someone can spew out such hate and still be allowed to run for president or any kind of political position.


  2. I love commenting on ISBL, but having to listen Movement Bowel's voice, is something I just cannot do.
    Besides, I have a dish full of shattered glass in the oven that's ready to eat now...

    (I do read the transcripts, of course).

  3. At this point, all we can do is roll our eyes and hang our heads. Because I sure can't figure out why people follow her. sigh.

  4. Anderson Cooper to the glad he's on our side, sucha dream boat. xoxo Andy!

  5. is this the best the GOP got?

  6. This needs to be shouted from the rooftops. If she does end up being the Republican candidate, she's going to keep refusing to answer questions. Her views need to be in the papers, on the radio, and on television every day, so that people know exactly what she stands for. I want knowledge of her positions to trend higher than Lady Gaga so that people know exactly what we're dealing with.

  7. We need to establish a new definition of Bachmann like we did with Santorum.

  8. I agree with Mind of Mind, why hasnt she been arrested for hate crimes? Why is our government handing out money to her "cough" husband's clinic for a bogus at the least, dangerous at the most "treatment"? Why does anyone listen to this woman? How did she get such credibility?

  9. Anonymous9:22 PM

    What a ridiculous train wreck of a woman.

  10. Anonymous10:15 PM

    You know, I thought about it, thought about it, thought about it, and thought about it some mo'.

    I don't know what prompted her 180 degree turn on LGBT issues - namely, a total denial to own up to her vicious statements that Anderson Cooper displayed for everyone to review, counterpointed with the endless litany of hers that "I am running for the presidency of the United States" when asked to face her own words spoken not too long ago on her anti-gay stance as she smiles blankly at the camera and kids in her own county kill themselves for being perceived as gay.

    So much for that broken record. I personally think, whether she truly believes her own hateful words or is that deeply entrenched in absolute ignorance that she is willing to see gay people as living in bondage and satanic (which is highly possible, I've met her type and they are scary people)... the fact that she cannot or will not acknowledge her own words is proof that she cannot be taken seriously as a public figure, as a running candidate for the presidency. And should be ridiculed every step of the way, down to the bitter end when she finally fades from public view and becomes just another crazy airhead who, while pretty, has no clue what this world is all about.

    Even Kathy Griffin had a laugh at her expense because this is how stupid she is: she did not know the meaning of the word 'bigot'. And it's on record. And that is "running for the presidency of the United States".

    Let's put it this way. Suppose that in an alternate world where she does become President (shudder), we descend into total economic chaos (yes, even deeper than the mess we are in now). Suppose our country gets attacked, yet again. Suppose total anarchy breaks out in states where gays and lesbians wish to live and not be tied to arcane laws. How is she going to respond to that? How is she going to believably run this Nation and answer The Tough Questions? By being evasive? Stepfordish? An automaton that continues to say, "No spic inglese" as she shakes her head back and forth and leaves a Country with empty hands and in total dissatisfaction?

    If you are a public figure, whether you are running for President or just a celebrity you are automatically placed in a higher level of responsibility. You cannot spew forth the garbage she has, and then run away from it because it's RE-CORD-ED and on perpetual replay. People, even come conservatives, will need answers. And you better have them.

    Or risk being a complete fraud, married to a beard, a beard you need to shave off your face and throw in the gutter.


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