
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

More Lies From Mark Kirk

The last time I spoke to y'all about Mark Kirk, the senatorial candidate from Illinois who wants Barack Obama's old seat, I told y'all that he was a big fat liar who claimed he'd won the U.S. Navy's Intelligence Officer of the Year award.

He did not.

And, since then there have been rumors swirling--because rumors swirl, you know--that Mark is a Friend Of Dorothy; or, to put it into words the kids of today will understand: he could have his own show on Bravo.

He's queer, dear. ALLEGEDLY.

But what is not alleged is that Mark Kirk has been caught lying again. What's that? A politician lie, deny they lied, and then lie some more. This must be the end of the world as we know it.

While running for re-election last year, Mark Kirk riled some folks up by announcing that China was drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba. He lied, and finally acknowledged his lie, er, misstatement, er, words taken out of context, just last week.

And then there was the Somali pirates. Remember them? Remember how last year President Obama authorized the shooting of those Somali pirates who kidnapped American Captain Richard Phillips?

Kirk doesn't. He talked about pirates attacking ships off Africa:"We began to see some backbone, not from the U.S. but from France. France was always good for a quick $2 million ransom until the election of President Sarkozy. When his first ship was seized, he authorized the standard ransom payment-- with a transmitter in the box. As that went into the pirate compound, he then authorized French Special Forces to roll in. And they killed everybody. . . . It kind of shocked us in the Pentagon. But it sent a clear message and I don't think the French have had many problems since."

Nice story, but it's just that. A story, er lie, er, misstatement. You get the picture.

Then Kirk told a local radio station that the United States drill offshore for oil so we don't have to import oil from Iran: "We have a fundamental choice. . . . We can either buy 80 billion barrels of oil from the Iranians or from ourselves."

Trouble is, we don't get oil from Iran, and the government has adopted sanctions for any company that would try.

Mark Kirk.
Homosexual? I don't know.
Liar? Apparently.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Personally, I don't believe in outing people, unless they are lying politicians who continually vote against gay rights, while at the same time living a secret gay life. In that case, I say BLAST them out of the closet.


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