
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Vincent Sheheen For Governor.....He's From Smallville

The streets of Smallville were jammed last night. People everywhere; news trucks, video crews, journalists, lookie-loos.

Why all the hubbub, bub?

Well, it seems as if one of our own, Vincent Sheheen, won the Democratic primary to be the next governor of South Carolina. And he won big; by a margin of 3-to-1.

Now he'll face off against either, Nikki Haley, accused of having two affairs with two different men while her husband was deployed overseas, or Gresham Barrett, who advertised that, if elected, he run the illegal immigrants out of South Carolina like they did in Arizona.

Vincent Sheheen has a great chance to beat either one of these wingnuts. One of the great things about him is that he'll listen, and work with, both parties. He is a dyed-in-the-wool-Palinite-tea-party-wingnut, not a racist-asshat.

It'll be a long hot summer, but hopefully, come November, we'll have a Democrat in the Governor's Mansion in South Carolina.

1 comment:

  1. no more of sheheen's obvious lies. his video ad made me wanna puke. I am ashamed to call myself a democrat when I see these scumbag types trying to represent me when they clearly do NOT.

    Whoever is running as a 3rd party candidate has my vote, sheheen's lies cost him one less voter for him.


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