
Monday, February 03, 2025

The Felon Will Overplay His Hand … Be Ready

This was shared on Robert Reich’s site but the removal of The Felon's name was done by me:


I sometimes share with you perspectives about what we’re up against from non-American writers and journalists. Asli Aydintasbas, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C., and a former journalist, published this short essay recently in Politico Magazine. As we prepare for [the new] regime, I thought you’d find her views useful.


American democracy is about to undergo a serious stress test. I know how it feels, in part because I lived through the slow and steady march of state capture as a journalist working in Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Turkey.

Over a decade as a high-profile journalist, I covered Turkey’s descent into illiberalism, having to engage in the daily push and pull with the government. I know how self-censorship starts in small ways but then creeps into operations on a daily basis. I am familiar with the rhythms of the battle to reshape the media, state institutions and the judiciary.

Having lived through it, and having gathered some lessons in hindsight, I believe that there are strategies that can help Democrats and [The Felon] critics not only survive the coming four years, but come out stronger. Here are six of them.

1. Don’t Panic — Autocracy Takes Time

[The] President-elect’s … return to power is unnerving but America will not turn into a dictatorship overnight — or in four years. Even the most determined strongmen face internal hurdles, from the bureaucracy to the media and the courts. It took Erdoğan well over a decade to fully consolidate his power. Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and Poland’s Law and Justice Party needed years to erode democratic norms and fortify their grip on state institutions.

I am not suggesting that the United States is immune to these patterns, but it’s important to remember that its decentralized system of governance—the network of state and local governments—offers enormous resilience. Federal judges serve lifetime appointments, states and governors have specific powers separate from those granted federally, there are local legislatures, and the media has the First Amendment as a shield, reinforced by over a century of legal precedents.

Sure, there are dangers, including by a Supreme Court that might grant great deference to the president. But in the end, [The Felon] really only has two years to try to execute state capture. Legal battles, congressional pushback, market forces, midterm elections in 2026 and internal Republican dissent will slow him down and restrain him. The bottom line is that the U.S. is too decentralized in its governance system for a complete takeover. The Orbanization of America is not an imminent threat.

2. Don’t Disengage — Stay Connected

After a stunning electoral loss like this, there’s a natural impulse to shut off the news, log off social media and withdraw from public life. I’ve seen this with friends in Turkey and Hungary with opposition supporters retreating in disillusionment after Erdogan’s or Orbam’s victories. Understandably, people want to turn inwards.

Dancing, travel, meditation, book clubs—it’s all fine. But eventually, in Poland, Hungary and Turkey, opponents of autocracy have returned to the fight, driven by a belief in the possibility of change. So will Americans.

Nothing is more meaningful than being part of a struggle for democracy. That’s why millions of Turks turned out to the polls and gave the opposition a historic victory in local governments across Turkey earlier this year. That’s how the Poles organized a winning coalition to vote out the conservative Law and Justice Party last year. It can happen here, too.

The answer to political defeat is not to disconnect, but to organize. You can take a couple of days or weeks off, commiserate with friends and mute Elon Musk on X—or erase the app altogether. But in the end, the best way to develop emotional resilience is greater engagement.

3. Don’t Fear the Infighting

 [The Felon]’s victory has understandably triggered infighting inside the Democratic Party and it looks ugly. But fear not. These recriminations and finger-pointing are necessary to move forward. In Turkey, Hungary and Poland, it was only after the opposition parties faced their strategic and ideological misalignment with society that they were able to begin to effectively fight back.

[The Felon] has tapped into the widespread belief that the economic order, labor-capital relations, housing and the immigration system are broken. You may think he is a hypocrite, but there is no doubt that he has convinced a large cross-section of American society that he is actually the agent of change — a spokesman for their interests as opposed to “Democratic elites.” This is exactly what strongmen like Erdoğan and Orban have achieved.

For the Democratic Party to redefine itself as a force for change, and not just as the custodian of the status quo, it needs fundamental shifts in how it relates to working people in the U.S. There is time to do so before the midterms of 2026.

4. Charismatic Leadership Is a Non-Negotiable

One lesson from Turkey and Hungary is clear: You will lose if you don’t find a captivating leader, as was the case in 2023 general elections in Turkey and in 2022 in Hungary. Coalition-building or economic messaging is necessary and good. But it is not enough. You need charisma to mobilize social dissent.

[The Felon] was beatable in this election, but only with a more captivating candidate. For Democrats, the mistake after smartly pushing aside President Joe Biden was bypassing the primaries and handpicking a candidate. Future success for the party will hinge on identifying a candidate who can better connect with voters and channel their aspirations. It should not be too hard in a country of 350 million.

Last year’s elections in Poland and Turkey showcased how incumbents can be defeated (or not defeated, as in general elections in Turkey in 2023) depending on the opposition’s ability to unite around compelling candidates who resonate with voters. Voters seek authenticity and a connection — give it to them.

5. Skip the Protests and Identity Politics

Soon, [The Felon]’s opponents will shake off the doldrums and start organizing an opposition campaign. But how they do it matters. For the longest time in Turkey, the opposition made the mistake of relying too much on holding street demonstrations and promoting secularism, Turkey’s version of identity politics, which speaks to the urban professional and middle class but not beyond. When Erdoğan finally lost his absolute predominance in Turkish politics in 2024, it was largely because of his mismanagement of the economy and the opposition’s growing competence in that area.

[The Felon]’s appeal transcends traditional divides of race, gender and class. He has formed a new Republican coalition and to counteract this. Democrats too, must broaden their tent, even if means trying to appeal to conservatives on some issues. Opposition over the next four years must be strategic and broad-based.

Street protests and calls to defend democracy may be inspirational, but they repel conservatives and suburban America. Any grassroots action must be coupled with a clear, relatable economic message and showcase the leadership potential of Democratic mayors and governors. Identity politics alone won’t do it.

6. Have Hope

Nothing lasts forever and the U.S. is not the only part of the world that faces threats to democracy—and Americans are no different than the French, the Turks or Hungarians when it comes to the appeal of the far right. But in a country with a strong, decentralized system of government and with a long-standing tradition of free speech, the rule of law should be far more resilient than anywhere in the world.

[The Felon]’s return to power certainly poses challenges to U.S. democracy. But he will make mistakes and overplay his hand—at home and abroad. America will survive the next four years if Democrats pick themselves up and start learning from the successes of opponents of autocracy across the globe.

Have faith.

Stay active.

Soldier on.

Resist and …



  1. The 2026 election campaign needs to start now. Carefully and factually point out the bullshit, and let people know what is wrong.

    1. Exactly; speak out loud against the criminals and traitors in office.

  2. Thank you for this, Bob.

    1. Of course, and I'm sure you'll put it to good use! Resist!

  3. Canadians, Panamanians, Greenlanders, Mexicans and the Danish are with you.....not forgetting the EU and a lot of the British people.

    1. It'll take a lot of us to stand against this criminal cabal.

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM

    the dog's mother
    Good post!
    xoxo :-)

  5. Cleora Borealis10:33 AM

    I gotta disagree with you, Bob. Robert Reich wrote that column on Jan. 1!! The overplay has already happened!! And, Sphincter Face is not the's his Nazi power-hungry monster!!
    👮 Elon Musk must be arrested immediately! He got tired of hearing that DOGE cannot act without Congress to cut money for government “savings!” He simply took control of Federal computer and comm systems and maniacally screamed “Oh yah? Watch me!” If any of us receive Social Security deposits in our bank accounts in February, I’ll be very surprised!! Even Vladimir Putin has stated this is not how oligarchs are supposed to behave! When his oligarchs try to control anything in government, Putin tosses them out of a window on the 42nd floor! It is way past time for that to happen here!! 🤬🤬
    [I actually posted that elsewhere 3 days ago. Since then, Musk has been given free reign of the entire payments system at the U.S. Dept. of Treasury. He has shut down government contracts. Stopped payments to organizations, like Lutheran Humanitarian Services, based on suggestions from disgraced Gen. Mike Flynn and randos on twiXter! The shutdown of foreign aid by closing USAID entirely because Elon Musk wants to stop all money to South Africa where the government is negotiating buy-outs with white landowners to redistribute land to Black farmers in a very successful reparations program. Musk has his ventriloquist dummy, #47, out in public screaming that this is stealing the land!! Untrue and welcome back, Apartheid!! Musk is being helped in in his Treasury takeover by seven very young, very unqualified men that fellow oligarch Peter Thiel has recommended because he thinks they are possible sexual partners!!
    🚨🚨🚨 We are in trouble people!! Wake up!! Voting is excellent but we cannot wait!!]

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Defenestration for Musk is in order, his DOGE group is not even under congressional control like other Federal departments.
      This lunacy must stop now !
      Since when does basically a private group get access to the government treasury, this shouldn’t even be tolerated.
      And leave it to Musk to punish South Africa because it destroyed apartheid, he should be living in an apartheid system where he is the one being mistreated, Musk would cry out for his mother.

  6. The orange one is in a hurry to make a difference. He knows he won't get another bite of the cherry.

    1. I don't think he'll outlive his term.

  7. Cast a goddamned vote! Understatement.

    1. It needs to be done; all those that sat home last November, if only a few of them had voted Harris we'd be in a much better spot right now.

  8. I just hope the democrats wake up and start taking more firm stands on things and get promised results. I still think part of what cost Harris the election was her "light" touch on the war between Irael and Palestine and that mess. Her other counter parts of color, like IIhan Omar, Rashidi Tlaib and Lateefah Simon, took firm stands with ending the war and loudly siding with support for Palestine and all had easy sails to their wins by larger numbers.

    So yes, the democratic have major work to be done and by hopefully by new blood... and not re-energized politicians there now...they obliviously don't get it, and are not connecting to their voters, so the election results prove.

    1. Democrats need to speak up and stand up and be firm in their convictions and perhaps urge the old guard to move along.

  9. If brains were dynamite, the orange turd wouldn't have enough to blow his ears off! It's the puppet-masters and financial backers that must be exposed and de-fanged. The Democrats need a charismatic, authentic person of integrity who has genuinely worked their way out of the working class. Kamala Harris was not raised by a single mom on welfare: she attended an expensive private school in Montreal while her mother worked as a scientist. Working part-time at McD's in high school or college for pocket money is meaningless and she came across as another wealthy elite patronizing working class voters. Embrace younger versions of Bernie Saunders, but also attract red tories like Adam Kinzinger into your Democratic tent. Get rid of all the old guard, they're hidebound and devoid of ideas, energy and charisma.

    1. I agree 100% Tundra...but when this happens the democratic party seems to sever them from the ticket.

    2. We do need younger blood in the Democrat party, and those who are Red but not cultists to speak up and stand up and run for office and galvanize the party.

  10. This is great advice.
    Especially about organizing early and not letting the noise distract us. It's all about breaking things and being loud for Mango Mussolini to distract from his real goal: staying in power forever.
    People need to stay vigilant. Fascism is slow, but once it's here, it can only be uprooted with violence.


    1. Forget the fucking eggs!! It's not eggs and never was eggs; it's tyranny and authoritarianism and racism. Fight THOSE battles.

  11. A somewhat comforting read. I agree that street demonstrations usually just stir up angst and then things can get violent which is not what anyone really wants.

    1. There need to be protests and voices raised and votes cast and all that can be done without violence.

  12. Thanks for sharing this, Bob. If Robert Reich says I should have hope, I’ll have hope. And I’ll follow his advice.

  13. I'm sure I commented on this post. I must be spamalot.


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