
Monday, February 03, 2025

Repost: Black History, Y'all

I stopped in at Lo Imprescindible this morning and Sixpence Notthewiser, AKA Six, to me, had posted about Black History Month; it reminded me that I did 28 days of Black History Month posts back in 2009 and realized that, given the times we live in now, and the racism that has grown over the last many years, fueled by bigots in a quest for power, that I would revive those posts:

I was going to talk about this a couple of days ago, but it slipped my mind. That happens a lot, my mind slipping, but then yesterday, I was confronted with this:

I was at the Wachovia, the Smallville branch, doing a little banking, and they had a television on the wall. It was on CNN-MSNBC-FOX-CNBC or some such, and they were discussing Black History Month. Someone in line, in public, in full earshot of everyone, said, Why do they need their own month?

They? God if that isn't an offensive term when used like that. They. Not me. Them. I really loathe that word.

So, this Black woman in line, turned to this moron, and said, Well, we were sort of left out of most history lessons, at least when I was in school.

Why do you need your own 'month?'

Can you name me somebody, anybody, of color, that you remember from history lessons?

He said—and I'm not making this up—Slaves.

Can you give me a name of a Black person? Just one person?

I don't know. Obama?

Wow, he got one. Ding-ding-ding. Tell him what he's won, Johnny!

Well, Bob, what he's won is a lesson in Black history, provided by the I Should Be laughing blog …

Now, I'm not a Black man, or woman, at least not in this lifetime, but we need to know who did what and for whom, and when and how, and what color they were, and where they lived and how they lived and died and why.

Whether they're white, black, yellow, red, or gay so I’m going to be doing my own little Black History Month for y'all.

Because I can.

Slavery began in about 1619—before the Pilgrims, people—when a Dutch ship brought 20 Africans into Jamestown, Virginia. It spread quickly from there, y'all; there are no actual numbers, but estimates are that some 6 to 7 million slaves were imported to the New World in the 1700s alone. African men, women and children kidnapped from their homes and brought to a place where they looked like no one, spoke like no one, and were treated as less than everyone

By the end of the 1700s, a lot of northern states had abolished slavery; but it was vital to the South because of cash crops like tobacco and cotton. Now, get this, although the US Congress outlawed the import of new slaves in 1808, the slave population nearly tripled over the next 50 years. Slaves were often smuggled into America, and bought and sold, as farmhands, ranch-hands, housemaids, gardeners, concubines, and whipping boys.

Nat Turner

August 1831: Nat Turner led the only effective, the key word here is effective, slave rebellion in US history. A slave himself, he hated the idea of slavery, of men and women as property of men and women; he fully believed that God wanted him to lead his people from slavery.

In the late summer of 1831, during a solar eclipse, Turner found his 'sign' that rebellion was near. On August 21, 1831, Turner, and a group of fellow slaves, murdered his owners, the Travis family, and then began a march toward the town of Jerusalem, in order to find weapons and recruit more followers. Turner's tiny army of slaves grew to some seventy-five people, and they murdered sixty white people before being captured by a group of locals with the aid of state militia forces. Over 100 slaves, many simply standing on the sidelines watching, lost their lives in the struggle. Turner, himself, escaped capture and spent over a month running, until he was captured, tried and hanged.

Of course, reports of the rebellion had hundreds of whites killed, and so many southern states held special legislative sessions to enact new slave codes; these codes limited education of slaves and assembly of slaves. Slave-owners and traders used the Turner rebellion to convince people that slaves were 'inherently inferior barbarians requiring an institution such as slavery to discipline them.'


With slaves desperate to be free, and some white settlers—like the Quakers—opposed to the idea of slavery on religious or moral grounds, the abolitionist movement began. It was an established movement as early as the 1700s, but by the end of that century, the fire had died for many abolitionists. As the cash crops of the south exploded, slavery became a more vital part of the economy.

Yet in the early 1800s, abolitionism rebounded with a fever, partially because of the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 and the tightening of slave codes in most southern states. William Lloyd Garrison, a journalist from Massachusetts, founded the abolitionist newspaper The Liberator in 1831; he was then known as the most radical of America’s antislavery activists.

Antislavery northerners—freed blacks among them--began to help runaway slaves escapes the plantations of the south using a network of safe houses. This organized effort, known as the Underground Railroad, helped almost 100,000 slaves reach freedom.

Harriet Tubman, its most celebrated conductor, was a former slave herself, who had married a free Black man and escaped from Maryland to Philadelphia in 1849. She risked her own life to personally help over 300 other slaves escape, before serving as a scout and spy for Union forces in South Carolina during the Civil War.

Stick around, there’s more to come …


  1. As hard as it is to not bitch, vent and share funny memes of the dump, part of me doesn't want to give any screen time to any of it. I'll see how it goes, someday you just have to put stuff out there, but I feel silly giving him any air time on my blog.

    So yes, any distraction and things of importance like Black History Month SHOULD be giving time and space. Here! Here! Because if he gets his choice, he'll just have the "months for minorities" taken away.

    1. We need to remind people of our past before those in power try to erase it.

  2. I've learned so much just from watching PBS documentaries, especially about Reconstruction and it's end, how slavery morphed into sharecropping, Jim Crow laws, systematic chain gang labour hired out to northern industrialists like Henry Ford and peonage. Are such documentaries not being used in American classrooms?

    1. There are many aspects of Black History that I never learned in school, but that doesn't mean you don't learn it; we can all educate ourselves.

  3. Is this history not taught in school?

    1. Sadly, most history books are written by white men so it's a white perspective; great book for Americans to read is Black AF History: The Un-Whitewashed Story of America by Michael Harriot.

  4. I saw an interesting clip the other day about the fact that "Black History" doesn't start with slavery. There were many powerful, important blacks throughout the world - leaders, scientists, artists, authors, explorers, etc., etc. that get left out of the history we are taught.
    Thanks for sharing these stories, Bob.

    1. Sadly, as I said, since white people write the history books, history has a decidedly white slant.

    (and thank you for the shoutout!)
    And that was exactly my idea behind the post: Black History Month is more necessary now than ever. What with Mango Mussolini trying to erase everything and anything that does not deal with white cisgender men and their 'interests'.
    Posts like yours (and mine) will forever be necessary to remind people that there IS a BHM. And that it needs to be celebrated.


    1. Well, as I said, I did Black History Month posts a few years back and so I will be reposting them all month long because it does need to be celebrated AND remembered.

  6. Very interesting. People need to remember, Trump wants them to forget.

    1. Well, he wants to erase anyone who isn't white, straight, racist and faux christian.

  7. When I was a child, I read a fictional book about the Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman. I recall feeling upset at the thought of what these people went through (though I suspect it was a mild recitation).
    After the American Revolution, a number of Black settlers arrived in Nova Scotia, having been promised land. Of course, they were misled by the white individuals and ended up facing discrimination. Still their community thrived for 120 years (called Africville ), before they were forced to relocate and the community was razed. Some, who could prove ownership to the property were compensated, many were not. It is a little known event in Canadian history, and was something I learned when I was an adult.

    1. So much Black history isn't told because it shows how badly they were treated by white people.

  8. Name a few Black people he says, well I thought of Rosa Parks and the bus seat, I've heard of Martin Luther King and of course I had heard of Harriet Tubman but had forgotten completely until you mentioned her.
    I believe people don't want this history learned because it paints the white people in such a bad light due to the poor treatment given to slaves way back then and to regular black people even now.

    1. It does paint white people in a bad light but that was the way of the world in those days; we can and should be better now.

  9. Anonymous9:58 AM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

  10. Except for the good fortune of having some enlightened teachers, my early education was whitewashed. I was so glad to see that change over the years, but hate the most recent trends. Thanks for sharing this again.

    1. I had those same history; Black History was Slavery and then MLK and and everything was fine.

  11. Ramón12:37 PM

    Barack Obama was almost the first black president, except that being mulato (like me) his maternal lineage is European.....unless you are a believer in eugenics, like Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge and a number of other nefarious characters in USA history. Who can forget Charles Middleton (any relation to the infamous social-climbing English family?) being the first to utter the "one-drop rule" for the masses in the movie Showboat? It was exactly what the descendants of the 1717 Piracy Act wanted to hear! Even people who should know better have embraced it.


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