
Saturday, January 25, 2025

Why Is It ...

… that I just found out that the neighborhood had a meeting about that crazy old man and I wasn’t invited.

… that I need to remind people to drink water and mind their own damn business.

… that when someone asks me how strong I like my coffee I always say, “I want it to show up in a drug test.”

… that I have to put on a seatbelt but the garbage man gets to hang off the back of the truck.

… that people don’t understand that due to not wanting to, I will not be.

… that if I offended you with any of my social media posts, I sincerely apologize. I did not think you could read.

… that I hate when people call my phone; surely they know I don’t use it for that.

… that my boss doesn’t understand that I should be getting paid extra at work just for being the funny one.

… that if I knew then what I know now, I would have stayed strangers with a lot of people.


  1. 'if I offended you with any of my social media posts, I sincerely apologize. I did not think you could read' - this is my favourite, by far, although it competes with, 'if I knew then what I know now, I would have stayed strangers with a lot of people.'

  2. Meeting, eh? Hhhmm

  3. Love them all ... ❤️

  4. Kind of like not being invited to the special staff meeting?

  5. Anonymous10:15 AM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

  6. I so enjoy these Saturday posts. When I was drinking coffee, I used to ask for it intravenously.

  7. Choose life instead of meetings.

    Will Jay

  8. Damselfly12:38 PM

    Another excellent edition of "Why Is It..."
    Hope you & Carlos are having a wonderful trip!

  9. "… that I just found out that the neighborhood had a meeting about that crazy old man and I wasn’t invited." Could it be that YOU were the crazy old man they were talking about?

  10. Always a good post, Bob!

  11. "asks me how strong I like my coffee I always say, “I want it to show up in a drug test.” LMAO!!!!! That is a good one.

  12. The last one fits my life so well!

  13. All good ones this week. I like that last one a lot.

  14. Cleora Borealis10:21 PM

    🤨 Well, yah! If ya don't wanna, ya shouldn't hafta! Bob's First Law of I Gotta Be Me!! 🫡🎶

  15. There are a lot of crazy contradictions with regard to seatbelt laws. Here in England you can travel on trains that are travelling at 180mph but even if you wanted to put a seatbelt on, there are none!


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