
Friday, January 24, 2025

I Didn't Say It ...

Mariann BuddeRight Reverend bishop of Washington, speaking directly to The Felon’s fat face during the National Prayer Service at the Washington National Cathedral:

“Let me make one final plea, Mr. President. Millions have put their trust in you, and as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families, some who fear for their lives. The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals, they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, gurdwara, and temples. I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear their parents will be taken away, and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were all once strangers in this land. May God grant us the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being, to speak the truth to one another in love, and walk humbly with each other and our God, for the good of all people, the good of all people in this nation and the world. Amen.”

Of course, The Felon instantly called her a ‘nasty’ woman because she used words he doesn’t understand like ‘compassion and ‘mercy.’

I will add that on inauguration Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was asked by the media if she would be in attendance and she replied, “I don’t celebrate rapists, so, No, I won’t be going.”

Isn’t it funny how women—Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, AOC and Mariann Budde—speak out asking The Felon while men, even men on the left, say very little?

Had we elected a woman this wouldn’t have happened.


Chuck Schumer, Democrat Senate Majority Leader, on using the judiciary to hold The Felon accountable:

“I don’t know exactly what [Trump will] do. But I can tell you this: The judiciary will be one of our strongest—if not our strongest—barrier against what he does. When we started out, we knew it would be a very difficult job to do more than Trump had done. But we did: We got 235—more than a quarter of the federal judiciary was appointed by our Senate and by the president.”

Four years ago, Schumer launched a plan (along with President Joe Biden) to use the party’s Senate majority to prioritize not just passing legislation but also pushing through as many judicial nominations as possible.


Nicholas Hoult, British actor, on the unusual keepsake from the director of his latest film, Nosferatu:

“I have Count Orlok’s prosthetic penis framed at home. There’s a scene where Bill Skarsgård is slurping my blood and [director] Robert Eggers asked, ‘How was that for you?’ … And I said, ‘I could feel his prosthetic penis on my leg.' [So] Rob got it framed and sent to my house, but the frame had broken when it got there, so I had to take it to a local frame shop and I had to be like, ‘Hey, dude, can you fix this?’ [The framer] kind of didn’t even blink the first time, and then when I went back to pick it up, I think he had clocked how weird it was—what I was framing, potentially, like, this vampire penis? And he was like, ‘Is this some kind of collector’s piece?’ I was like, ‘Yeah, you could say that.’”

It is a conversation starter …


Adam Kinzinger, former GOP Congressman and Country over Party patriot,  on the way The Felon treats our allies:

“[Do you] wonder why [The Felon] threatens to attack our allies? Because he is scared to death to show actual strength. But he can scream and yell at allies because it makes him look strong to MAGAs and he will never have to actually prove it. Again, he’s a frightened little boy looking for Dad’s approval.”

What else could we expect from a draft-dodging coward who regularly attacks women. He’s a tiny little man with tiny little hands and a tiny little mushroom dick.


Shaun Ross, out male model, sharing a fabulous story about coming out to his grandfather and his mother:

“I remember coming out to my grandpa a year before he passed. I was shocked by how he embraced me. I said, ‘Grandad, I’m gay,’ and he replied, ‘Well, can you cook?’ I said, ‘Not really.’ He laughed, ‘How do you expect to keep a man?' He told me about gay men in 1950s Harlem who hosted dinners, dressed sharp, and had beautiful homes. He said they taught him so much about how to carry himself. [But when I came out earlier to my] mom [she] was upset because I wasn’t supposed to be on MySpace, and the way I was presenting myself online made it worse. She didn’t talk to me for a week. Then, that Friday, we went shopping. In Dior, I was looking at these boots, and she asked if I liked them. I said yes. They were $875 on sale, and she bought them. Then she said, ‘I don’t care that you’re gay, but if you’re going to be gay, be the best gay.’ That was the icebreaker.”

And quite simply, that’s how it’s done, with love and laughter, fashion and food!



  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Adam has got the rump’s number

  2. I loved all of these entries!

  3. I read this morning about Rev. Budde giving Matthew Shepherd a safe final resting place in the National Cathedral. Before that they were afraid to lay him to rest anywhere because of vandals desecrating his grave.

    Rev. Buddy is a credit to our horrible country.

  4. In the Budde and the Kinsinger cases, The Felon proves time and time again that he is the biggest snowflake of all. Or, as Bill Maher would say, "Whiny little bitch."
    And, Hoult is great - been a fan since "Warm Bodies."

  5. Anonymous8:44 AM

    THIS is what I didn’t know I needed today.
    Loved all these stories, Bob.
    Reverend Buddy is a hero.



    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Budde. Damn you, spell correct!


  6. There is light in the darkness . . .

  7. Kinzinger rocks! When I saw that Orloff/Hoult scene in Nosferatu the first thing I thought of was "they're having sex." And Budde was great, but now she needs to stay away from windows.

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    the dog's mother
    Good reads!
    xoxo :-)

  9. Cleora Borealis10:35 AM

    🥰 I wish for every gay person (and for anyone who needs to come out in any way) to have family and friends who love them and get them and have the money to buy them Dior boots!! 🤩
    🤬🤬 U.S.Rep. Mike Collins (Fascist-GA) wants Bishop Budde deported from the US to...the US?! She was born here! Steve Doocy (Stupid Fascist-FauxNews) wants Trump to shop for a new National Cathedral because he shouldn't have to be challenged in church!! 😳 Because Jesus bade his disciples to go to all the world and spread the Good News! That all the world must find the churches that will change to fit each person's demands. And he bade the disciples to do so in His name, lest any church would offer unto men that it is they who should change! For the Good News is that all men are perfect, there is no sin, and each man should tell each church what to do!! And, finally, Jesus bade his disciples to just forget the whole thing because if each man determines for himself what the Good News is, what the hell do we need all these churches for?! 🤨🤷‍♀️

  10. Great post! Why did any democrats show up at the inauguration at all? They should've sent cardboard cut-out placeholders instead...

  11. That Reverend was brilliant. And I agree with you on how silent the left has been specially the men. Of course I was even more appalled when I saw the Senate had a unanimous clean sweep to approve Marco Rubio. What's going on Democrats are we resisting or assisting?

  12. Great posts today!

  13. Wonderful post! Bishop Budde professes the truth. IQ45 can't tolerate that and the a-hole who suggested she should be deported failed geography.
    Good on Biden and Schumer, though I do worry that the Supreme Court will uphold some of the foolishness. There were ICE raids here, at the schools, in Yuma. I haven't heard how many children were taken into custody, but even one is down right obscene.
    I love the mom who said, "be the best gay".

  14. Not surprised Republicans are attacking her without mercy

  15. "if you're going to be gay, be the best gay". I like that mother.
    As for rumpty, he really is a scared little boy looking for Daddy's approval, or even attention.

  16. I wish MY parents reacted that way when I came out! They were supportive, for the most part, but I didn't get any designer boots. LOL

    Interesting observation by Kinzinger. And I'm intrigued about why Nosferatu needed a prosthetic penis? (I haven't seen the movie!)

  17. Mariann Budde! What a woman! How brave to hammer home a true Christian message and to see The Evil One and his entourage squirming in their seats - so precious. Almost enough to persuade one to become a Budde-ist!

  18. Great collection. Oh for more grandpas like Shaun Ross’s!


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