
Friday, August 25, 2023

I Didn't Say It: The Lunatic Fringe Edition, But First ...

… the Official Presidential Portrait of Thing 45 … er, Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl … hat tip to Randy Rainbow … er, INMATE # P01135809

Matt Walsh, Daily Wire host, whose fan murdered Laura Ann Carleton for displaying a rainbow flag, trying to compare drag to blackface:

“People are very offended by blackface these days because it’s a caricature. It’s degrading and everything else. But, of course, drag is woman face, and it’s every bit as degrading and every bit the caricature, and really even more so. Well, I’ll make it make sense for you. That’s because the guy in a dress is a million times more objectionable than blackface. You know—approximately. Really more than a million times. It’s infinite. And, in fact, it’s infinitely more degrading and offensive and also harmful for the culture.”

Funny he doesn’t explain how it’s harmful to the culture, but a man who rages against the LGBTQ+ community so hard that one of his ardent fans commits a murder, I would suggest, is the really harmful thing going on.

Oh, and Matt Walsh can shut the fuck up.


Kevin Sorbo, actor … hold for laughter … saying he’s been blackballed from Hollywood for being a Christian conservative Thing 45 lover:

“It was sad to me, you know, my manager and agent for so many years said that we can’t get you jobs anymore, work with you because of you being a Christian, being a conservative. And I almost had to laugh at that because it’s an industry that screams for tolerance, and yet it’s a one-way street. It screams for freedom of speech. But Hollywood’s a one-way street as well. And that’s just too bad, you know. The truth is too difficult for some people to take.”

Give us one job you didn’t get; give us the name of one project you weren’t hired for because you’re a Christian or a rightwingnut.

Look in the mirror, Jerkules, you don’t get hired because you’re a talentless hack.

PS  a quick scan of his IMDb page shows that Sorbo has worked steadily the last few years so, for a Christian and conservative, he’s a liar … big surprise, eh?


Liz Murrill, GOP candidate for Louisiana Attorney General, on pot ruining the world with its smell and, oh yeah, being laced with fentanyl:

“It just starts with pot. That’s why I’m not a fan of recreational use of pot. I think everywhere we go, we see these communities that are just being destroyed by the smell and it is bad. The people are sleeping on the streets. One thing leads to the other. It is not a great environment. If you go to Portland, you can’t even walk downtown. Go to Washington, D.C., walk around Vegas, it’s horrible. New Orleans is bad enough, and it’s really effectively legalized in New Orleans because nobody enforces the law. I’m not going to go into a hotel and the elevator smells no good for what it’s worth. The fact is that that also creates a great black market, and that’s what actually creates a great avenue for more fentanyl. And they do put fentanyl in pot a lot. It is also a problem, frankly, with abortion pills online.”

Oops, wait? Fentanyl is in pot and abortion pills? Someone needs to check her tinfoil hat …

PS Is it me, or does she seem to know all the best places to go for The Pot Smell™?


Sarah Huckabee Sanders, seeking to deny the teaching of Black history in America:

“We’ve got to get back to the basics of teaching math, of teaching, reading, writing and American history. And we cannot perpetuate a lie to our students and push this propaganda leftist agenda, teaching our kids to hate America and hate one another. It’s one of the reasons that we put into law banning things like indoctrination and CRT [critical race theory]. We want our kids to receive a quality education, and we want to make sure that every student has access to it and a pathway to prosperity. And that’s exactly what we’re doing here in the state of Arkansas.”

Here's the real scoop on Aunt Lydia … teaching Black history is American History and it doesn’t make kids hate America.

It makes their racist parents and their racist GOP leaders scared that these kids will grow up to understand where our country has been,  and perhaps work to make it a better place for all Americans, not just the rich white racists.


Candace Owens, speaking her usual self-loathing gibberish and transphobic nonsense:

“We are in a matriarchy. And this is why they accuse me of being an internalized misogynist because I’m able to think through and acknowledge the flaws of what happens in society when women get power. And if you wanna know what happens, look around you. Women fall for emotional arguments the entire time. They show us a commercial, it’s so sad, and before they get to the rational aspects of it, they’re already invested emotionally. And I think that virtually every societal ill that we are facing today is because of women. And I think the greatest recent example of that is the Bud Light controversy, because, I mean, trans people were just playing dress up as women, invaded every woman’s space, and women said, oh, but I feel bad. Because it’s how he identifies at the inside, without thinking through the fact that you’re quite literally disappearing yourselves. Right? You’re quite literally saying, I will cease existing before I let this grown man who’s wearing a wig have a bad feeling. That’s insane.”

We’re in a matriarchy? Has she seen Congress? Has she seen the white male faces in power?

And yet she claims to be the only woman who does see it because she is so smart, but then doesn’t that make her the root of all the evil in the world? A smart woman? Make it make sense. Are women in power or are women so meek and mild and confused by a transwoman that they will choose to become invisible.

Well, except for the self-proclaimed all-knowing Candy Ass.



  1. Owen's matriarchy seems at odds with Shapiro's patriarchy. Sorbo was never much more than a pin-up boy, and his career disappeared when the took off the loincloth. Walsh defines hatred.

    1. Candy is just Ann Colter with more melanin.

  2. "Jerkules," LOL, good one.

    1. I saw that on Twitter and, well, it works.

  3. This 3 male idiots + 3 female idiots post clearly demonstrates that stupidity is NOT the prerogative of either sex, but can - and does - just as readily originate in both.

    1. Gender doesn't make you stupid, clearly!

  4. Oh, it's vomit-inducing today!
    That presidential mugshot? What he deserves.
    Matt Walsh is despicable. He also looks like a porn star and I can't place him....
    Candi, oh Candi. That's one self-loathing Black woman right there.
    And Sorbo doesn't get jobs cause he's a xtianist? There's a loooong list of xtianists (and lovers of Xenu) who get work constantly, so there's that. Dave is right, the second he hung the loincloth his career was OVAH!!


    1. I saw that what i had collected was mostly from the garbage heap, hence the special title.

  5. Anonymous10:12 AM

    the dog's mother
    bleah - that mug shot!
    Apparently t_____ is already
    offering to sell t-shirts.
    xoxo :-)

    1. And the MAGAts will go hungry just to save up enough money to line INMATE # P01135809's coffers.

  6. As a woman I can assure you that drag does NOT offend me in the slightest. What does offend me is Trumpelstiltskin making money off his sad supporters allegedly to pay for his legal bills. Remind me once again why a multi-billionaire needs help with his legal bills and cannot put up $200,000 for bail?

    1. Drag is art, INMATE # P01135809 has perfected the art of having poor people pay his bills.

  7. The mugshot brings me such joy. Does he not realize that scowl just perpetuates the mobster vibe?
    Good heavens, Candace Owen is absolute lunatic. A matriarchy? She needs a dictionary. And Huckapew? American history has to include black history...otherwise it isn't American. How do they explain away Lincoln?

    1. I love the pissy bloated gelatinous mess that is INMATE # P01135809.
      Candy and Huckleberry are an embarrassment to all women.

  8. ICK, JUST FRICKIN' ICK! Sorry, Bobulah, I just can't with the fringe today, or ever. I used to be so sweet, too. Yes, I was, damn it! Is 8:00 a.m. too early to start drinking?

    1. That's why I placed a warning in the post title ... it was gonna be ugly.
      A little Bailey's on the cereal is okay, as is a little Stoli in the OJ!

    2. The Bailey's never made it to the cereal. Oopsh.

  9. Jerkules… Yes. The rest of the brain dead leave me speechless.

    1. I figured I would drop all the trash in the same bin this week.

  10. I am equally speechless today with the quotes you showed. JC on the cross. When will it end?

    1. I hope it ends soon ... fingers are crossed.

  11. 45 is looking like a real thug. (according to John Bolton) Do these crazies actually believe what they're saying? I don't know if it's worse if they do or don't.

    1. I think the crazies are too scared to move away, but the MAGAts clearly believe him.

  12. There's a real wackos in this world. And the dumps title seems to be getting longer and longer by the week!

    1. Thank the Goddess for Randy Rainbow!

  13. Trump's mugshot is disturbing. He's looking into the camera with such loathing - like an enraged bull in a Spanish arena - stomping his hooves and preparing to charge,

    1. He's trying desperately not to look like a scared little boy ... doesn't quite work.

  14. Fuckabee-Sanders is ridiculous. How'd she even get the job? I mean, other than because she's the devil's offspring?

  15. PS; UK newspaper headline this morning – “Donald Grump! Manbaby sulks in jail!” - summed that mugshot up nicely methinks!

  16. Have I heard of Kevin Sorbo? I don't think so.

    Candace Owens sounds like an IDIOT. A matriarchy? Really?!

    I hadn't heard about the link between Matt Walsh and that California shooter but I'm not surprised.

    1. Apparently the shooter was an avid "fan" of Walsh.
      Poor Kevin Sorbo went from Hercules to Jerkules.
      Candy is just an idiot for social media clicks.


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