
Thursday, August 24, 2023


I don’t really have a Carlos story this week, but I have one about Rosita and Tuxedo and MaxGoldberg, and a conversation Carlos and I had. It feels like a reincarnation story, except that Rosita was born before Max and Tuxedo passed, so maybe it’s more of a friendly possession tale?

We have decided that Rosita is somehow possessed by both Max and Tuxedo because of very specific things she does that they did. Both MaxGoldberg and now Rosita love to crawl onto Carlos while he’s sitting in a chair, put their butts down on his stomach, and then lay their front paws across the arm of the chair while he pats them. I look at them and I see Max … and then the other morning while having breakfast, Rosita them jumped behind Carlos on his chair, which is also something Max used to do.

As for the Tuxedo connection, one of his favorite spots to nap, and he was the only cat we’ve had do this, was to jump onto the clothes hamper, and then leap to a closet shelf six feet off the ground, curl up and nap; and not too long after bringing her home, I found Rosita in the same spot. And this week, Rosita has been disappearing for a few minutes and then coming back out to us with wet paws and a wet head; just like Tuxedo who would get into the tub after we’d showered and let the water dripping from the shower head drench him, which is what I found Rosita doing this morning.

Add all that up with the fact that Rosita looks a little like a Tuxedo cat, except she’s gray, and that MaxGoldberg was a gray cat and … yes, Carlos and I are slightly nuts.

This Tuxedo Repost is from March 2011, shortly after we adopted Consuelo Roca Jones and wondered how the two boys would take to another cat:

"Tuxedo Caturday

I LOVE  that face!

We were worried about Tuxedo getting on with Miss Jones when she came to live with us. He was leery of MaxGoldberg when Max first came along—though they are best buddies now. He was leery of Tallulah when she first moved in and is still leery of her now because she's one crazy bitch. So, when Consuelo moved in, we watched him, but then he started playing with her and chasing her and letting her chase him; it's like he's her big brother.

Just adorable."

Tuxedo was always easy going with the other cats and with people who came into our house; he was never the cat who hid, he was the cat who came out to say ‘Hello.’

Hundreds of law enforcement officers responded to an active shooting situation in Pittsburgh’s Garfield neighborhood yesterday after Allegheny County Sheriff’s deputies went to a residence to serve an eviction notice and the suspect began shooting.

Just another day in the United States of Guns.

In South Carolina, where it’s not the heat but the stupidity, the state’s new all-male Supreme Court reversed course on abortion and upheld a near-total abortion ban.

Women, rise up.

Yesterday Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and Jenna Ellis turned themselves into Georgia police for their part in The Big Lie to circumvent a free and fair election.

Rudy looks three sheets to the wind, while Sydney has mastered the Kraken face, and Jenna Ellis seems to be reliving her prom photo. Now we’re just waiting for Mr-former-fake-one-term-twice-impeached-currently-four-time-criminally-indicted-not-my-president-gurl—hat tip to Randy Rainbow—to step up for his mugshot and there are already bets on what color orange his mug might be:

Marm-a-Lago Orange +500

Geriatric Ginger +600

Presidential Pumpkin +600

Ballot-rigged Bronze +700

Twitter Tan +800

MAGA Mango +800

I kinda like MAGA Mango personally. What’s your bet?

Kristi Maris, a teacher at a Christian school in Texas, was fired for attending a drag show and sharing pictures of it on social media.

Yes; Maris was fired from First Baptist Academy, where she had taught physical education for 19 years, after watching a drag show at the Houston’s Hamburger Mary’s restaurant with a coworker and her adult daughters; her co-worker was also fired … for what they do on their day off with their grown children.

Fuck Texas.

Hamburger Mary’s has organized a GoFundMe to support Maris and her colleague, raising over $10,000 so far. In addition, the restaurant will also host a fundraising event for the pair on August 3.

Laura Ann Carleton, a store owner in Lake Arrowhead, was murdered in her shop after a man shot and killed her over her displaying a Pride Flag. Deputies found Carleton dead, and then chased the suspect, armed with a handgun, down and shot him and killed him.

This is Hate, y’all, plain and simple, and I’ll explain why: had that guy killed Carleton because he wanted the money in the cash register, which would have been hateful, but he murdered her because she flew a Pride flag; that’s Hate. And what makes it even more vile is that Laura Ann Carleton was a straight, married woman with nine children who just happened to be an LGBTQ+ ally.

This is a Hate Crime.

This overweight guy was watching TV when a commercial came on for a guaranteed weight loss of 10 pounds in a week. So the guy, thinking what the hell, signs up for it.

The next morning an incredibly beautiful woman is standing at his door in nothing but a pair of running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads:

"If you can catch me, you can have me."

As soon as he sees her, she takes off running. He tries to catch her but is unable. This continues for a week, at the end of which, the man has lost 10 pounds.

He then opts for the next weight loss plan, 15 pounds in a week. And the next morning an even more beautiful woman is standing at the door, in similar conditions. The same happens with her as the first woman, except he almost catches her. This continues for a week, at the end of which he, as suspected, weighs 15 pounds less.

Excited about this success, he decides to do the master program but before he signs up, he is required to sign a waiver and is warned about the intensity of this plan. Still he signs up and the next morning, waiting at the door, is a hulking ripped muscle man with nothing but a pair of running shoes, a raging erection, and a sign around his neck that says:

"If I catch you, you're mine!"

The man was supposed to lose 25 pounds in the week; he lost 34.

Funny, it didn’t work that way for me …

This is Marin Barba-Rosie who was spotted by a photographer while working as a waiter on a beach in Italy but that’s not important … Would You Hit It?


  1. The near total ban on abortion in South Carolina is to prove to women that men are in charge. I haven't seen too much about the wagering on Trump's hair color, but I do know that if you go to Bet Online, the smart money is betting that his weight is 278.5 pounds.

    1. I think his weight is higher than that.

  2. So many excellent items in your post today, I can't pick just one!

  3. All sane people know that having millions of guns floating around in the hands of haters is a recipe for disaster.

    I would advise not hitting that lad; he's got some strange lurghi on his hand - it might end up on yours and turn out to be a flesh eating fungus.

    1. I might take my chances with hitting that lad!

  4. Oh, my favorite is Geriatric Orange. I can't wait for the mug shot. Did you see that Jenna smiled in her mug shot? Ugh. I hope the bills ruin her. Cheeto is not paying them.

    I can totally believe that women in South Carolina vote repug. Duh. And I would let him hit it. Of course. Are you silly??

    George always on point. Hysterical.

    And Laura Ann Carleton's death WAS a hate crime. The killer was a MAGAt, who followed all the usual suspects, Matt Walsh being the worst.


    1. Jenna is one dumb bitch.
      I hope the majority of women in SC stand up to men running their lives and thoughts and bodies.
      As for the Hate Crime, that murderer was the lowest of the low.

  5. Anonymous10:41 AM

    the dog's mother
    Kitty possession!
    xoxo :-)

  6. Aww, sweet Rosita bringing happy memories of Max and Tux.
    I rarely miss Twitter but George is one of the few I followed, I do miss reading. Absolutely the death of Carleton is a hate crime.
    The so called Christians these days, are a hateful group. Marsi did not deserve to be fired. Hell, a woman I know who teaches in the Catholic school system, had an affair, divorced her husband, and re-married within 7 days of the divorce being finalized, and all they did was move her to a different school.
    As for the mugshots - I'm waiting on IQ45's to show up on the 'net. No idea what color of orange he'll be...but orange it will be be.

    1. Rosita is really something ... and a couple of somethings too!
      I love George Takei on Twitter!
      And I can't with getting fired for attending a drag show or getting murdered for hanging a Pride flag.
      I need an Orange Mugshot!

  7. All I have today is those cat posts are so entirely cute. You sure have you sure get good looking cats bob. Rosita is a beauty. And I'm a strong believer current animals pick up on spirits of past animals.

    And there's mugshots? That Jenna Ellis is so stupid. Who the hell Smiles gleefully for a mugshot like her?

    1. Rosita is so much a combination of both Max and Tuxedo that Carlos and I are certain the two boys are still with us.
      Jenna Ellis deserves what she gets for being such a dumb bitch.

  8. As far as the cats go, I'm slightly nuts, too. A bit of magic.

    Ellis beams for her mugshot! But then we already knew she was an idiot.

    I'll pass on Marin, although he's quite the looker.

    1. Jenna Ellis is also the first to complain that Thing 45 didn't pay her bond. It's like she'll commit crimes for him yet she doesn't seem to know he doesn't pay his OWN bills.
      There's something about Marin ....

    2. Marin is beautiful, but he makes me feel really old.

    3. He is a bit of a whippersnapper ... and using the word 'whippersnapper' makes me feel old!

  9. I'm allergic to cats, BUT I'd make an exception for those cuties, sweetpea! I mean, that is what is why I havean emergency inhaler! xoxo

    1. We've had some great ones through the years ...

  10. I'm glad they were arrested, albeit nominally

  11. The best laugh I have had in a couple of days, I needed that

  12. Definitely MAGA Mango.

    1. It is his color; he's a Spring, after all.


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