
Thursday, July 20, 2023


The other day I was telling Carlos about a new client at work. This woman had come with a friend who told me she had lived in Camden through high school, but then moved to Texas, and had now moved back to Columbia.

Carlos looked at me quizzically, and asked her name, but I had forgotten it—luckily, she wasn’t the client … awkward. He said her story was similar to a woman who’d asked him to play his trumpet at her church Christmas service while she played piano.

I tried remembering even her first name and couldn’t, and then, not thinking which is how I go through life, I said to Carlos:

“What does she look like?”

He paused; I paused. And then we both burst out laughing as he said:

“I’ve never seen her!”

Sometimes we forget about his vision impairment. Luckily, he can laugh about it.

This one is from September 2010:

“Someone Has it Easy On Caturday....

While Carlos and I cleaned house and reorganized a closet.......yes, we are that much fun....someone else took a snooze.


He looks a little annoyed that I was disturbing his nap.

Word has it that the relationship between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, AKA Large Marge and The Bobo, has gotten so bad that one of their colleagues, Rep. Tim Burchett, thinks “a fistfight could break out at any moment.”

Well, whoever wins that fight should be forced to take on the winner of the Elon Musk-Mark Zuckerberg Big Dick Battle … and fight to the death.

Okay, when he was younger, Brad Pitt was steaming hot—and this is from me, a guy who’s not really into blonds—but as he got older, he became more rugged sexy … Once Upon A Time In Hollywood sexy. But this week Brad went to Wimbledon and, maybe it’s just me, but he seems to be Benjamin Button-ing … getting younger rather than older.

House Republicans have proposed several amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act in order to limit the Pentagon’s use of electric vehicles because it's a Biden thing, going green and all. And while there is some debate over the merits of EVs, they emit less noise and heat, so they’re harder for enemies to detect.

I imagine a world where one day all cars are electric … well, except one: The GOP Clown Car will always be a stench emitting gas bag.

There’s growing crisis in Ron DeSantis’ campaign … between reports the campaign is burning through cash—Casey DeSantis’ opera glove budget must be extensive—and that staff is leaving or being fired.

So what does a desperate fool do when he needs some attention? He goes to the “woke” media for a sit-down. Yes, the same Ron DeSantis who called corporate media “very, very untrustworthy” sat down with Jake Tapper on CNN this week,

The desperation stinks as bad as Ronnie’s feet did when he took off those white go-go boots.

Down in Texas, officers working for Governor Greg Abbott’s border security initiative have been told not to give water to asylum seekers even in extreme heat and to push small children and nursing babies back into the Rio Grande, which has been strung with razor wire and a wall of buoys.

They aren’t trying to stop immigrants from  crossing the border, they’re trying to kill them. I have joked about it before, but Abbott really needs to have his wheelchair pushed into the Rio Grande.

Maximilian Paul Diarmuid Irons, AKA Max Iron,  is a six-foot-one, 37-year-old,  English-Irish actor, and the son of actor Jeremy Irons. But this is more about Would You Hit It?


  1. aussieguy9:58 AM

    It is highly entertaining watching the GOP prance around the clusterfuck that the Orange Moron is. While I’d love to see him behind bars, I would settle for him never to hold elected office again. Unfortunately, his evil impact on our country will continue for decades with the damage he did to the Supreme Court. I’ll pass on Maximilian— I have enough iron in me!

    1. I, too, don't exactly see him in jail, but if banishment is still a thing, I'm all for that.

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo always)
    xoxo :-)

    1. Karma is still a bitch, but in a food way.

  3. "and then, not thinking which is how I go through life," Honey, you just described me. But it's so sweet you can laugh about it! Love that journey for you.
    Hope Bobo and Large Marge go at it while the cameras are rolling.
    And Brad has always looked good. Always. Good genes. And a chef and a trainer. But good genes.
    And of course I'd let him hit it. You had me at six-one. Like a tree, I'd climb him.


    1. I can laugh about it because Carlos can laugh about it. He gets all credit.
      I always thought Brad hot, though blonds aren't my thing; but I have enjoyed older rugged Brad.

  4. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Get Abbott close enough to the Rio Grande and I will be the one to run up behind him, walker and all, to push him in.

    1. You may have to fight off a lot of other folks who want the same thing!

  5. Him indoors used to work for the company that makes batteries for the US military tanks, submarines etc.. Stealth weapons have been around since the early years of the century - why throw yourself about now?

  6. It would be epic to see 45 hoisted by his own teeny tiny petard, fall into the hole he himself dug for Hillary.

  7. I would pay so much money to watch Lauren Boebert and MTG fighting it out. I'd bring popcorn.

    Greg Abbott is a monster.

    I think Max needs to do a remake of "Brideshead Revisited." A more explicit one.

    1. I'm here for all three things you said. Yes, yes and yes!

  8. Karma. There should be a collection of Ron DeSaster maniac al laughs. Like Kanye's smiling-sneering images. Maximilian's cute. Carlos is one of a kind. Can The Bobo and Large Marge have a shoot-out and both lose?

    1. I've seen a montage of DeSaster's maniacal laughter and it's scary; robotic.
      Carlos is truly one of a kind; I got lucky there.
      I kinda see Marge beating the shiz out of Bobo who will spend most of the time running and shrieking.

  9. Keeping it short because I'm in a funk today. I would rather have Jeremy Irons, myself, with a little Brad Pitt thrown in for good measure.

    1. Interesting little ménage à actor you have planned!

    2. What can I say? I love Jeremy's voice and Brad's looks. I don't need to do anything but listen and gaze. My imagination is hot, my reality isn't.

  10. I think there should be a tag team match with MTG and Boebert - with Muck and Zuck.
    I've never known a cat not to be annoyed when someone interrupted their nap, nor one who couldn't sleep through the housework.

    1. I think that's why Tuxedo chose a high window for his nap; to escape notice!
      A cage match between those four would be epic ... cage match to the death?

  11. So many things to say, but let's go with the obvious: Hell yeah, I'd hit that because as Moms Mabley once said, "Ain't nothin' an old man can do for me but take me to a young man!" Amen! xoxo

    1. That will be my new mantra, or whenever they decide to do a Real Housewives of Camden and ask me to be in it, that will be my tagline!

  12. Max wouldn't happen to be Jeremey's son, would he? You're probably right about Brad. The next hurricane is blow Ronnie out to sea. And I'm betting Marge has a bigger dick than Bobo

  13. Loved this week's tale and the other tail is great too. That is a great photo of Tuxedo. It would be quite the karma if Trump was done in by his Hillary hatred. And it would be awesome. You and Carlos have a nice weekend.

    1. I would like the Karma of Hillary, very much!
      Tuxedo loved to have his picture taken, even scowled every so often for a change of pace.
      You and yours have a wonderful weekend as well!

  14. Oh how I enjoyed seeing tuxedo!!!! I now wondering if you should have named him Stretch?

    I think it's not long about Large Marge OUT!

    1. Tuxedo was a very stretchy cat, definitely.
      I hope you're right about Marge. She's disgusting.

  15. I didn't even recognise Brad Pitt there. Are you sure he doesn't have a better looking, younger cousin?

  16. That's a cool fashion statement De Santis is making with those white boots. I must get some. Normally only worn by deep sea fishermen and slaughterhouse workers. De Santis appears to be getting fatter. Are Republicans anti-salad?

    1. Well, I know most GOPers are bloated gasbags ....

  17. Carlos is a gem.

  18. Your blog was mentioned by Yorkshire Pudding. I like what what I am reading here. As if Jeremy was not hot enough, his son Maximilian Paul Diarmuid Irons is a knock out. Meanwhile in Australia there is an attempt for the Christian right to copy the US to ban a book.

    1. Welcome, thanks for commenting.
      Max is what I call a hot little [not so little] nugget.
      Sad that the worst things about America are being picked up around the world!


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