
Monday, December 12, 2022

Victoria Cobb Says It's Not Hate But ...

Last week in Bobservations I posted about the Metzger Bar and Butchery in Richmond, Virginia canceling a reservation made by the Family Foundation of Virginia because restaurant employees and the owner didn’t feel comfortable serving a group that is opposed to equal rights for all.

Well, on Saturday CNN host Michael Smerconish had the president of the group, Victoria Cobb, on his show where she whined and complained that she and her colleagues were refused service at Metzger’s and in the same breath defended the rights of Christian businesspeople who refuse to work with same-sex couples.

On the show, Smerconish tried to get Cobb to see that her group being denied service because it conflicted with the beliefs of the restaurant owner was the exact same thing as a Christian baker refusing to make a cake, or a web-site designer refusing to create a site,  for a same-sex couple which she feels is completely justified:

“I know you follow the arguments as I did this past Monday in the Supreme Court on the same issue. It’s incredible the timing of all of this. Justice Sotomayor said, ‘Hey, if we allow the web designer to not have to design that web for the same-sex couple, for the first time in our history we’re going to be saying it’s okay to discriminate based on gender identity, based on race, based on religion.' You know it’s a slippery slope argument. Would you similarly say a web designer doesn’t have to make a cake (sic) for an inter-racial marriage because they don’t agree with that from their religious point of view?”

Cobb wasn’t seeing it because hate in ignorance clouded her vision, and she said:

“I think we are stretching the Lorie Smith case to be something that it is not. [Smith] has a fundamental concern about same-sex marriage. It’s not the people, it’s I don’t want to write a speech. I have to literally write content and create beautiful imagery on something that violates my faith –that’s her case. We haven’t seen a ruling yet, it sounds favorable from what folks are saying. It is because we protect speech it is a bedrock principle. It is so important that no one, not even a paying customer compels someone else to have to say or write words they don’t agree with. I think that’s the America we want to live in.”

Smerconish shot back:

“I want to live in a world where everybody gets served. I want to live in a world where judgments aren’t made based on religious conviction. You respectfully didn’t answer me. I think the web designer could say, ‘Oh, my god, it’s an interracial marriage, I’m not designing a website.’ The baker could say ‘I’m not going to bake a cake for them.’ I want everybody to get served.”

Funny, cuz from reading this it looks like Victoria Cobb got served.

And, in closing, I will say again: if you are a business owner and you don’t want to bake a cake, create an invitation, design floral arrangements, photograph the wedding, cater the event for a same-sex couple then you should put a sign in your window and an icon on your website that reads:

“We refuse to serve same-sex couples.”

That way, we know who you are, and everyone knows who you are, and people who maybe aren’t gay might think twice about patronizing your business.

But you’ll hide your hate because, deep down, even you know it’s wrong.


  1. Of course I think this is just plain ignorant not to serve everyone, but if it's your business I guess you can run it the way you see fit. But I'll say it again in these times I don't know how any business can turn money away??????? Of course on the other hand it puzzles me why some gay people even after learning about a business that won't serve the LGBT would still even use them. I would refuse to give my money to anybody that does not support my my being gay.Fuck em!

    1. If businesses refuse to self LGBTQ+ Americans because their Fake Jesus says so, then please force them to advertise their business as such so they can be boycotted and run out of business for good.

  2. Pat Lark9:30 AM

    The way they try to spin things is utterly ridiculous. Personally, I like your idea of posting it blatantly: We do not serve the LGBTQ community. I want to know ahead of time so I don't patronize their businesses.

    1. Totally agree, maybe they should post a cross next to their credit card stickers in their window and have a cross hanging on the wall inside. We definitely don't want them feeling uncomfortable serving someone who isn't just like them now would we.

    2. If anyone discriminates against anyone, I wanna know about it so I can avoid their business like the plague.

  3. I know nothing about this topic so thanks for educating me a little.

    1. It's sickening that people who claim to believe so much in God and the Bible and Jesus use all three as a weapon against other people.

  4. They're only concerned about themselves and when the bias is against them for their beliefs they become outraged. I'm surprised she didn't shriek about a war against Christianity.

    1. I want to open a shop that says No Christians Allowed because my firmly held beliefs say that Christians are evil.

  5. Replies
    1. This same old argument has never made a lick of sense to anyone who is a real Christian.

  6. If you don't want to serve everybody then don't serve anybody, Stay at home with your spiteful thoughts.

  7. Simply put:

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

    1. But when you discriminate against a so-called Christians they get all enraged and say it's wrong and it's not at all the same as what they are doing.

  8. I can see how this is indeed a slippery slope. The underlying concept of "deeply held religious belief" has never been defined, so far as I am aware. How does one evaluate how deeply held one's religious belief is? And are other "deeply held beliefs" equally valid? Then there is the issue of "protected class" - and that may not be the same in every state. ( Many states exempt religious organizations regarding employment; not sure about housing or public accommodation. Some actually exclude gender identity and sexual orientation for employment. It is a real hodge podge. As for providing services as a business one might argue that not all services fall under "public accommodation". Then we might get into whether a LGBTQ-owned business can refuse to hire or serve Christian Fundamentalists or someone who belongs to a white supremicist organization, or an anti-vaxer, etc. Would you design a web-site for a Nazi organization? Or for one of the anti-LGBTQ hate groups? Who can deny whom services or employment or housing? I don't think even a Supreme Court made up of the most ethical judges can sort this out.

    1. All I want is a sign in the windows of these hate-filled people that say No Gays Allowed, so that way everyone knows who they are.

  9. Kudos to Michael Smerconish for trying. But, to paraphrase Mark Twain: “You can’t argue with stupid.”

    1. True dat. They are so blind they cannot see their own hate because .... Jesus.

  10. Since when do business owners employ a social-values litmus test for their customers? It's crazy.

    1. It's religion used as hate; it's sick.

  11. It matters not if one is religious or not. These people claim that having to serve same sex couples violates their religious beliefs. They need to be reminded that their basic text book, the Bible, says that the greatest commandments are to love God and to love one another as we love God. Do they really think they are not breaking the commandments that their own God has given them and that they will somehow get past the pearly gates with that on their record?

    1. Well, they believe in a god that hates everyone other than white people so there's no rationalizing with them.

  12. aussieguy5:20 PM

    Total BS. It’s so incredibly frustrating when you try and have a “discussion” with someone possessing absolutely no common sense. They fail to see (or, more likely, refuse to see) the other person’s perspective. Another way of saying they don’t respect that others have a different viewpoint. She didn’t want to acknowledge the existence of another opinion. She and her ilk (a lovely word) can simply go fuck themselves.

    1. That woman is so locked into Gay/Bad, Christian/Good that she can't see the discrimination right in front of her face.

  13. Xtianists want their cake and eat it, too.
    It's not discrimination when THEY discriminate, babes. It's simple as that...


  14. I don't understand those silly business owners. Money is money, who cares if the person buying is gay? or any religion you don't agree with?

    1. Cuz they think if they ban the gays god [little g] will welcome them into Heaven.


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