
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Meme Dump


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Pat Lark says,
    The more they open their mouths the further the proof that Hillary was right. The more they vote for trolls like Marjorie Three Names, Matt Gaetz, etc, the more convinced I am that the people in those districts are as deplorable as the trolls they send to D.C.

  2. Much chortling over the sign switching!
    xoxo :-)

  3. Yes, Elon.
    Now that we are talking grammar, that's my imperative sentence, too.


  4. aussieguy10:17 AM

    Senator Enema has been a thorn in everyone's ass for a long time. No surprise with her latest stunt.


  5. Bacon is forbidden? Not in my very secular house. Sinema isn't party-curious, she's desperately trying to find a political future where she can be financially self-serving, while at the same time saying "screw you."

  6. I have officially changed my religious affiliation to "not delusional".
    On the other hand, I've always understood by Hilary called them deplorables.

  7. She had the right word, it was her timing that was off... but then, that seemed to be the running theme of her campaign. Bless her little heart. I am going to use non-delusional from now on and see if anyone catches it, as it sounds so similar to non-denominational. Cool beans. Thanks, Bob. Kizzes.

  8. You would think Sinema being the only bisexual senator would be more liberal

    1. Here Here!!!! Pelosi and Schumer should have backed her progressive candidate opponent instead of Sinema, just like they should have backed Mansion's progressive opponents too. But they were both like, no we need her, and she'll bring a representation of the LGBT. But where did that get them??? She and Mansion have both fucked over the D's too many times.

  9. Why do i always see this...and never this. A good one and still looking for an answer to that still.

  10. Hillary was right then and she's still right! xoxo

  11. "Relgion -- Non-Delusional" HAHAHAHAHAHA! And "rich people's yacht money" -- truer words were never spoken.

  12. some of the best. I would still vote for Hilary

  13. Wouldn't you just love to be able change out the signs like that?

    Interestingly, Kyrsten Sinema is now disliked by a majority of Democrats, Republicans, AND Independents.

    These are excellent.

  14. I'm going to try that Non-Delusional next time someone asks me what my religion is.


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