
Saturday, August 13, 2022

Snarky Thoughts

I hate to pick on Madonna, but damn, the old girl makes it so easy.

It seems Madge went to the roller rink in Central Park this week and was surrounded by an entourage who literally guarded and guided her so she wouldn’t fall down. And if she did, Nile Rodgers, for whom she hosted a party, said:

“If Madonna falls down and goes boom, we all fall down and go boom.”

My Thought: put some blades on a walker and let Nana loose on the ice.


As Ben Affleck and Jell-O—that’s what Carlos calls her and I am embracing it—continue their We Got Hitched World Tour in Paris, are cracks already beginning to form? Ben seems seriously annoyed by the amount of paparazzi attention he and the missus are getting, looking grim and angry in just about every photo.

My Thought: But look at Jell-O, all perfectly coiffed and made-up and dressed and beaming. One of these things is not like the other and that does not bode well. Especially given that Ben if back in LA while Jell-O continues the Italian leg if the Marriage Tour.

Katharine McPhee, the fifth wife of serial monogamist … I kid … David Foster, who is actually younger than all of David’s children save two, and one of those is her son with the old man, has clearly found her spot behind the gates of One Percentville.

Apparently crime is on the rise in 90210 and McPhee, who lives in a gated community in a gated house and has security and drivers and private planes is running so scared that she is endorsing billionaire real estate developer Rick Caruso for LA mayor. And she asks that you vote for him because she and her friends cannot wear their rings and Rolexes in public anymore.

McPhee took to Instagram—because that’s what one does—to tell the tale of the night she was set to meet a friend and noted that she would not be wearing rings and watches in case someone jumped into giant SUV and disabled her bodyguards and the drivers and took her jewels.

My Thought: If you vote for a man just because Katharine McPhee wants to be able to wear her Rolex in public, perhaps you should rethink your right to vote ... as should the current, but probably not future, Mrs. David Foster.


Now that Renée Zellweger is a few years into her 50s, she has decided to play the Jane Fonda card and talk about growing old with grace and dignity and to stop worrying about looking younger.

My Thought: Renée forgot about 2014 when she appeared on a red carpet looking nothing at all like Renée and denied having her droopy eyelids stapled higher on her forehead. Renée, honey, even Jane admits to getting work done.



  1. We all go boom? Right. Madonna falls down we all go Hahahahaha. Foolish Ben is never going to be happy. Renee now looks like every other aging, blond actress.

    1. I just hope Madge doesn't fall face first or she'd crack that shiz.

  2. "Jell-O" LOL -- that's what I'm going to call her from now on too. Thanks, Carlos!

    1. Carlos has been calling her that for years and I have just now decided to go for it myself!

  3. It's weird to realize she's fifty now

    1. I hope she stops the nonsense and ages gracefully.

  4. I didn't like the last plastic surgery Renée got because I think it spoiled her already beautiful face - very different but very beautiful. I hope she leaves it alone in future! As for Madonna, pfft, she's the same age as I am and if she has to be held up on roller blades, to me that just shrieks "don't do it lady"!

    1. Renée kinda jacked up her face a little.
      Poor Madge, she still thinks she's a kid.

  5. I had to look up David Foster.

  6. If Madonna went boom on roller skates
    at her age, it might mean an ER trip.
    I wonder if they can stuff her whole
    entourage into the ER?
    xoxo :-)

    1. I sure she brought her own ambulance!

  7. Sorry Bob, I missed this blogpost as I was making a cup of tea. Anyway, I am not really into celebrities. As American teenagers might say - they suck!

    1. This group certainly sucks.

  8. How old is Madonna now? Going on 90? Although she acts as though she is about 5 years old, needing nanny to hold her hand.

    1. Mentally she's about 19, but physically, reverse those numbers.

    2. She shares my birthday, so I think she will be 64 on Tuesday.

  9. Jell-o looks happy, but not so much Ben.

    Poor Madonna. When cleaned up and looking nice she is fine. but when unkempt, she hit a floor hard girl.

    1. Remember when Ben was married to Jennifer Garner and they lived a quiet life? Yeah, he can't have that with a wife so thirsty for attention.
      As we say here in horse country, "She's been rode hard and put away wet."

  10. It's funny. I enjoy JLo's music and movies but can't stand her personally.

    1. Funny, I don't like her, ahem, music or movies, and don't really care for her. 😁

  11. to be fair to Jell-o, it looks like she's frustrated and talking smack through her clenched jaw. Oh - and for a real train wreck, you should watch two pathetic people talk to each other: Madonna and Fallon. TRAGIC

    1. I cannot watch Madge or Jimmy Fallon. I can't.

  12. These are not important people.

  13. aussieguy12:04 AM

    I’ve been chuckling over Jell-o since reading it earlier this afternoon! Definitely going to become part of my vocabulary! Wonder if she’s made Bennie get rid of his back tat yet…can’t imagine that goes well with her super-groomed image. Didn’t like Madge since day 1.

    1. I still giggle when Carlos talks Jell-O. I 'enjoyed' Madge back in the day but the last few years she's just come off as desegregate to be relevant.

  14. Jane does admit it now, but didn't for a very long time. Is that really Madonna? I didn't recognise her. And if she is THAT unsteady on skates then she shouldn't be on them.

    1. Yeah, and while it's clear Jane has had work done, she looks good; Renée looks ... odd.
      And Madge needs to stop with the enhancements, too.

  15. Madge will be 64 tomorrow, she is older than I am - as my mother would have crowed, act your age

    1. I don't mind her acting, let's say, less than her age, but it's the entourage that must surround lest she fall that I find idiotic.


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