
Friday, August 12, 2022

I Didn't Say It

Beto O’Rourke, former Texas Representative and candidate for governor, taking on a heckler at a rally who laughed as he described the gun used to murder 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde:

“It may be funny to you, motherfucker, but it’s not funny to me, OK?”

O’Rourke rightfully fired back at the laugher, who was standing among a small group of supporters of GOP asshatted Governor Greg “I don’t care about dead kids” Abbott.


Dan Patrick, Texas GQP Lieutenant Governor, saying the US Constitution was literally written by God:

“We’re a nation founded upon not the words of our founders, but the words of God because he wrote the Constitution. We were a Christian state and lost that for many years.”

No, asshat, we were never a Christian nation and Texas was never a Christian state, which is what we have Freedom OF Religion, and Freedom From Religion.

God wrote the Constitution? I haven’t heard such ridiculous ignorance in a looooong time.


Mick Mulvaney, former acting chief of staff for Thing 45, saying that the reported informant who tipped off authorities about where those classified documents were stored at Mar-a-Lago would have to be “very close” to the former president:

“This would be someone who was handling things on day to day, who knew where documents were, so it would be somebody very close inside the president, my guess is there’s probably six or eight people who had that kind of information. I didn’t know there was a safe at Mar-a-Lago and I was the chief of staff for 15 months.”

Rumors fly that Melanie wants no part of a second term in the White House and maybe she’s the one who squealed.

I kinda believe that.


Lindsey Graham, South Carolina GQP Senator and former Junior Miss, on same-sex marriage:

“I think states should decide the issue of marriage and states should decide the issue of abortion. I have respect for South Carolina. South Carolina voters here I trust to define marriage and to deal with the issue of abortion. Not nine people on the court. That’s my view.”

Graham said he believes the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision to legalize same-sex marriage would not be overturned, but that doing so “would be up to the court.”

Yes, the lifelong “confirmed” bachelor is anti-marriage equality probably because there isn’t a gay man alive who’d put a ring on it for Miss Lindsey. And that poor dear frets so much about always being a bridesmaid and never a bride, that she forgot that South Carolina legalized same-sex marriages in November 2014, before SCOTUS did in June of 2015, so we were ahead of national curve you pandering queen.

Come for my marriage, ma’am, and see how that works for you.


Traitor, after stating his name, pleaded the Fifth while being deposed by the New York Attorney General, and then said when asked to answer a question:

“Same as before.”

He said that 440 times, even after saying only mob bosses plead the Fifth.

For once he and I agree: he’s a criminal.


Glenn Youngkin, Virginia’s GQP Governor, on outing children to their parents:

“With regards to informing parents with most important decisions about their children, I think everybody knows where I stand, parents matter. Parents should be at the forefront of all of these discussions. And I firmly believe that teachers and schools have an obligation to make sure that parents are well informed about what’s happening in their kids’ lives. And one of the things we learned last year during the campaign is that parents were tired of being pushed to the background in their child’s education.”

He says parents matter, but those LGBTQ+ kids who might be kicked out their homes, or worse, when outed to their parents, he doesn’t give a flying fuck about.

And this isn’t about education, it’s about shoving young LGBTQ+ Americans back into a closet to make these fucking Republicans feel better.



  1. I hope Melania DID rat out Trump.

  2. Go Beto! And, if Dan Patrick is correct, then God writers everything, including porn. Sorry to disagree with you, but the only thing Melania knows about is the location of her credit card. I'm betting it was one of the underlings who do the menial tasks. Graham? Miss Thing is in really deep shit. And Youngkin is only talking to the Cracker Jack Crazies who will try and beat their kids into submission before they kick them out.

    1. Don't put it past Melanie, she spent four years being attacked and derided, and deservedly so, and no amount of coins will make her do that again.

  3. Dan Patrick? What a complete wacko!!!! Amazing how dumb and gullible they he is.

    Beto!!!!! Good for him. People in this country are becoming lile robots. Non feeling. Fucking asshole. Nothing funny about gun violence.

    And yet again. Why are we not just throwing that useless turd in prison. For the 215 time Im asking. If he doesn't go to jail....then everyone involved in research and DA,s and other polictican and hearing committees are basically letting him get away with everything as far as Im concerned. What message does this send?

    1. I simply cannot believe that an educated person could suggest God wrote the Constitution. The only thing dumber than that are the people who believe it.
      I'm with you about, Beto. Slaughtered children is no joke.
      I'd like him to flee to another country that has no extradition agreement with the US and let him rot there. I hear Saudi Arabia is nice this time of year.

  4. Just imagine what it must be like living here in Texas. At least we have Beto bless him and his campaign.

    Now, if you should wake up some morning and open the door to get your paper and are greeted by a cat with a distinct Texas accent do not be concerned. It is just my reincarnation inviting myself into yours and Carlos' life because I have heard you are kind and loving folks where cats are concerned.

    1. I credit you for staying in Texas after all these crazies began taking office.
      And if a Texas cat shows up on our doorstep, we have a bed and some food ready for you.
      PS That was a sweet thing for you to say.

  5. As much as I viscerally loved O'Rourke's comment to that guy in the audience, I think our leaders (and wanna-be leaders) need to rise above. Name-calling feels good but does nothing to promote the public interest. It's not gonna make that guy (or others who feel similarly) re-think his position. However, this does not mean that I can't call people names, because I'm not a civic leader. :)

    There are a disturbing number of people who think the USA is a divinely-anointed country. Dan Patrick -- IDIOT!

    As for Trump, no one takes the Fifth unless they know their testimony may be self-incriminating. (I think the actual wording is that they can't be forced to be a witness against themselves.) So, yeah, he's a traitorous asshole.

    1. I would normally find the cussing a distraction, but if someone laughs when you're talking about slaughtered schoolchildren, then the term "motherfucker" fits.
      Dan Patrick. God clearly made him an idiot.
      Donald J. Traitor said pleading the fifth is for mob bosses, and said anyone being investigated by the FBI should not be able to run for office, and tightened laws on politicians who remove government documents.
      And then does ALL that!

  6. (Beto O’Rourke)
    xoxo :-)

  7. When you say "put a ring on it for Miss Lindsay" do you mean finger or....

    1. Helen!!!! Well, to be honest, I deliberately left that up to the reader to interpret!

  8. On the Trump theme, I guessed you might be interested in this letter that appeared this week in "The LA Times":-
    To the editor: I am a Vietnam-era veteran (an Army medic), and I was opposed to that war before and during my service. I was honorably discharged in 1969. I was proud then and am proud now of my actions.

    One week ago, I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I think I have between two and seven months to live.

    Please help me retain my pride, my belief in our country, and my belief in the humanity and goodness of Americans and our elected officials by letting me see that the U.S. attorney general has charged Trump.

    Gerald Stussman, Thousand Oaks

    1. I will be sending good thoughts to Mr. Stussman, for his journey, and for his wish to come true!

  9. aussieguy6:14 PM

    I’ve liked Beto from the beginning. It’s a shame Texas refuses to listen to his fresh and extremely needed approach. Texas is about the only state worse than my Indiana.

    I’m surprised the Orange Moron just didn’t record his response the first time he invoked the 5th. Poor dear must have been exhausted having to say it 439 more times…

    …and I hope it was Malaria that ratted him out!

    1. I love your take on Thing 45 and the Fifth!

  10. I got to meet Beto in 2019 when he was running for president

    1. I like that guy. I wish Texas would kick Abbott to the curb.

  11. God wrote the constitution? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    1. Seriously. I mean, how can you argue against that level of ignorance.

  12. Youngkin is out of touch. Most parents do not give a shit about their kids. They just want someone else to raise them and take care of them while they pursue whatever selfish desire they have. So his argument is a bunch of bunk. As for the rest... will be interesting to see how things pan out re: those documents. Hopefully they've been recovered. Thanks for the feed.

    1. I think if even one child is abused, harmed, or discarded because of Youngkin's homophobia, then he needs to be held accountable.

  13. I had no idea god wrote the Constitution. Did Thomas Jefferson write the Bible?


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