
Friday, May 06, 2022

I Didn't Say It

President Biden, on the leaked draft of the Supreme Court’s opinion striking down Roe v. Wade:

"We do not know whether this draft is genuine [Biden spoke before the Supreme Court confirmed the authenticity of the draft], or whether it reflects the final decision of the Court [but] with that critical caveat, I want to be clear on three points about the cases before the Supreme Court. First, my administration argued strongly before the Court in defense of Roe v. Wade. We said that Roe is based on 'a long line of precedent recognizing ‘the Fourteenth Amendment’s concept of personal liberty’… against government interference with intensely personal decisions. I believe that a woman’s right to choose is fundamental, Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned. We will be ready when any ruling is issued. And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November. At the federal level, we will need more pro-choice Senators and a pro-choice majority in the House to adopt legislation that codifies Roe, which I will work to pass and sign into law." 

You heard it from Joe; if you believe a woman has the right to choose her own healthcare options, then vote for pro-choice candidate, er, Blue.



Brian Kilmeade, Fox & Friends host, proving chauvinism and misogyny are a trademark at Fox:

“Let’s talk about this, something new that kind of got sprung on us last week. For the last few months, we have had a disinformation czar and a unit within the Homeland Security Department … Then, we find out who is in charge of it, and this woman that’s in charge of it, Nina Jankowicz, who’s about eight-and-a-half-months pregnant. “I’m not sure how you get a job and then you just—you can’t do a job for three months. I’m not faulting her, but I don’t know why you would give someone a job that you think is so important.”

And here’s Brian Kilmeade proving he knows nothing about women because he has one foot in his mouth and his entire head shoved up his ass.


Susan Collins, GOP Senator from Maine, reacting to the Supreme Court leaked draft document:

“If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office. Obviously, we won’t know each Justice’s decision and reasoning until the Supreme Court officially announces its opinion in this case.”

Hey Coathanger Sue? I knew Gorsuch and Kavanaugh would vote to overturn Roe v Wade, but you don’t want to upset the apple cart so you bought what they said, like you bought everything the GOP and Thing 45 have told you for four years.

Collins has already said she’d be a ‘No’ vote if Congress tried to pass a Pro-Choice bill, so Susan Collins needs to have her flip-flopping, ass-kissing, uniformed ass removed from public office.


Cassie Smedile, executive director of America Rising pro-[Thing 45] PAC, blatantly lying, and stupidly so, about Democrats and abortion:

“We’re not talking about 40 years ago. Today’s Democrats are advocating for the right to have an abortion beyond the birth of the child. And most Americans would say, ‘That’s not something that sits well with me.’ And, so for Democrats to go out on the campaign trail if they want to put all their eggs in this basket and have the conversation about a much more aggressive—much more aggressive conversation about this issue, I think that will be at their own political peril. It’s so far out of step with what most Americans feel on this sensitive issue.”

Cassie? Honey? How does someone about a child that has been born? I know you’re a moron but try to make it make sense.

Failing that, perhaps you should listen to the polls, because nearly every single one says 70% of Americans support a woman’s right to choose.


Whoopi Goldberg, on the end of Roe v Wade means to her:

“You got people telling me I gotta wear a mask, or don’t wear a mask, or do this. Everybody wants to tell me what to do! This is my body! My doctor, and myself, and my child—that’s who makes the decision [about abortion]. Women, when they decide something is not right for them, they’re going to take it into their own hands [because] we got tired of tripping over [other] women in public bathrooms who were giving themselves abortions because there was nowhere safe, nowhere clean, nowhere to go. It is a hard, awful decision that people make [and] if you don’t have the wherewithal to understand that, to start the conversation with, ‘I know how hard this must be for you,’ if you’re starting it by telling me I’m going to burn in hell, then you’re not looking out for me as a human being, whether I subscribe to your religion or not, and that is not OK. It has nothing to do about your religion. This is not a religious issue, this is a human issue.”

Word. And Whoopi knows whereof she speaks because she has been quite candid of her own illegal abortion she had as a teenager.

Remember, ending Roe v Wade won’t end abortion, it will end safe abortion.



  1. I must be thick, but I am not sure how you have an abortion after your baby has been born. Perhaps this Smedley woman would care to explain (if possible in words of more than one syllable).

  2. Susan lied. She knew both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh would vote to overturn Roe v Wade. Republicans know she will always vote for them because she so desperately wants to be part of their 'old boys club.' Someone should have told her long ago that will never happen. As for Smedile? She's trying to use her single-celled brain. Not going to happen.

    1. Susan Collins is a flip-flopping fool who changes her opinion as she changes her clothes.
      Cassie's an idiot.

  3. Re: Cassie Smedile and post-birth — read the next to last paragraph of this article.
    You;d have known this if you'd been paying attention.

    1. Thanks so much coming here to school me, but my point is you cannot abort a child that's been born, and I doubt very seriously any woman, giving birth to a child, would suddenly call for abortion.
      But you do you.
      You'd have known that had you been paying attention.

  4. After the baby was born?
    And you KNOW the MAGAts are gonna repeat that argument. Without blinking, cause they're stupid MoFos. Also, Eff Kilmeade and Collins all the way to hell.
    And brilliant answer to the troll. Props.


    1. Yes, that troll-ish person, ugh!

  5. This will be going on for a while,
    or forever, depending on what
    finally comes out of the SCOTUS.
    Of course I'm surprised to see it
    come up now.
    xoxo :-)

    1. Just shows you can't rest on what you thought was settled law.

  6. Susan Collins needs to be exiled out of Maine and sent to Texas

  7. "An abortion beyond the birth of the child" -- WTF? That is such a ridiculous assertion that one can only laugh.

    Susan Collins is just trying to cover her ass. But her ass is too big. (And I'm not talking about physical dimensions of her actual ass.)

    1. The inanities of the right rarely go unnoticed.
      Collins needs to be voted from office.


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