
Friday, February 04, 2022

I Didn't Say It

Trevor Noah, “The Daily Show” host, on Fox “personalities” pushing back against President Biden’s promise to nominate a Black woman to SCOTUS:

“Biden is going to pick a Black woman who is also qualified. These people act like Biden is just going to show up to the mall and be like, ‘Yo, Shaniqua, come with me.’ And why not try to make the Supreme Court a little more representative of the country it represents? I mean, their rulings impact the lives of every person in the country. Of course [Tucker Carlson’s] upset. Think about it. For almost all of American history, the entire Supreme Court was white dudes with bow ties and weird hair. Now that’s all gone. It’s all gone. Where’s Tucker’s representation, huh?”

It’s hard to deny that those on the right, politically and in the media, are letting their racism shine through. They don’t even bother hiding it anymore … see next quote.

SIENOTES Trevor really floats my boat … hot, funny, and smart.


Joe Rogan, podcaster and anti-vaxxing loon, on Black people:

“The black and white thing is so strange because the shades are such a spectrum of shades of people. Unless you are talking to someone who is, like, 100% African from the darkest place, where they are not wearing any clothes all day and they have developed all of that melanin to protect themselves from the sun, even the term Black is weird. When you use it for people who are literally my color, it becomes very strange.”

Racism, plain and simple, with a healthy dose of what-the-fuck-it is, because a lot of those folks aren’t Black enough?

Fuck all the way off you racist asshat.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., apologizing for saying Anne Frank had more freedom in hiding from the Nazis than people have today under U.S. vaccine policies:

“I apologize for my reference to Anne Frank, especially to families that suffered the Holocaust horrors. My intention was to use examples of past barbarism to show the perils from new technologies of control. To the extent my remarks caused hurt, I am truly and deeply sorry.”

I don’t buy this; he’s too smart. He knows his words are still out there, having their desired effect on the masses, so his apology his hollow. The good news is that both his sister and his wife took him to task for his remarks:

Kerry Kennedy, his sister, said:

“Bobby’s lies and fear-mongering yesterday were both sickening and destructive. I strongly condemn him for his hateful rhetoric. He does not represent the views of RFK Human Rights or our family.”

Cheryl Hines, his wife also said:

“My husband’s reference to Anne Frank at a mandate rally in D.C. was reprehensible and insensitive. The atrocities that millions endured during the Holocaust should never be compared to anyone or anything. His opinions are not a reflection of my own.”

But, again, the damage, and the ignorance, has already been spewed.


Neil Young, musician and activist, demanding that his management team and record label remove his music from Spotify for their anti-vaccine lies:

“I am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines—potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them. Please act on this immediately today and keep me informed of the time schedule. I want you to let Spotify know immediately TODAY that I want all my music off their platform. They can have [Joe] Rogan or Young. Not both.”

Young is referencing the steady stream of misinformation about vaccines that Joe Rogan has peddled on his podcast. Young also has the back of some 270 doctors, physicians, and science educators who signed an open letter asking Spotify to stop spreading Rogan’s baseless claims.


Ted Cruz, wacknut GOP loon, promoting the asshatted idea that President Biden will nominate Vice President Kamala Harris to the Supreme Court:

“I think there is a chance they name Kamala to the court, in part because they can’t stand her. And one of the virtues of naming her to the court is they get to get her out of the White House. My guess is if Kamala was nominated, it probably would be a 50-50 vote. Maybe she’d pick up a Republican vote. I would not be on the fence. I would be a hell no on Kamala if she were nominated.”

Oh, that hurts, Ted Cruz being a No vote to anything the Democrats suggest, even something as ludicrous, and QAnon-ish, as this.

Gosh he’s an ass.


John Stockton, retired NBA Star, who may have hit his head one time to many on the hardwoods, saying more than 100 professional athletes have died from the vaccination:

“I think it’s highly recorded now, there’s 150 I believe now, it’s over 100 professional athletes dead—professional athletes—the prime of their life, dropping dead that are vaccinated, right on the pitch, right on the field, right on the court.”

They’re dying right on the court, mid-practice or mid-game and there is not one single video to document this?

Why that makes Stockton look like the Dumbest Fuck Walking.


Brian Cox, actor, on Johnny Depp and turning down the part of the Governor in the “Pirates” franchise is his new memoir, Putting the Rabbit in the Hat:

“It would have been a money-spinner, but of all the parts in that film it was the most thankless. Plus, I would have ended up doing it for film after film and missed out on all the other nice things I’ve done. Another thing with ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ is that it’s very much the ‘Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow’ show, and Depp, personable though I’m sure he is, is so overblown, so overrated. I mean, ‘Edward Scissorhands.’ Let’s face it, if you come on with hands like that and pale, scarred-face make-up, you don’t have to do anything. And he didn’t. And subsequently, he’s done even less. But people love him. Or they did love him. They don’t love him so much these days, of course. If Johnny Depp went for Jack Sparrow now, they’d give it to Brendan Gleeson.”

I can’t argue with that …. Especially the ‘overblown, overrated’ bits.



  1. Joe Rogan is such a has been and will do anything to stay relevant. And besides, he looks like hell. I'm not on Spotify but by putting up with his antics and letting misinformation spread they are just as bad.Fuck them. I don't see a need for this service anyhow, what the point of it?

  2. More idiots on show today than savvy people. Robert F Kennedy is a blot on the face of the earth. Presumably he's never read of the trials of Anne Frank;. When you think of the problems she and her family faced, living in terror every day and that goon-brain likens that to wearing a mask - it makes me sick.

  3. Neil Young: awesome.
    Joe Rogan: famewhore
    Kennedy: con man.
    Cruz: wacknut GQP loon and spineless see you next Tuesday.

    Trevor Noah is effortlessly handsome but it's how smart and articulate what draws you in. I disagree with his take on Joe Rogan, but overall, he's right.

    I a read Brian Cox's opinion on Brad Pitt during Troy and he said Brad was the most handsome man he's ever seen, especially in that costume. I agree.


  4. I love Trevor Noah's stand up comedy. Such a soft voice and gentle but sharp intelligent wit.
    I've always loved Brian Cox's acting. I find him very sexy and that voice! I'm beginning to see a pattern.
    Now, that being said, I don't know what Spotthefly is, and I don't care to find out.
    Bobulah, I'm going to be very offensive right now. I'm going to use language I don't usually indulge in, but it's bubbling up. TDM, close your eyes and don't read this. You're a lady. Joe Rogan is a fucking idiotic ignoramus! What the actual fuck? Who the fuck is this fucking twatnozzle? Shit what an asshole!
    Mads, has been? He's a never was. Sorry for fucking losing it, sweet Bobulah. Wow, I sound like my mother!
    Enjoy the weekend everybody. I need coffee stat!

  5. Trevor Noah, Neil Young, Kerry Kennedy, Cheryl Hines and Brian Cox are the only sane people quoted in this post. Gawd, I'm so sick of racists and idiots.

  6. I am just mystified by Robert Kennedy Jr. It's like he was adopted from outer space. (Except he obviously looks like a Kennedy.) And DAMN, you know it's bad when your sister AND YOUR WIFE publicly vilify you!

    Joe Rogan is just an idiot. It's that simple. But let's face it -- his fans find that appealing.

  7. @Maddie
    One good thing is that Spotify’s stock is dropping faster than Joe Rogan’s already wee IQ.

    RFK Jr is a disgrace to his father and uncles and aunts and cousins and siblings and all.

    I read Cox’s quote on Brad, too, and he was spot on.

    I love your use of language because it’s nearly exact to what I would say, though I have never said twatnozzle.
    Rage on, dear Deedles. Every so often we need to do it!

    I’m with you about these racists fucks. I want them all called out, 24/7. Fired from their jobs, and shunned.

    RFK Jr. is a disgrace. He’s too smart not to know his ignorant opinion is out there even if he apologizes.
    And I love that his wife and sister went after him.
    Rogan. Fuck him.

  8. Anonymous3:31 PM

    If they nominated Kamala Harris to the Supreme Court, it would make Judtice Kavanaugh cry. Of course Anita Hill may still be available.

    Hide all the canned beverages.

  9. Eldest son gave me Trevor Noah
    autobiography a couple years
    ago. Amazing person and amazing
    :-) to Deedles.
    xoxo :-)

  10. RFK, Jr...what happened to this dude? Did the family disenfranchise him or something to make him such a nutcase? Yet, his ridiculous book about Faucci is still in the top 10 non-fiction sales. WTF, people?

  11. Thanks for the dirt. Love this. Did not realize Cheryl Hines was married to a Kennedy. A dumb Kennedy (inbreeding, is my guess), but still... a Kennedy.

  12. I have never heard Mr. Rogan's blog (not willing to do Spotify, ever). Who on earth listens to him?

  13. Trevor's so right!

    I saw the shit from that worthless tool Rogan and the truly pathetic thing about that statement is that he believes he's being funny.

    Kennedy Jr? Boy, that gene pool went to hell fast.

    The only problem I have with Brian's comment is that don't ever believe Depp was personable, the ego was always in command.

  14. @Anonymous
    “Hide all the canned beverages.”

    He’s simple common sense about the world, which
    is a rarity these days!
    I guess every family has their racist asshatted relative that oozes from the slime to tant and rage.

    I wonder how long Hines will remain married when her husband spews such filth.

    Apparently lotsa folks listen to Rogan. I don’t Spotify and I don’t pay to listen to loons, so I’m immune to his idiocies.

    I loved ‘What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’ Depp, but when it became about costumes and crazy and eyeliner, it all went to shiz.

  15. Yes, Trevor Noah, Neil Young, AND Brian Cox!

    Joe Rogan, Ted Cruz, and John Stockton should never open their mouths again.

    I await the announcement of the divorce of Cheryl Hines from RFK Jr. for irreconcilable differences.

  16. Someone ask RBG who many women would be enough on the Supreme Court and she replied 9, stunned he asked her to explain, and she said for 200 years it was 9 white men and no one thought that was weird, The court should reflect the population.

  17. I don't know, I think Johnny Depp just MADE Jack Sparrow! Edward Scissorhands on the other hand - I agree with Cox!


  18. Oh Bob, this one is so packed with tasty morsels of ignorance and blatant racism, I hardly know who to pick. Well done, Bob. Ok. I pick John Stockton.
    Seriously, John Stockton? Don't you just have to wonder what athletic media he follows?? He and Novax Djokovic would make a great poster together. Title: Athletes Revealing Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Fine Them!
    Thank you for always inspiring me!


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