
Thursday, February 03, 2022


We had a lovely, quiet, peace-filled weekend getaway for my birthday. So much so that I didn’t want to return, but we did, because we have cats and a dog and such. When we got home we were telling the pet-sitter about the trip, and I told her it was wintry and gorgeous and quiet and then I added:

“We got several inches on my birthday AND then it snowed.”

I thought Carlos was going to die, but our house-sitter guffawed and snorted.

My take: if you want to vote for the guy who pardons the traitors, know that you’re voting for a man who will free men and women who broke into a federal building and threatened to murder the Vice President and the Speaker of the House, and if you feel that’s presidential, fuck all the way off.

This week I posted about the idiot Republicans and conservatives on the McMinn County School Board in Tennessee, who have banned Art Spiegelman’s “Maus,” the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel about the Holocaust, from the eighth-grade curriculum.

No sooner than they said banned, did the book, hell the entire series of the graphic novel, “The Complete Maus,” surge to the top of Amazon’s bestseller list.

If they ban the book, buy the book.

I have created a special uniform for the COVIDIOTS at work. They love the hat. But Donald decided it looked better without his clothes and I ain’t mad at it.

Ryan Utterback, who has supported banning books from North Kansas City School District libraries that depict sexual acts, is facing a felony charge of second-degree child molestation and a misdemeanor charge of fourth-degree domestic assault. Oh, and he is also facing a misdemeanor charge of furnishing pornographic material or attempting to furnish pornographic material to a minor in a separate case.

Just like the biggest homophobic bigots get caught trying to play footsie in a men’s room, doesn’t it always seem that the people who scream the loudest about protecting the children are the ones trying to molest children?

My whole life consists of wondering whether or not to make a sarcastic comment and yet knowing the answer will always be ‘Yes.’

Rihanna’s foundation, the Clara Lionel, has donated $15 million to 18 climate justice organizations, including the Climate Justice Alliance and the Movement for Black Lives. A statement explained:

“Climate disasters, which are growing in frequency and intensity, do not impact all communities equally, with communities of color and island nations facing the brunt of climate change. These grants support entities focused on and led by women, youth, Black, Indigenous, people of color and LGBTQIA+ communities. We invite others to join us in elevating, funding and supporting these groups and others who are on the frontlines of the climate justice movement.”

That’s how you do it.

After COVID-stricken Sarah Palin was spotted dining at two Manhattan restaurants and walking maskless on city streets, Mayor Adams’ office issued a warning to New Yorkers who cross her infected path:

“We encourage any New Yorker who came into contact with Sarah Palin to get tested, just as we encourage all New Yorkers to get tested regularly, especially those who believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19.”

 The good news is most intelligent people always steer clear of COVID Sarah.

France has a new law that bans so-called conversion therapies and authorizes jail time and fines for practitioners who use the scientifically discredited practice to attempt to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBTQ people.

As French President Emmanuel Macron said:

“The law prohibiting conversion therapy is adopted unanimously! Let’s be proud, these unworthy practices have no place in the Republic. Because being yourself is not a crime, because there is nothing to be cured.”


Curt Autry, a journalist for Richmond, Virginia’s NBC 12, had the best response to a transphobic email about Jeopardy! champion Amy Schneider.

While reporting on Schneider’s winning streak Autry noted that Schneider was the first woman to win over a million dollars, and the first woman to win that many consecutive episodes. That set off a viewer, who identifies as “Gretchen,” who wrote into the show:

“Hey Curt, I saw that you somehow managed to read the story on the news last night (and with a straight face) that Amy Schneider is now the winningest woman in the history of Jeopardy! You don’t see the irony there? So which is it, are you stupid and not realize that Amy is a dude or do you stay that woke 24/7?”

Autry reminded “Gretchen” that most people don’t try to verify someone’s sex assigned at birth before addressing them with the correct name and pronouns, so why shouldn’t that same courtesy be extended to trans people?

“Dear Gretchen, we’ve never met, so I don’t know you—but since you approached me as ‘Gretchen,’ I assume that’s how you like to be addressed, I feel no need to peek in your panties to verify it. I’ll call you what makes you comfortable, the same goes for Amy. And that has nothing to do with my IQ or how ‘woke’ I am, it’s just a simple matter of respect.”

Respect. That’s all.

And here we have one Addis Miller, he of the dazzling smile and beautiful body, an Ethiopian-British model who also runs Lifestyle Limitless, a nutrition and training company. 

Would You Hit It?


  1. Yay Curt Autry! Yay France! Yay sexy dunce! Yay Addis Miller.

    And yes, re. Ryan Utterback, it IS usually the ones who "protest too much" who have the problems themselves.

  2. It makes me "uncomfortable" to see people like Youngkin, DeSantis, Hawley, Bobblehead etc., being voted into office. Perhaps they should be removed for upsetting me?

    1. Helen...I wish it was that easy!!!!!!!

  3. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    Yay for Amy and yay for France!
    xoxo :-)

  4. Curt Autry had the perfect response to that trans hater!

  5. Gurrrrrrrllll you know i love me a good hat!!! And that makes a statement.

    And a few inches is better than nothing I say.

    I know the french president is popular with everyone but I think he is brilliant.

    And fuck the Virgina governor. Every month seems to be White History Month...and then even then they are rewriting it and erasing parts.

  6. Bobulah, you are incorrigible! I love that about you.
    It's good to see decent people amongst all the sludge.
    I would not hit that, at least not without a paddle. That boy could be my grandson, for crying in a bucket. My eldest is almost exactly 20 years older, and this kid reminds me of my sons at that age. Oh, the pain! I'm traumatized! Hey, the dude in the pointy hat wouldn't happen to be a therapist, would he?
    Well, I'm off to observe Month.

  7. I've always said that it's only more than eight inches that kind of put me en garde. Of snow.
    And Curt could get it, just for that response, and so could Addis, but because he's so scorchingly hot. Damn, Gina!
    I am not surprised about Covid Sarah or about the kid diddler. Nope.
    And RiRi is a QUEEN.


  8. I’m so proud of Carlos. He immediately got your joke.

    What a perfect response from Curt Autry. My new hero!

    Let’s add Addis to my listis.

  9. Trump needs to be sent to prison. And his cell's tv will only show CNN

  10. Glenn Youngkin... frightening how such ignorant men move into such positions of power so easily. It's almost as if there is a system protecting them and allowing them to achieve so much. Oh... what could be the cause of this? I for one am stumped.

    Addis is very nice. Very pretty. I would spank him. But that's about all.

    Curt Autry! Well, that's another win for Amy. Respect. YES!

    Thank you, France. Too bad the US is so far behind the rest of the world.

    Palin is a menace to society. Send her back to Alaska.

    RiRi does alright. That is very cool. Now she needs to challenge the Billionaires club to match her funds. Call 'em out, RiRi!

    Utterback! And yes, you have to wonder what's behind so much of this 'concern.' Well, in his case, I guess we know.


  11. @Steve
    Lotsa ‘Yays’ until Utterback … as it should be!!

    If we removed everyone who upset us, we’d have nobody in office. Hmmmmmmmm …

    I didn’t much care for Amy, I thought she was kind of smug—she’s no Matt Amodio! But “Gretchen” got the smackdown she needed.

    Didn’t you just love that!!!

    That hat says quite a bit!!
    They were some good inches.
    I like Macron because, most of the time, he doesn’t speak politically, but speaks directly.
    Youngkin could take a course in Macron.

    Incorrigibility is my strong suit!
    I liked the good this week, too!
    Addis is a bit young, but I can fantasize and not get arrested!
    It’s a nice Month.

    True dat about the inches.
    Curt’s response was simple and brilliant and epic.
    I adore Rihanna for this.

    It kinda shocked me for a moment! That Darn Carlos!
    I loved Curt’s answer. It is simple respect, after all.
    Addis is quite adorable … and built.

    Oh, I love your idea!!

    Republicans love ignorance, unquestionable ignorance.
    Addis has a bum made for spanking.
    Yup, Curt nailed it.
    The US has a lot to learn.
    I think Palin’s trailer is being redecorated … in camouflage.
    Utterback. Utter perv.

  12. Don't know if you saw the ages of Ryan's victims, but they were young.

    Good for Curt!! Woke is only bad if you're a Republican trying to American back to sleep.

    Palin's getting desperate.

    Re: the tweet. I understand some in Florida are calling Black History Month CRT because it's not about white people.


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