
Friday, December 17, 2021

I Didn't Say It ...

Mark Meadows, Thing 45 Chief of Staff, about the texts from Hannity, Junior, Brian Kilmeade and Laura Ingraham begging him to get his boss to stop the riots:

“We’ve tried very hard, in a very transparent and accommodating way, to share non privileged information, and what we found out tonight is that not only did that just get disregarded, but then they tried to weaponize text messages, selectively leaked them, to put out a narrative that the president didn’t act.”

Um, Mark? Those are the texts sent to you; you provided them. And now you want to suggest they’re not being used accurately?

Bitch please.


Jim Clyburn, House Majority Whip and Democrat Congressman from South Carolina, with a message to the GQP:

"It's high time that we ... think about what's best for this country. If you want to think about what's best for one person, you are teetering on one-person rule; that’s an autocracy. For a party such as the Republican party, that my parents were members of, for them to turn the whole party apparatus over to one person means you're no longer a party, but you're now a cult. It's time for the right-thinking people in this country to step away from cult worship. That's where a lot of people are headed."

I tend to agree with Clyburn. Many people are moving away from this cultish GOP. Sure, it may seem untrue, but remember, it’s the squeaky, loudest, most unhinged wheel that gets the grease, er, media attention. And so that means a lot of the quitter, more disgusted by this traitorous wing of the GOP, is tired of it all and ready to move on.


Sonia Sotomayor, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, rebuking the conservative wing of SCOTUS for their decision not to overturn Texas’ vigilante abortion ban:

“The Court should have put an end to this madness months ago, before SB 8 first went into effect. It failed to do so then, and it fails again today. I dissent, however, from the Court’s dangerous departure from its precedents, which establish that federal courts can and should issue relief when a State enacts a law that chills the exercise of a constitutional right and aims to evade judicial review … effectively [inviting] other States to refine SB 8’s model for nullifying federal rights. The Court thus betrays not only the citizens of Texas, but also our constitutional system of government. [The Court] simply ignores … the law’s numerous procedural and substantive anomalies [and] those vulnerable to suit might include a medical provider, a receptionist, a friend who books an appointment, or a ride-share driver who takes a woman to a clinic.”

The Right wants to turn us into a country of vigilantes, who turn our neighbors in because they went to Planned Parenthood, call police on doctors and women seeking access to their healthcare choices, and who cross state lines with guns to shoot protesters. Is that the America we want, or is it the America we deserve if we don’t do something to stop it?


Chris Wallace, Fox News Anchor, announcing his departure from the “news” network last Sunday:

“After 18 years—this is my final Fox News Sunday. It is the last time—and I say this with real sadness—we will meet like this. Eighteen years ago, the bosses here at Fox promised me they would never interfere with a guest I booked or a question I asked. And they kept that promise. I have been free to report to the best of my ability, to cover the stories I think are important, to hold our country’s leaders to account. It’s been a great ride. We’ve covered five presidential elections, interviewed every president since George H.W. Bush, traveled the world—sitting down with France’s Emanuel Macron and Russia’s Vladimir Putin. And I’ve gotten to spend Sunday mornings with you. It may sound corny, but I feel we’ve built a community here. There’s a lot you can do on Sundays. The fact you’ve chosen to spend this hour with us is something I cherish. But after 18 years, I have decided to leave Fox. I want to try something new, to go beyond politics to all the things I’m interested in. I’m ready for a new adventure.”

His new adventure was announced shortly thereafter: he is headed to CNN+, that channels new streaming service. And to say Fox is unhappy about it is an understatement. Their statement on his leaving the network barely mentioned him or his career but instead focused on the network and their, ahem, ”star” journalists … Tucker, Sean, Jeanine, Laura and the rest of the loons.


Gavin Newsom, California’s Democrat Governor, taking a bold antigun stance, based on that Texas abortion law:

“If states can now shield their laws from review by the federal courts that compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives, then California will use that authority to protect people’s lives, where Texas used it to put women in harm’s way. If the most efficient way to keep these devastating weapons off our streets is to add the threat of private lawsuits, we should do just that.”

Wait until SCOTUS hears this case and tries to justify making it illegal to call the authorities on people with guns but keep it legal to turn in a pro-choice woman.


Madison Cawthorn, GOP Representative and ALLEGED president of his local Hitler Youth Chapter, on “woke” people, i.e. liberals:

“I’m telling you, when I see the people that are in Washington, DC who are trying to insert their woke politics into our culture, trying to destroy western civilization, trying to take all of our morality away from everyone, trying to make everyone genderless, sexless, and Godless. We want our country back, we want our culture back, and if you want to stand in the way that, we will run you over.”

No, these 'woke' people are just trying to be welcoming and inclusive of all people, not just those who love a good Swastika.

I’d tell you to take a seat, Madison, but you’re already there. And before anyone says it, I know that was kinda mean, but this is a vile human being.



  1. You can just see the CawthornJugend in their go fast wheelies and the regulation SS dagger as handed out by Himmler....sorry Cawthorn, for exemplary services to the Reich....sorry again, I meant der Trumpenfuhrer. They wave their MAGA banners as Cawthorn zooms forth to spread his unpleasant lies to the Trumpian unwashed.

    To tell the truth a lot of the woke (aka politically correct) are extremely irritatingly petty. The French government are waging war on "wokeness" - good for them I say

  2. Mark meadows....that blundering idiot, can kiss my ass. I hope they all end up jailed.

  3. Mark is trying to avoid jail while licking Twitler's boots. Hope it goes bad for him.
    Sotomayor warned that Texas would open a can of worms. Love that Newsom took the lead and smacked the idiots right where it hurts. And Mr. Clyburn is, of course, right. The Repugs want an autocracy, with them calling the shots.
    *BARF* Cawthorn.


  4. Hope Chris Wallace enjoys
    his Faux Free endeavors.
    xoxo :-)

  5. Fox isn't really a news site anymore (to the degree that it ever was). It's an opinion site. Chris Wallace doesn't just doesn't fit that kind of operation. And needless to say, he's better off.

  6. I mean network, not site. :)

  7. Meadows is a fascist.

    Clyburn sees the truth.

    Sonia knows they just set a bad precedent.

    Way to go Gavin.

    And Madison? He's not really worried about a woke culture, he's just worried the voters might wake up and see him as the fool he really is.

  8. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Governor Newsome's direction will have Justice Amy Coathanger Barrett tied up in knots.

  9. Madison! Sit down! (Oh!) Isn't he an old-fashioned fascist? What year is it in his world? 1952? F him. He's a creep and a documented liar and racist bastard.

    Yay, Gavin. Well... yes. We will watch this one closely. But he should ask more. He should ban guns. Period.

    Wallace. Never understood what he was doing at Fox. He was not always on the right side of everything, but he seemed the voice of reason on a network that traffics in rumor and stuff my inbred cousin told me.

    Love Sonia. Glad she is so young. Can't wait for certain of the old guard to die off.

    Clyburn - spot on.

    Mark Meadows - page #96 in the GOP dirty trick manual... it's taken out of context. What a joke.


  10. @Helen
    I think woke is being aware and that’s a good thing.

    I kinda wonder, since Meadows gave so much info, the Power Point presentation, all the texts, if he isn’t working FOR the January 6committee.

    Every time I hear a word from Jim Clyburn I feel a little prouder of South Carolina.

    I think he grew tired of being the sole brain at Fox.

    I was just reading this week that we should stop calling it Fox “News” because it’s not news, it propaganda, misinformation and lies.
    Wallace will be much better off.

    I hope Newsom’s idea takes hold.

    All the more reason …

    I am feeling like Sonia may be walking in RBG’s shoes and I am here for it!
    Fox is losing it all this week, and I am here for that, too!

  11. I'm Surprised that Wallace lasted 18 Years on FOX, he had more Talent and Ethics, he should have jumped Ship Years ago, his departure statement was Class... theirs was typical Faux... they've never been The News, they're just a version of a Jerry Springer or Maury posing as Journalists. Madison looks like a Hitler Youth Poster Boy and reminds me of a Character from "Animal House".


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