
Saturday, December 18, 2021

I Ain't One To Gossip But ...

One day last week Kanye West begged Kim Kardastrophe West to “run back” to him.

The next day Kim Kardastrophe West filed documents to become legally single.

Ouch. Kardastrophe also wants to restore her maiden name and officially drop the ‘West’ surname she shares with Kanye and their four children. Ouch.


Oh for the love of the goddess, I do wish Caitlyn Jenner would sit down and shut up. I mean, I had hoped that after she landed in the bottom, well, below the bottom, in the race to be governor of California, that she’d go away, rethink her life, and come back maybe a little smarter. I.Was.Wrong

Backstory: in 2019 LGBTQ+ ally George Clooney announced he was boycotting the Beverly Hills Hotel because its parent company, the Dorchester Collection, was owned by the Sultan of Brunei, a country that stones The Gays to death, but Caitlyn, not so LGBTQ+ ally-ish,  never said a word about it.

But now Caitlyn is boycotting the Beverly Hills Hotel because … and this is rich … and this is from a71-year-old woman … the hotel refused her entry into the Polo Lounge for breaking their dress code; and Caitlyn will explain, as she did in an Instagram Story:

“@bevhillshotel %$@& your horrible service for not letting me have lunch with this tiny rip in my jeans. Shame on you, Disgusting, I have been a patron for decades. No longer.”

Yes, stoning The Gays to death doesn’t irk Jenner, but not allowing Nana into lunch because she’s dressed like a teenager with ripped jeans set Miss Thing off.

I’ve said it a thousand times and will say it once more: Dear Caitlyn, kindly fuck all the way off.


There’s nothing more disgusting at Christmas than a tiny self-entitled cult member destroying the environment for a little publicity.

Yes, Little Tommy Cruise ALLEGEDLY flew his private jet across the Atlantic to Los Angeles and then back to England where he’s been filming Mission Impossible: Get Tom To Visit His Daughter Suri to deliver 300 holiday cakes to the crew.

Did he do that because he’s a tiny man with a giant ego, or because there are no bakeries in the UK.

Fuck the environment, it’s Christmas and Tiny Tim, er, Tom, wants to let his crew eat cake.

PS In the photo it looks like Tom ate all the cakes before delivery.


I have never seen The Goldbergs though for a while I thought it might be a show about my cat, MaxGoldberg. And I had never heard of Jeff Garlin, who plays Murray Goldberg in the show and now that I have, I wish I hadn’t.

Garlin has been fired from the show for “inappropriate behavior,” but he is trying to brush off the kerfuffle by saying his actions were “silly,” and that he was a “hugger” and had never been told that the women he, um, hugged, did not care for it. He also says he never knew he offended anyone, and then says it’s true that the show’s human resources department had spoken with him three times in the last three years about his conduct. Jeff, to his discredit, put it like this:

“If I said something silly and offensive, and I’m working at an insurance company, I think it’s a different situation. If I, as the star of the show, demanded a gun range and on set, and I was firing guns every day and I was a little bit loose—to me, that’s an unsafe work atmosphere. If I threatened people, that’s an unsafe work atmosphere. None of that goes on ever with me. That’s not who I am. I am sorry to tell you that there really is no big story. “

And that’s when the really big story broke and it goes like this: a camera assistant made a complaint about Garlin’s use of the word vagina and after Garlin learned of this he ALLEGEDLY put his hands around her and kept saying “vagina” in her face over and over again. He was also reported for failing to use female crew members’ names, and instead gave them offensive nicknames. The last straw came the day when Jeff ALLEGEDLY went full-asshole on a female stand-in—who is married to a male stand-in—and screamed at her as she walked off the set after blocking a scene:

Why are you always in my way? Get the fuck out of my way.”

And then he shrieked at the woman’s husband:

“Tell your wife to get the fuck out of my way.”

And to paraphrase another show that has gotten rid of cast members … And Just Like That Jeff Garlin was gone, though not entirely. Since he had one more day of shooting in Season 9 the show will film with his stand-in and … this is the best … will superimpose Garlin’s face into the show in post-production.

MaxGoldberg is said to be disgusted by this smear on his good family name.


When last we left Madonna she was giving us Wicked Witch of the West in fishnets, Louboutins and a pudgy ass realness, to which her ‘friend’ 50 Cent scoffed at and laughed at and called her out for it. Now, Fiddy apologized after Madge exploded on social media, but our Madonna is so desperate for any kind of publicity—why didn’t she just fly a cake to Fiddy’s house—that she has continued to blast the rapper for being mean to her; she went on Instagram, because that’s what she does, and said:

“Delayed Clap back for 50 cent And his fake apology  ….…..,.. Ive been busy, better late then [sic] never!!! Had. some things I needed to say.”

For the love of the goddess, one would think with all her money Madge could either afford an education, or at least enroll in an English class, or pay someone to post for her. And then she goes on:

“You were trying to shame me. Your apology is fake, it’s bulls–t and it’s not valid. It’s not hard to find footage of me and you hanging out. “Number two [Bob’s note: no clue where ‘Number one’ went], an apology is not valid if you don’t know what you’re apologizing for. What you should be apologizing for is your misogynistic, sexist, ageist behavior and remarks.

“Number three, you didn’t hurt my feelings, because I didn’t take it personally. I could never take it personally because you’re not coming from an enlightened place.

“Number four, you say you’re not benefiting from it. Of course you’re benefiting from it, that is what social media is all about.”

Wow, for someone who didn’t take the apology seriously, she certainly went to town over her displeasure.

Get a life, Madge, seriously.



  1. That uncensored picture of Madonna's ass? You should be ashamed of yourself, don't you know people are eating breakfast?

  2. Your cat MaxGoldberg is right to be offended!

  3. chortle!
    Madonna - what Dave R said!
    xoxo :-)

  4. Is Caitlyn Jenner going the way of the Beast of Wildenhall (or whatever the rich bod's name was)? Too much plastic surgery by the look of it

    As for Madge Wotsit, is she now two separate identities; the top a Tibetan shaman and the bottom...I leave the photo to speak for itself.

  5. I just saw today that "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" has been cancelled. Or maybe I saw it before but saw it again today. I may not remember because I've never watched it! Caitlyn Jenner is too old to wear torn jeans unless she tore them on the way to lunch and didn't have time to go home and change.

    Tom Cruise looks like he's taking some kind of steroid medication. That's Prednisone bloating, I'd bet on it.

  6. Don't we all know a Garlin prima donna type!!!! Thank god he's out!


  7. Bob, such a collection of deplorables in your blog today. Tsk. Tsk. Shame on all of them, and thank you for once again bringing light to a people who live in darkness. I look forward to an adventurous 2022 with you!

  8. Well, I for one applaud Madonna. Calling out ageist, sexist, misogynistic behavior on the part of a hazz-been rapper with major issues? Yay. And she nails what social media is all about - that's why SHE plays the game and this little feud - is exactly that. It got you to write about it, didn't it? Doesn't matter if it's good or bad press -we're talking about her and so it proves she's right... she does indeed matter. WELL.. think about it.

    That Goldbergs was/is a terrible show with a great female lead. Glad the axed his BS azz. Really... you get a good paying job - as an ACTOR - a once in a lifetime - and are you grateful? Do you treat people well? NO. He became an azz. F him. He got what he deserved.

    Tiny Tom (that's Nicole called him, right? she then traded up) looks bloated as F. Booze? Steroids gone bad? Overeating to over compensate? Yeesh. He was never great looking to begin with, but now he's a damn cartoon villian.

    And speaking of looking like shite. What the hell happened to Caitlyn? She's a troll. And has never ever been a friend of the LGBT+ community, so F her, too. What a white privileged POS.

    West/Kardashian... don't care. Hope they both fade away into obscurity. I wonder who gets custody of the one brain cell they have between them?

    Kizzes, dear. Love all the dirt you dig.

  9. @Travel
    He is.

    Well, she is serving pancakes.

    He’s thinking of writing a letter but he needs some opposable thumbs.

    I like to think of that photo as a new version of Dorothy’s house landing on a bitch, er, witch.

    Caitlyn is just a hot mess.
    And Madge is messier.

    I mean, he had one job and he ruined it. Pitiful.

    I like to see how the other half misbehaves ...with all their opportunities and coins!
    You and Pretty have a fabulous holiday!!

    I have no issues with Madge except for her thirst to appear relevant and current and decades younger than she is, and the fact that she cannot accept an apology.
    The rest of the trash, as dear Anne Marie would say, can FOAD.

  10. Oh my god. Madonna has seriously flipped her lid! And how dis she ever get out? Crisco?

  11. For not getting her feelings allegedly hurt Mad Donna sure is prolonging her beef with the Half Dollar about it... where Number One went is particularly hilarious, she had a Senior Moment, clearly... I do that all of the time. I guess her Rants are coming from this Enlightened Place she speaks of? *LMAO* Kanye groveling to get back a Kardastrophe is telling, perhaps his Career now hinges on her never ending escapades, which has to be a new low in anyone's Career if it has come to that. Miss Jenner, I just have no Words... she's always been a thirsty one tho'.

  12. I do not care for Mr. Cruise as he says mean things about my profession.


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