
Friday, August 20, 2021

I Didn't Say It

Justin Kanew, father of a 5-year-old just beginning school, blasting his fellow Williamson County, Tennessee parents—especially those who went nuts at a school board meeting—over a coronavirus mask mandate:

“I’m a dad of a new kindergartener and her first day was right after the chaos last week. She went to school and was one of just a few kids in her class wearing a mask which made her ask me why she had to. My answer was because we want to take care of other people. She’s five years old, but she understood that concept, and it’s disappointing that more adults around here can’t seem to grasp it. I asked a pastor friend of mine and he was very clear, there’s no actual biblical justification for using the Bible to get out of a mask mandate passed by a majority of this elected board, but thousands are doing it anyway, calling it a ‘religious exemption,’ which is frankly just sad. Avoiding masks is not in the Bible but taking care of others is.”

On social media some are calling him a “hero,” which means all it takes to be a hero these days is a little common sense and some compassion for your friends and neighbors.

Even his daughter understands that.


Kevin Cramer, GOP Senator from North Dakota, on not releasing the name of the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt the day she stormed the Capitol:

“The person that shot her is a police officer shooting a criminal not complying with officers telling her, ‘Stop. Don’t come through that window. We have guns drawn. Don’t do it.’ They’re protecting people, and the officer was found to be innocent of any wrongdoing. So then what would be the purpose of releasing that officer’s name? What do you need to know the officer’s name for? I’m the one who personally does not think there is a right to know the name of every police officer who shoots a criminal or perpetrator, unless of course, there are  charges brought or an indictment brought, or something like that. I’ll look into it to see what the law says about the release of the name. I’m just grateful for this person, quite honestly.”

What’s this? A GOP Senator thanking a police officer for trying to protect the Capitol? Careful, Kev, the loons in your party may come for you for having common sense and seeing a terrorist as a terrorist.

But after a quick Google search, you find that Kevin is a Big Lie spreading Thing 45 loving goosestepping moron.


Mary Trump, the niece of Thing 45, taking on former View co-host, Meghan McCain, for her rudeness and cowardice when McCain slammed her during an appearance on the program:

“I think she’s just really kind and wanted to help me sell more books … No, that’s not it. I think she’s a coward. And she’s afraid of people who are not only willing but able to call her out.  It was the first time in an interview somebody had been rude to me, and I pushed back. And that’s great for me, that really helps me be sharper. And it was also sort of a confidence booster because I realized that I can do that. I can deal with stuff like that. I literally can’t remember the last time somebody was that disrespectful to me. I’ve done nothing to her [but] I’m pretty sure she probably remembers our first meeting.”

Trump was referring to her July 23, 2020 appearance on The View to discuss her book, Too Much And Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, and McCain told her: “I don’t like books like this, I don’t like family tell-all books, especially when it comes to families with fame and power because they’re told from one side and often the subjects are villainized to the point that I don’t actually end up believing the stuff written… At the end of the day, you get a really good paycheck out of it.”

During her second appearance on the show, McCain opted out of being part of the interview team, even though show producers had said she would d participate. But Meghan McCain is a coward with the most closed mind of anyone I’ve ever seen. Rigid, self-righteous, entitled and, oh yeah, John McCain is her daddy.


Mark Robinson, North Carolina GQP Lt. Governor, acting the COVIDIOT:

“Anybody that takes this vaccine needs to be voted out of office. It’s not your job to convince anybody to take that vaccine. That’s not your job. Your job is to make sure it’s available to anybody who wants it. That’s your job. And you should give them good, solid, scientific information about that vaccine and about the virus so that they can make an informed decision for themselves. I don’t care whether it’s Governor Cooper. I don’t care whether it’s Joe Biden. Nobody should be telling anybody that they should have to take this vaccine.”

Let the people die!!

Sound advice, asshat.


Jesse Watters, Fox News dingbat who makes Jeanine Pirro sound sane, on Climate Change:

“Do you really think the Chinese and these Middle Eastern oil kingdoms are gonna listen to John Kerry and stop fossil fuels? Come on, man. He’s just in it for the luxury travel. If you want to stop climate change, you don’t fight climate change. If it’s getting warmer, you adapt to it. Let’s just say, the sea levels rise a couple inches over the next century. It’s a great civilization we have here. I think we can adapt to that. The Netherlands – 25% below sea level – they’re like a powerhouse in Europe. They didn’t just destroy their economy to fight the rise of the sea levels right there, they built reservoirs and kind of adjusted around the coastline and they’re fine. They didn’t have to break the bank to do it.”

Seriously, even Laura Ingraham and Fucker Carlson are looking at this tool and wondering.

There is no need to destroy the economy while we combat climate change and try to make this country and the world greener.

Note to Jesse: when sea levels rise, and I’m floating on a door in the ocean and you wanna climb aboard to save yourself? Don’t ask.


Dan Patrick, GOP Lt. Governor of Texas, blaming Democrats and Black Americans for this newest outbreak:

“The COVID is spreading, particularly—most of the numbers are with the unvaccinated. And the Democrats like to blame Republicans for that. Well, the biggest group in most states are African Americans who have not been vaccinated. Last time I checked, more than 90% of them vote for Democrats in their major cities and major counties.”

Actually, you pandering fuck, look at a map of the country and you will see the states with the highest rates of new infections are GOP-lead states where fuckmonkeys like white men like Greg “COVID” Abbott and Ron DeathSantis and Henry McMasters, are telling people NOT to wear masks and protect themselves.

So, Danny, take your racist partisan bullshit and go sit in a corner.



  1. Sadly the dikes are not going to protect the Netherlands after sea levels rise above the top of the dikes, any more than the levees can protect the lands in the Mississippi delta if the river levels rise above the heights of the levees. Then there's the Maldives, the lowlands of Bangladesh, huge swathes of lowland England will go....never think that it's not going to happen to you. If it's not flooding, it's fires, hurricanes, tornadoes and they'll be more frequent and stronger than in the past. When the Gulf Stream turns off, as it could do soon, then the UK will be a hell of a lot colder in winter than it is now, as well as hotter in summer. I'm not a meteorologist but I do have common sense and can make a semi-informed prognosis as to the future given the way we are ruining the world we live in.

  2. And the swamp gets swampier!

  3. Oh shit. My cousin in New Jersey, while telling me I she understood why I wouldn’t visit right now, said the majority of those not getting vaccinated are either black or “Trumpists. At least she hates the Trumpists but I gave her a link to the statistics. Yes, blacks and hispanics are in the groups hesitant to get vaccinated. But the wait-and-sees are 70 percent white, 67 percent republican. People who say they will NEVER get a Covid-19 vaccine are disproportionately likely to be white and to live in rural areas.

    I am so sick of these assholes.

  4. I like Mary Trump. I wish she would have taken harder on Karen -my father is John McCain- McCain. And who watches The View?
    I have no compassion or empathy for the people who will not take the vaccine. Fuck them and the high horse they think they're riding. It's their choice, but they are killing other people in the process. They have no conscience, so that's not a deterrent.
    The GQP is the party of privilege wrapped on entitlement wrapped on self-righteousness. It's pretty impenetrable.

    And I'm glad I don't have children. Climate change is real and I'd hate to leave a world that's going to be fucked up to my kids. Capitalism and consumerism are going to eat the world up. And the rich will go live in a mountain.


  5. Happy Friday, despite all the
    nut jobs out there.
    And hugs to Justin Kanew and
    his daughter.
    xoxo :-)

  6. Justin understands caring, Republicans only care if they think there's a payout for them.

    Sounds like Cramer might be edging towards that 'hard place.'

    Meg M? Selfish as hell.

    Robinson? Dumber then snot.

    Dan Patrick? No doubt he's a Klan Man from way back.

  7. Good for Kanew, and good for Mary Trump. (Shame she has to suffer that last name, though.)

    Jesse Watters is emblematic of that kind of blind "optimism," which is really denial, that infects a lot of the Republican party. Including some relatives of mine.

    Dan Patrick knows that in Texas, it is politically safe to blame black people, as appalling as that is.

  8. That Justin K. [at top] has looks that go mighty well with his sound common sense - two commodities we are both sadly short of, mre especially the latter.

    I just fail to understand those who say we simply have to 'adapt' to climate change, as though it warms up further, then goes onto a plateau which we can somehow manage to live with. NO!!! It'll keep getting hotter and hotter and hotter until no animal, let alone any human being, can survive in it. Think of the way Venus has gone - apart from the completely toxic atmosphere and the fact that it is NINETY times heavier than the air on Earth [like trying to walk a mile under the ocean] , Venus's 'air', if you can call it that, is over FOUR TIMES the current temperature of boiling water. Now tell today's younger generations they'll just have to 'adapt' to that!!!


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