
Thursday, August 19, 2021


I don’t have a Carlos Tale this week because he’s been busy working on a translation and has been very quiet. But I do have an example of how I will say just about anything …think Sophia, on The Golden Girls, who had a stroke that affected the part of her brain that censors speech; that’s me.

The other day at work my boss’ son was there and he pulled me aside to ask a question and this is what he said:

“Have you heard any rumors going around?”

“Rumors? Here?”


“Well, it’s a small office in a small town. After we get done talking God and guns all that’s left is gossip.”

“Okay. I’m talking about a rumor about a romantic entanglement between a couple of employees.”

"I’m gonna need more. At least one name—”

“Nah, I shouldn’t say a name.”

I got up to walk away and then it hit me. I turned and said:

“Oh my god, are you talking about your dad and me? I mean, it’s cool, your mom knows.”

Stunned him into silence

Once again Tuxedo has proven that, like his two Dads, he has zero fucks left to give to these anti-masker, anti-vaxxer loons.

Lucky baby.

It was announced yesterday that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband Chasten are set to become parents, and that lucky baby will be calling Pete “Daddy.”

Green is not a good color on me.

Greg Abbott has COVID. He says he’s been vaccinated but, you know, maybe if he’d covered his goddamned face with a mask he might not have contracted the virus.

Stupid is as stupid does, and I do not feel sorry for him. No, ma’am, I do not.

We are planning to replace the carpet in the house with hard wood floors; this has been an ongoing discussion forEVER but now we are ready. For a while, I wanted really dark floors, and was even thinking of going with an almost Black Bamboo style. But times change and so do I, and I have settled on—in our house, while there is input from all parties, I make the design and paint choices because even Carlos says I am better at it—three samples:

Ivory White Bamboo—we love that it’s a sustainable product, and very durable with pets and such. I love the lightness to it.

Natural Hickory—looks very typical in hardwood flooring [a negative in my book] but I love the gray tones, which pick up the gray walls in the living room.

Saddle Hickory—is a bit darker than we liked, and the planks are only about three inches wide, but I like the gray tones in this one, too.

We have a couple of other places to look at, and then we’ll decide, replacing the carpeted living room and hallway, and the :::ak::: parquet in the dining room.

With nearly 60% of Americans fully vaccinated, most of the nation’s blood supply is now coming from donors who have been inoculated. And that has led some patients, well, anti-vaxxer patients, to demand transfusions only from the unvaccinated.

If only there was a vaccine for ignorance.

The other day we couldn’t find Max Goldberg. I thought he’d somehow gotten outside, because he is a creature of habit and either sleeps on our bed, on the floor in the living room, in Carlos’ lap, or else he’s eating.

But try as we might, he was nowhere to be found, and as I was ready to search the yard, Carlos said maybe he was sleeping in the closet. Though I know Max doesn’t do this, I went back to check, and I heard his whiny little ‘mew.’ I called again, and the whiny mew intensified, and that’s when I saw him:

He has decided sleeping in my nightstand behind my books is a new thing.

It’s been said that QAnon nutbag Lauren Boebert gave tours to insurrectionists in the days leading up to the Capital Riots. I don’t know about that—though I wouldn’t be surprised if it was proven true—but I do know that Boebert, in the wake of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, Tweeted out the following, before deleting it:

“The Taliban are the only people building back better.”

This from an elected official in America. Seriously, Colorado, this s the rabid traitor you elected?

Down in Florida, the Hillsborough County School Board will hold an Emergency School Board Meeting to discuss the best way to mitigate against the spread of the Delta Variant.

Too late, I think, since some 5,599 students and 316 employees in the district are now in isolation or quarantine.

DeathSantis is murdering Florida’s children and no one seems to care.

The Illinois Second District Appellate Court has ruled Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. violated state anti-bias laws by denying a transgender woman employee access to the women’s bathroom:

“[Meggan] Sommerville is female, just like the women who are permitted to use the women’s bathroom. The only reason that Sommerville is barred from using the women’s bathroom is that she is a transgender woman, unlike the other women [at least, as far as Hobby Lobby knows.]”

The ruling upheld a $220,000 judgment for emotional distress and attorneys’ fees against the company.


Dusty Lachowicz is Grade A beef. A model and fitness trainer from Wisconsin who is based in New York, Dusty has worked with Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein, and recently signed with Ford Models.

The face, the smile, the hair, the hairy chest … oy. And then there’s the love of the underwear shoot and skinny dipping and teasing us with an ass that is as real as it is spectacular.

Plus, you’ll note that Dusty, who just turned twenty-seven … what a baby …  not only loves the great outdoors, building a shelter of twigs, and spear fishing, but he’s equally at home at the sewing machine.

He works hard, he plays hard, he gets me … that's all


  1. The schadenfreude is especially sweet when people like Greg Abbott get covid - cl4alry he never suffered being derided because of his disability - bit like that horrendous dickhead Madison Hawthorn - he needs to get covid along with Lauren Bubblehead and Margarine Turning Greene - they need covid to actually fill in some of the many, many holes in their characters.

    You clearly like that Dusty bloke

  2. Thanks for the opening laugh, Bobulah! I needed that this morning. That quip was worth risking getting punched in the face :)
    Dusty doesn't do it for me, for some reason. Maybe because he could be my grandchild. Of course, that never stopped me before. Ah, 'tis a puzzlement.

  3. Well that's the last time the boss's son will ask you anything. LOL. But, did you figure out what he's worried about?

  4. (Busy Carlos)(Tuxedo)
    (Pete and Chasten)
    xoxo :-)

  5. Way to go Pete And Chasten!!!

    I do not doubt Abbott will soon be called buryin' Abbott because of all the humans he's put into the ground.

    Note on wood floors. 1.Bamboo is difficult to get right now because it comes from... China.
    2. Hickory is one of the toughest hardwoods out there.
    3. Go with 3/4 inch if you can afford it, as it's considered an asset to your property and can be sanded down and restained at least 8 times.

    Dusty... I approve.

  6. @Helen
    Abbott gets what he deserves.
    And, yah, I do like me some Dusty!
    I do love to say whatever crosses my mind, and, so far, I haven’t been beaten or killed for it!
    There’s lotsa Dusty to go around!

    I did learn who the “couple” was, and admitted that I’d heard it.
    I hear all the juice; I just don’t repeat it.

    Carlos is extra busy, but he loves it.
    And I’m just happy for Mr. and Mr. Buttigieg.

    I love that about Pete and Chasten.
    Our contractor has an ‘in’ with getting Bamboo, so we’re not too concerned. We used bamboo in our house in Miami and loved it, so we are making sure there are no hiccups because it seems to be our choice for the floors.
    Dusty is meat.

  7. Tim and I laughed so hard at the first story. It was great. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall.

  8. I feel like I often use the word "loon" in commenting on your posts, but...Lauren Boebert is a LOON.

    That last Tweet is fascinating. Is that true -- the 226 of 244 years thing? It certainly seems like it could be.

  9. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Which floor will provide the best contrast? (Thinking about Carlos' current and possibly your future vision issues).

  10. Oh, I love your answer to the gossip question at work. That is something that would pop up in my mind and I would say it...You can always sit by me. In regards to the floors. I have never been a fan of anything light/pale. Don't get me started on teak-looking cabinets. I would go with Saddle Hickory as the first choice and Natural Hickory as a second. When can Dusty come over for a play date? As for the anti-vaxxers I am amused by them as well. They then want the kitchen sink thrown at them to get better while in the hospital. But did anyone tell them the medications they use to treat COVID is not fully FDA approved either. I know I am a stickler for detail.


  11. Thank goodness I saw your informative post today!
    Seriously, if I were back in my teaching days, I would rate this one with an A++.
    Of course since I taught accounting, you might not be thrilled.
    Each nugget of info was delicious and delightful, including the hardwood floor samples, always a difficult choice. You are on the right track.
    Pretty and I are delighted for Secretary Pete and Chasten. Lucky child indeed.
    Bob, you're the BEST! I am your not so secret admirer.

  12. I never thought I would be so vindictive, but I enjoy it when people who refuse to wear masks and who spoke against the vaccine get sick (except for the fact that they spread their sickness around in so many ways). Ron DeSantis getting sick would light the candles on my cake. This is what COVID has done to me.

    Ja nie

  13. And Dusty can saw? I prefer him without a stitch on. Yes, siree.
    Pete and Chasten are gonna be the most doting parents! Congrats! Pete's looking better every day, no?
    Also, Tux and I are on the same page with the Covidiots, Boob-ert and Abbott. Eff them.
    I hope you go with the bamboo. It's such a great material! My friend did without the carpets in his house and installed bamboo floors. Dreamy. Such a change!
    Max Goldberg is the best pet name. Did you know that?


  14. @Joe
    I kinda love saying the unmentionable, just for a laugh.

    Boebert is a moron. I think she and MTG says these asshatted things just for attention because … loons.

    The lighter floors would be best for Carlos, and luckily, I like the look, too!

    I always say what pops in my head because clearly it shows up there for a reason.
    I used to want dark, but seeing a large patch of the bamboo, it really looks nice, and it’s environmentally friendly, pet friendly, and cost friendly!
    COVIDIOTS will be idiots.

    Thank you, thank you thank you!!!

    I, too, have so little, well, actually no, patience for these fools.
    DeathSantis needs a good dose of COVID.

    Dusty sews and saws and swims and camps and takes his clothes off. What’s not to love???
    Pete churns my butter.
    Tuxedo has zero fucks to give COVIDIOTS.
    We are leaning heavily toward the bamboo; we had it put in our house in Miami and loved it.
    MaxGoldberg was just a kitten when he was thrown over a neighbor’s fence. She couldn’t keep him and he came to us. I named him MaxGoldberg, all one word, and tell people he’s MaxGoldberg, of the Boca Raton Goldberg’s.

  15. The Opening Laugh was brilliant! I have zero fucks to give about Covidiots either, may Natural Selection just do what it has to do now. Some Herds just aren't gonna make it... anyone who could be convinced to do the right thing already has protected themselves and likely been considerate about protecting anyone else... so we've done what we could and should do. Abbott is a Moron and probably infected a lot of Moron people who aren't Vaxxed so their Blood is on his Hands, literally. Even whoever is Vaxxed that he Infected will likely take it Home to their Families and if they have Kids under 12, who don't even have the option yet for added protection, more Blood on his Hands, literally. I can't feel Sorry for him, only wish they could prosecute those like him intentionally increasing spread of a Deadly Disease. They should not have impunity, none of them that are making this worse by their stupidity and defiant willful ignorance.

  16. Oh, I almost forgot, go with the Light Wood Floors. I went with Dark Wood Floors at my previous Home and it shows every speck of Dust and whatever... impossible to keep looking as clean and nice as the Lighter Woods. This Home we have the Lighter and it's SO much less work and hassle!

  17. I prefer the dark wood floor myself. We did a room of light wood here years go, and just brought down the room. The dark seems to give a more chic look.

    I was over joyed about the Pete and Chasten news. It made my day really.

  18. Like Tuxedo (and his two dads), I have no fucks left to give and he took the words right out of my mouth.

    Max is adorable. We’re always surprised by where our boys suddenly decide to settle. Just when we think we know all their places.

    And, oh, your response to the boss’s son!!!

  19. Floors, go with what you like, and ignore the design trends. In the midst of everyone doing dark-dark floors, I put in natural maple, in and extra wide plank, and we love it. It brightens the condo. It is easy to take care of. Love the answer to sonny boy, I do no who the best gossips are in my office, one of them is a very reliable source of what is coming next.

  20. @Bohemian
    The COVIDIOTS are fulfilling our Herd Stupidity quota.
    Abbott not only might have infected people who came into contact with him, but because of his stupidity he is personally responsible for every single new case; DeathSantis too.
    That “less dirt” is a plus in choosing flooring!

    @Agnes Goldberg-DeWoofs
    I used to like dark, but I like the different tones on the Bamboo, tans and grays. Plus, then I can do whatever colors I want in the room.
    Yeah, I like the idea that one day a gay dad will run for President.
    I hear on the news of this one or that who didn’t get the vaccine and now they’re sick and they want their fifteen minutes of fame to tell people they were wrong. Save it.
    MaxGoldberg is just too funny, and he’sstill sneaking into that spot.
    I have a habit of saying whatever enters my pea brain, damn the torpedoes!

    Yeah, we’re picking our favorite, and one that is environmentally- and pet-friendly.
    Our office is so small and I’ve found the smaller the space the more gossip it generates. People laugh because I know all of it, but I don’t share any of it.

  21. Our school board voted unanimously last night to defy the governor and reimpose a mask mandate! Yeah!!

  22. I love your comment to your boss's son - wicked. Do you still have a job?


Say anything, but keep it civil .......