
Friday, May 21, 2021

I Didn't Say It

Tim Ryan, Democratic Ohio Congressman, tearing House RepubliQAnons a new one for voting against creating a commission to investigate the insurrection at the Capitol:.

"Holy cow! Incoherence! No idea what you're talking about. Benghazi! You guys chased the former secretary of state all over the country, spent millions of dollars. We have people scaling the Capitol, hitting the Capitol Police with lead pipes across the head and we can’t get bipartisanship? What else has to happen in this country? Cops! This is a slap in the face to every rank-and-file cop in the United States. If we're going to take on China, if we're going to rebuild the country, if we're going to reverse climate change, we need two political parties in this country that are both living in reality, and you ain't one of them!"

Bravo, sir, for standing up to the hypocrisy and showing the GQP for who they are; they profess to be the Blue Lives Matter party, but not over the life of their beloved con artist criminal whiny little bitch loser.

We need you to keep speaking truth to power. Bravo!


Ron Johnson, loon and Wisconsin GQP senator, calling the Capitol riot a peaceful protest:

I was vilified for entering into the record a 14-page eyewitness account of a very knowledgeable observer that really laid out exactly what happened. By and large it was a peaceful protest except for there were a number of people, basically agitators that whipped the crowd and breached the Capitol, and that’s really the truth of what’s happening here. But they like to paint that narrative so they can paint a broad brush and basically impugn 75 million Americans, call them potentially domestic terrorists and potential armed insurrectionists as well.”

I kinda wish these same peaceful protestors would breach Johnson’s house, shit on the walls, steal computers, kill or maim a couple of people and then see how he acts.

Fucking goose-stepping ass.


Lisa Murkowski, another GOPer suggesting that Thing #45 should testify before a 1/6/2021 commission:

“If you’re really making this a very broad-brush approach, it might be difficult to really get value from a specific type of commission. But again, I think this is something where you need to look closely to the details and how it’s configured. If you put together a commission that is focused on the events of January 6th, I think [the twice-impeached, one-term loser is] obviously a very key individual.”

Careful., Lisa, the GOP goose-steppers don’t cotton to women speaking out against their idol.


Ethan Nordean, Proud Boys leader, lashing out at the twice-impeached, one-term loser for misleading his supporters on Insurrection Day and then deserting them:

“We are now and always have been on our own. So glad he was able to pardon a bunch of degenerates as his last move and s*** on us on the way out. F*** you, T****, you left us on [t]he battlefield bloody and alone.”

Nordean is among the more than 400 people who have been charged for their part in the deadly assault on the Capitol.

My question for this loon, however, is did you really think that a man who’s spent his whole life caring only about himself would have your back? If so, then you really are that stupid and deserve what you're getting.


Joe Rogan, former comic, current rightwingnut podcaster, playing the white male victim card:

“You can never be woke enough. That’s the problem. It keeps going. And if you get to the point where you capitulate, where you agree to all these demands, it will eventually get to, ‘Straight white men are not allowed to talk.’ Because it’s your privilege to express yourself where other people of color have been silenced throughout history. I’m not joking. We’ve just got to be nice to each other, man. “And there are a lot of people who are taking advantage of this weirdness in our culture, and then that becomes their thing. Their thing is calling people out for their privilege, calling people out for their position. So, you know, it’s fucking crazy times.”

Yes, it’s about to happen. Straight white men, who run the world, sadly, will suddenly be silenced.

Check your diaper, Joe, you’re a spoiled, soiled little white cisgender baby man.



  1. I hate the term woke and much of the OTT culture around it. I also detest the far right (and that includes all the GQP) using the term in their defence. There is no defence for fascism, even if they got the trains arriving on time (which is debatable).

  2. Joe Rogan is disgusting. Really.
    And the Repugs are doing all they can to gaslight the country about 1/6. The MAGAts already think it was Antifa, so....

    I loved how Tim Ryan let them HAVE it. Loved it. Cojones. So good when somebody shows up with them.


  3. we need MORE people like tim ryan and waaaaaaaay fewer of the other asswipes pictured here.

  4. @Helen
    I think woke simply means being aware that the world is not just you and people who look like you.

    You say disgusting, I say whiny little cisgender white ale pissant.
    Now, Tim Ryan. Yes. Preach!

    I concur!

    I hope Tim Ryan spurs the rest of the Blues to speak up. He and Pelosi are the only ones doing so right now.

  5. Well said Tim Ryan. At least someone has balls!

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    "We're being silenced," whines the man who gets paid millions and millions of dollars to talk to millions of people around the world.

  7. @Mitchell
    I'm amazed by the ignorance, but then I read what Tim Ryan said and the world kinda rights itself for awhile.

    Nice to see a spine for a change.

    I know, right?

    The idea that a cisgender rich white man is playing the victim is the height of arrogance and stupidity!

  8. Poor Joe Rogan, SO oppressed. Where is HIS justice, WHERE? Don't make me barf.

  9. @Debra
    I think we need to march for Joe!!!

  10. Tim should know, a crazy person is never going to believe he's crazy, even when he's incarcerated.

    Ron's desperation is beginning to stink really bad.

    Who ever thought that one day the Proud Boys might actually ally themselves to the Democrats in order to get Trump?

    Rogan's a has been.

  11. Rogan has a long way before he is 'woke'. He mischaracterizes what calling people out when they rely on their white privilege is really all about. It's about assumptions and entitlement - not silencing anyone. So F you Rogan for still not getting it. Conservative talk radio is a toilet that needs to be flushed.

    I don't feel for Nordean or any of those traitors. They are racist, homophobic pigs who deserve jail time. Every one of them. If that is not done, then there is no justice. So he calls out the orange ogre? Really? You're surprised that a coward and con artist would behave in such a manner, leaving you to hang for your crimes? LMAO. Fool.

    Murkowski needs to step up. Where was she when Liz Cheney was being lynched? She's a coward... like all Republicans. They serve themselves first and only. F 'em.

    Ron Johnson is about as crazy as they come. Basically is a filler word used by criminals when testifying and wanting to gloss over the details. I wonder how Ron would feel if a bunch of 'peaceful' antifa protesters busted through his front door and ransacked his house? He's a fool and a tool.

    Thank you Tim Ryan. But reality and the repuglicans? Not well acquainted in the best of times.

    Thanks for the feed. Love it. Enjoy your weekend, Bob.

  12. I'll say it...I want to roll around with Tim Ryan...Rogan is suffering from toxic masculinity and small dick syndrome...That's all I have for now...

  13. @upton
    Rogan will never be woke because there are no brain cells firing inside that melon.
    I don't feel bad for these traitors, though I find it laughable they ever believed Thing #45 would help them in any way.
    Murkowski talks when no one is listening.
    Ron Johnson needs to be removed from office.
    I know the GQP doesn't understand Tim Ryan, but I also know there are some voters who do and that's where a change can come.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  14. Cry me a river, Ethan.


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