
Saturday, May 22, 2021

I Ain't One To Gossip But ...

While the entire world revels in the reboot of Bennifer let us not forget the sadness that is Alex Rodriguez.

A-Rod is not doing well lately, y’all. I imagine he spends his days cutting JLo’s face out of pictures, deleting her photos from his phone, and painting himself as a victim. But this week he took that extra step into self-pity when he posted an Instagram picture of a family dinner with his two daughters and made sure we saw that he had set the table for six … the three empty spaces being for JLo and her kids.

How sad. How sad that she dumped him because he was ALLEGEDLY cheating on her so she could ALLEGEDLY start making her move on the next guy.

How. Sad.


Ricky Schroder, has-been actor, MAGAt, Thing #45 supporter QAnon conspiracy theorist wingnut harassed a Costco employee over the weekend for refusing to allow him inside the store without a mask.

When the Costco supervisor told Schroeder that the store’s mask policy remained unchanged despite last week’s new federal guidance for fully vaccinated Americans, Ricky went all Butt Hurt White Man Victim:

“Didn’t you see the news? You didn’t see the news? Nationwide, Costco has said you don’t need to wear masks.”

The supervisor calmly tells the wingnut that he’s wrong:

“Costco always goes above and beyond when following the law, and the mandate in California has not changed—”

Schroder cut him off:

“Oh, if they allow us? If they grant us that, our kings? The people in power? You’re going to listen to these people? They’ve destroyed our economy. They’re destroying our culture. They’re destroyed our state. And you’re just going to listen to the rules? I’m getting my refund.”

Schroder then shrieked at his, um, fan, as well as “everybody” in California to “get their refund” from Costco:

“Give up your membership to Costco until they remove this.”

Jason again reminded Schroder that Costco was following state law but Schroeder wasn’t having it and stormed off like the pissy little used-to-be that he is but, you know, as the story went viral, he had a change of heart as people took him to task on social media, and he crawled back to Facebook to apologize to the supervisor:

“I’m not upset with you or anyone in the position that you have. I understand that you’re following their laws and rules. I was trying to make a point to the corporate overlords and sorry that I had to use you to do it. If I hurt your feelings, I apologize … But I do think independence from medical tyranny is more important than hurt feelings.”

Medical tyranny. Corporate overlords.

Clearly Ricky still has that Silver Spoon shoved up his ass.


More Bill Gates? Well, in addition to being on speed dial with Jeffrey Epstein, Gates apparently had a habit of asking female employees at both Microsoft and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation out on dates. And while it appears that most of those attempts, which were called “clumsy”, ended in rejection, a confirmed affair with an employee led to Gates being investigated by the board of Microsoft a year before he stepped down.

Back in 2019, the Microsoft board investigated reports that Gates “sought to initiate an intimate relationship with a company employee in the year 2000.” Bill then issued a statement admitting to having had an affair “almost 20 years ago which ended amicably,” but swears it had nothing to do with him stepping down from the board a year following the investigation.

And, as if that doesn’t show what a snake Gates was—even though most women rebuffed his advances—there are reports that between 2011 and 2014, Bill “met Epstein dozens of times” ALLEGEDY … and this is rich … for marital advice.

All the money in the world and he wants y’all to believe he asked a child raping sex trafficker for advice om his marriage?

My only question now is, who gets custody of the vaccine chips that have been embedded in 130,000, 000 of us?


Remember the Goop vagina candle? The one she claims smelled like her cooch?

Well, apparently it was a bomb, and I don’t just mean that it didn’t sell like hot cakes. Apparently the Paltrow Pussy Scented Candle is also incredibly dangerous because one man named is suing Goop because he ALLEGES the candle exploded in his house.

There was, um, Goop everywhere!

Legal documents say Colby purchased the $75 candle online in January, lit it for the first time in February, placed it on his nightstand, and then says that three hours later the candle became engulfed in flames and exploded.

Colby says there was a “limited warning” on the Goop website that cautions not to burn the candle for more than two hours but says Goop should warn people that the candle could cause injuries if it exploded, and he wants $5 million.

Now, this isn’t the first time a customer claimed the vagina candle was an explosion hazard. Jody Thompson says her candle blew up when she lit it and that it “emitted huge flames, with bits flying everywhere.” She described it as an “inferno.” 

Now, I have questions … why was Colby, a man, in need of a vagina-scented candle? Does he not get the real thing? Does this mean Paltrow’s cooch is a lethal weapon? If you light a match near Paltrow’s crotch, will she burst into flames? And more importantly, who buys a candle that smells like cooch? 

But, if you did, or would, purchase such a thing, I'd like you to know that this fall you can buy the Bob's Sweaty Ball Scented Road Flare! Nothing says 'Stop, and help me' like the smell of sweaty balls.

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  1. The candle --- I can't even
    believe she thought it was
    appropriate and now it is
    exploding!!! Sorry, Bob,
    but I think I will pass
    on the Road Flares.
    xoxo :-)

  2. $75 for a candle that smells like a fanny???? Oh dear Lord!

  3. bob's sweaty balls road flare? I'll pass on that, like I'll pass on the vag candle.

    and the trash above the candle - gather it into a small room, light the candle, and lock the door from the outside.

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I guess A-Rod forgot to update his Blue Apron order this week, huh?

  5. Never, never, never should anyone shout and rant at an employee of an organisation that has upset you in any way. Tell the employee of the problem that irks you but make it clear from your tone of voice and demeanour that your complaint is not about the person you are talking to. And always be polite; the person you are talking to is very likely not the person who caused the problem in the first place

  6. A-Rod's emotionally manipulative, guilt-tripping "family photo" is adolescent bullshit.

  7. Where do I start:

    *A-Rod has a sex addiction problem. If you believe the stories that are out there. Both he a JLo are thirsty folks. I believe the cook took the picture of him and the kids. I don't know if he knows how to boil water let alone work the ice-maker on the fridge. And please tell the kids no electronics at the table. This is a time for them to bond, communicate. Yea, right.

    *Bill is a freak. I tell you it's those dorky ones that you have to watch out for. Hooking up with Epstein is nothing but trouble. He knows the type of Epstein is. He has security and I am sure they told him the risks.

  8. @TDM
    Let me know if you change your mind. I'm sitting on a warehouse full of flares!

    Clearly there's a buyer for EVERYTHING!

    But but but mine doesn't explode???!?!?!?

    I feel so sorry for him [/sarcasm font]

    You're assuming this has-been actor and Thing #45 supporter is a decent human being; he's not.

    Debra for the win!!!

    A-Rod and JLo and J-Rod and A-Hole are only in relationships for the press.
    I just find it wild that Gates admits to seeking marital advice from Epstein!

  9. I'll bet Gates was clumsy.

    Who in their right mind bought one of those candles? You were being much too kind to Schroeder.

  10. I'd like a case of Bob's Sweaty Balls, please.

  11. Dear Bob... I would like to put in an order for two candles. Do accept M/C?

    So... anyone stupid enough to buy a $75 candle from Paltrow? They get what they deserve.

    Bill Gates is a clueless letch? Cool. Nerds everywhere just got inspired.

    Have you ever noticed that when privileged straight white men apologize, they don't ACTUALLY apologize for their actions, but have some caveat that makes it okay for them to act like a total azzhat? Schroder is a tool. A total tool.

    Jello and A-rat... just some PR scheme that ran the course of its contract. This was about keeping her in money and the spotlight and rehabilitating him, trying to enhance his brand. Which is why we have Bennifer again. Gee... how about a reboot of Giglo? Anybody?

    Thanks, hon. Kizzes.

  12. I would say if there's a "limited warning" on the web site saying not to burn the candle for more than two hours, Gwyneth is covered. Colby did not follow the manufacturer's guidelines. (Why he bought the thing in the first place is a much bigger question.)

    I had no idea Ricky Schroder is a Trumper, but somehow it doesn't surprise me.


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