
Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Tuesday Thought #3



  1. Unfortunately I'm not surprised.

  2. How about we do this - those states and districts represented by those no-vote rethuglicans(House and Senate) get NO money from this package (think of the money it would save which should make those fiscal hawks all deliriously happy)- after all, their elected representatives by voting no said their constituents are able to make do without the money - of course, those republicans are certainly free to have town hall in person meetings to explain to their constituents why they believe there is no need for any stimulus money - I'm guessing it might be a tough one to explain - - - and I'm also guessing there might be a rush by rethugs to pass some new stimulus packages with the same speed and generosity as when they passed those big tax cuts a while back - well it's a nice thought anyway - and I might add I continue to be mortally embarrassed by the majority of Texas politicians!! And dont even think for a moment that I voted for any of them (insert rant here)

  3. I second jsstrand! and every damn GQP thug needs to be VOTED OUT OF OFFICE! EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM!

  4. Of course they didn't. Losers never vote for the right thing.

  5. LOL. I don't think that point was lost on anyone... but then... half the country will continue to vote against their own best self interest.

  6. You know Repugs vote Repug no matter what. They'll justify this the same way they justified Cheeto...


  7. Anonymous1:16 AM

    This reminds me of a story (possibly apocryphal) concerning Frank McCourt, the author of Angelas' Ashes. McCourt was being interviewed on what coincidentally happened to be St. Patrick's Day so the reporter asked him if he knew much about St. Patrick. McCourt is said to have replied, "Not much really. Just that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland and they all came to America and became Republicans."

  8. I don't even recognize the US anymore. Im almost embarrassed to admit when traveling Im from the US.

  9. Shameful - perhaps their pay should be stopped as from 20/01/21 bar $1,400 and then they can get on without federal subsidy until such time as they recover their senses (don't hold your breath).

  10. @jsstrand
    While I like your idea, the trouble is people like me live in some of those states where their Congressional Representatives voted No to the stimulus and yet people like me voted straight Blue.
    Perhaps a better idea is to demand that the people who voted GOP send their checks back.

    All the more reason to vote all these GQP bastards from office.

  11. Yeah, that's a BIG One Thing, isn't it? No further Words necessary.


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