
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Is Paul Gosar a White Supremacist?

This week, Paul Gosar [Q-AZ] Tweeted the motto of a white nationalist group:

Perhaps he made a mistake; perhaps he didn’t know; perhaps he’s that dumb.

But, the Tweet came on the heels of Herr Gosar delivering the keynote address at the America First conference in Florida; America First is the white nationalist movement headed by the racist and anti-Semitic podcaster Nick Fuentes. 

So, again … mistake … he didn’t know … he’s that dumb … or he’s a white supremacist.

Gosar’s office is not commenting on why he felt the need to post the white nationalist group’s slogan, given that shortly after the nation learned he was a speaker at a Hate Rally, he tried to distance himself from it.

Fuentes—a Holocaust denier utter illiterate moron who attended the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia—ask Herr Gosar to speak at the group’s second annual conference and Gosar spoke for twenty minutes before Fuentes took the stage to say that that “white people are done being bullied” and that America needs to protect its “white demographic core.”

And Fuentes Tweeted a photo showing him and Herr Gosar having coffee together. 

So, did he make a mistake? Perhaps he didn’t know? Maybe he’s that dumb? Or, is he a racist?

Well, if it speaks at a white supremacist convention, and then pals around with the leader of the white supremacist group, and then Tweets out a white supremacist slogan, it’s safe to say …

Paul Gosar is a white supremacist.


  1. Logic dictates that if he is a white supremacist then he is indeed dumb. And moronic. And one jumbo white egg short of a dozen. I can go on, but why?

  2. I find it interesting he chose to pay a whore to send his message. That doesn't say much for what he thinks of America, does it?

  3. Not good, not good at all...

  4. 1. that an Anglo-Saxon name? For that matter is Gosar? Are these men immigrants? Yes, so do they want to give the land back to the native Americans? My bet is the answer to that question is no.
    2. Gosar was the man most, if not all, of his siblings put out an advert against, advising the voters in Arizona NOT to vote for their brother as he was the wrong kind of person which this tweet clearly shows.

  5. Deny, deny, deny. That's how they try to convince the rest of the nation they aren't what they appear to be. But that's just a page out of Trumper's playbook and one that the Repuqulicans have adopted full force and full stop.

  6. Maybe he can join the Royal Family of bigots and supremacist?

  7. What's that saying? "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck!"

  8. "Fuentes" eh?
    Como se dice..."Que?"
    Internalised Hispano-phobia? Or maybe he was adopted...

    Choice graphics tho', 9 year old me snickers along with Mr Gosar

  9. ignorant muthafucka!
    gosar is also one of the architects of the 1/6/21 riot.

  10. @Deedles
    True dat!!

    Well, he's an idiot so ....

    It's disgusting!

    Fuentes clearly doesn't connect with his Latino surname.

    I love how e spoke at their Hate Fest and went to coffee with the Hate Leader and Tweeted out the Hate Slogan but he won't comment on it.

    He does seem to share some thoughts.


    Hispano-phobia is a real thing. apparently.

    And with Garland in office maybe Gosar will get his turn behind bars.

  11. If it quacks like a duck... (Not meaning offense to any ducks.)

  12. @Mitch
    Yeah, I hate to lump ducks in with racists pricks.

  13. Well, the short answer is 'yes'. The long answer is 'yes, of course.
    The GQP is the party of nazis.


  14. He knows. And he knows he can always say he didn't. But he knows. We all really must do all we can to get rid of filth like this. It's time. Don't grow complacent! Grow more determined.

  15. @Six
    Like I used to say of 45, not everyone who supports the GQP is a racist, but if you're a racist you support the GQP.

    As I also like to say, CAST A GODDMANED VOTE!


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