
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday Thought #2


  1. Ironic isn't it? Oh, I'm sorry. I meant MOronic.

  2. cause masks don't work! the dump said so! and the dump is ALWAYS right! /s/

  3. Oh, you're trying logic with them? So cute.
    They're brain dead and sectarian. It's so frustrating....


  4. I remember the first family
    member searched, shoes and all
    was our 10-yr-old son when we
    flew to Arizona.
    Yup, moronic it is!!

  5. @Mitchell
    You're so right.

    And when the ReTHUGS get the COVID they get the very best care. Odd, since it's all a hoax.

    It's just that they don't care who dies, as long as they keep their jobs and coins.

    Shoes, yes! Masks, no!

  6. No one ever said they were intelligent.

  7. What pandemic? There is no pandemic? - So, why aren't those people among the 300K that are dead? I know a whole family in Iowa who have refused to wear masks and have had it twice (including a newborn). Nothing. No repercussions. So, they think that proves them right... of course, they ignore the 300K who died and the strain on our hospitals and front line workers... but, hey... they are okay, so F the rest of us?

  8. I see the head of WH security lost a toe, a foot and 1/2 a leg from Covid-19 and still owes $30,000 and someone set up a go fund me page for him. I'd assumed that WH staff would have health care included.


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