
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. My husband had an LLC with one employee before we moved to NM. It came with lots of fees and expenses and paperwork and regulations. I'm sure that a small LLC would have a long line of hurdles to get gov't COVID relief. Big companies have accountants and lawyers to do the paperwork. The little guy loses out.

  2. Yeah.....this should seal the fate of the middle class but good.

  3. I thought PM Bozo and his crapped out crew were rubbish, but der Trumpenfuhrer and his crowd of evil elves (soon to be on differing shelves) make Bozo's lot look like a crowd of hard done-by angel wannabees.

  4. the USA doesn't give five fat flying fuschia fucks about the worker bees.

  5. It's unbelievable. Absolutely incredible.
    But it's the Repugs, so for them it's all more money for the RICH. The poor? Let them eat brioche.


  6. Seems like Canada could show the world a thing or two doesn't it!

  7. @TDM
    Mitch is all about welfare and socialism for corporations because they, in turn, pay his way in life.

    I just read that megachurch faux-Christian Joel Osteen got over $4M in PPE.

    That's why we need Georgia to go all the way blue, so Mitch loses power.

    They're vile, and they don't care if we all know it, because, sadly, we let it happen.

    I think it's time the worker bees cleaned house.

    And these ReThugs, like Mitch, live in some of the poorest states who keep voting against their own best interests.

    Oh, if we could be like Canada ...

  8. No he wouldn't, he'd use some other criteria to shit on Americans.

  9. JOEL OLSTEEN... that pc. of crap - he got millions in Covid $$$. Seriously! And people are stealing in order to feed their damn families. This world, man... something seriously wrong here in the good old USA.


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