
Friday, December 18, 2020

I Didn't Say It ...

Pete Buttigieg, first gay man to win a state in a presidential primary, on being named President-elect Joe Biden's transportation secretary nominee—Buttigieg said he remembered watching as James Hormel was attacked and denied a vote in the Senate to serve as President Bill Clinton's ambassador to Luxembourg because he was gay:

"At the time, I had no aspirations of being appointed by a president to anything. At that age, I was hoping to be an airline pilot, and I was a long way from coming out even to myself. But still, I watched that story and I learned something about some of the limits that exist in this country when it comes to who was allowed to belong. Two decades later, I can't help but think of a 17-year-old somewhere who might be watching us right now, somebody who wonders whether and where they belong in the world, or even in their own family. And I'm thinking about the message that today's announcement is sending to them."

It’s sending them hope.

And, if confirmed by the US Senate, Buttigieg would be the first out LGBTQ Cabinet secretary approved by the chamber. Buttigieg is also the youngest member named so far in Biden's Cabinet, and the only one of Biden's former Democratic presidential opponents to be named as a Cabinet secretary nominee.


Mitt Romney, on _____’s refusal to accept that he is  an impeached, lame-duck, one-term loser, and his MAGAts:

“The biggest concern that I have is that people here genuinely believe that somehow this election was stolen, and there’s not evidence of that. The president was saying it was stolen even before election day happened! He said if he loses it would be fraud. Well, no one knows that! I thought I was going to win too when I ran for president in 2012. I didn’t. I didn’t go out and say fraud. We have a process. We count the votes. That’s the way it is.”

But _____ is a sociopath, and a narcissist, and a child, and an Adderall addicted rapist racist adulterer con man grifter traitor.

And his minions love that.


Allen West, Texas Republican Party chair and lunatic, on that SCOTUS rejection of a baseless lawsuit brought by Attorney General Ken Paxton in an attempt to overturn the results of the U.S. election in favor of _____:

“The Supreme Court, in tossing the Texas lawsuit that was joined by seventeen states and 106 US congressman, has decreed that a state can take unconstitutional actions and violate its own election law. Resulting in damaging effects on other states that abide by the law, while the guilty state suffers no consequences. This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable. This decision will have far-reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic. Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution. The Texas GOP will always stand for the Constitution and for the rule of law even while others don’t.”

Actually, dumbass, the Supremes said the lawsuit had no merit because you’re just a bunch of pissy bitches with crap-filled diapers who need to grow a pair.

And shut up.


Chris Christie, former New Jersey Governor and perhaps former _____ friend and ally, on the GOP backing _____’s insanity:

“Well, listen, the legal theory put forward by his legal team and by the president is an absurdity. And the reason why the Supreme Court didn’t take it is because it’s an absurd idea to think that any state, or any number of states, no matter how good they are, can challenge another state’s right to run the election as they see fit. And also there’s no evidence.”

But then, ReTHUGlicans don’t understand the law and are so afraid of a mean Tweet from an Impeached, One-Term, Lame-Duck con artist and grifter, that they sold their souls to an orange devil.

And speaking of …


Mo Brooks, the Mo is clearly short for Mo-ron, Alabama’s GOP Congressman, proving himself a traitor to Democracy, the Constitution of this country, and out electoral process …as long as doesn’t favor a ReTHUGlican:

“So, I have a choice, I can either sit back and surrender and be a part of the surrender caucus, or I can fight for our country. And that’s what I’m going to do. So, on January 6, I’m going to object to the submissions of Electoral College votes from various states that, in my judgment, have such flawed election systems that their vote counts are unworthy of our ratification in the United States Congress. What I need is a United States Senator who will join me. If we have a House member and a senator, then by golly, that forces a House vote and a floor vote on whether to accept this systematically flawed election system or to reject it. I want to reject it so that we can have an honest and fair and accurate election.”

First, you dumbass, prove the election was unfair. I mean, just because the man whose ass your lips are puckered to, claims fraud, doesn’t prove fraud.

Fucking traitor.


Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s incoming deputy chief of staff and former campaign manager, calling the GOP … well, let her say it:

“The president-elect was able to connect with people over this sense of unity. In the primary, people would mock him, like, ‘You think you can work with Republicans?’ I’m not saying they’re not a bunch of f—ers. Mitch McConnell is terrible. But this sense that you couldn’t wish for that, you couldn’t wish for this bipartisan ideal? He rejected that. From start to finish, he set out with this idea that unity was possible, that together we are stronger, that we, as a country, need healing, and our politics needs that too.”

Marco Rubio, GOP goose-stepping, foam party asshat, with his panties in a snit over O’Malley:

“Biden talks about unity and healing, but you want to know what they really think? Read how the person he wants as the next WH deputy chief of staff called Republicans in Congress a bunch of f—ers.”

Nicolle Wallace, from MSNBC, calling out Little Marco’s hypocrisy, and pointing out that he is a f—er:

“Are we really talking about the f word in any context other than the f—ing people who stood by _____ as he boasted about ‘grabbing women in the pussy’, smeared ‘shit hole countries’ called black NFL players ‘sons of bitches’ and assaulted our democracy while ignoring COVID-19?”

I think it’s clear … the GOP, for the most part, almost the whole part, are f—ers.

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  1. Oh, the Moment Nicole showed Little Marco the receipts *chef's kiss*. I love it when people call Repugs hypocritical drama queens.
    Now, this: "republican party chair and lunatic". That's how it's done, children. LMAOOOO

    I think that Romney and Christie are doing kind of too little too late? Where were they when IMPOTUS was making the country implode?


  2. pete (sigh). fuck the rest of the crybabies. and lil marco needs a longer strand of pearls and another bottled water.

  3. Pete is my HERO. He represents the best in us.


  4. The Moron and the weird guy from Texas(why has he got a semi-Nazi hairstyle and Himmler specs?) look what they are - weirdos!

  5. At this point if their are senators that won't except Biden- is mute. They will just sit their, like dead weight, cause chaos and not vote on anything Biden wants, unless we win the senate. They are already saying they plan to vote against some of his nominees, further holding up Bidens work. And lets face it, this will be a one term presidency I'm he has got to get something through.I mean look how much destruction the dump did in four years?!?!? Unfortunately it will take longer then fours years to rebuild what he tore to pieces.

    Oh yes...and then there's Pete......who besides the Kennedy brothers just might be the most handsome man in politics. Im also hearing Biden may appoint Warren and Klobuclar positions too.

    Over all still like least I know he can work across the aisle.


  6. Dear Bob, I watched the nomination of Pete Buttigieg to the cabinet post of Transportation Secretary with feelings of great joy. Suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of the heavenly host praising god and saying, Mayor Pete goes to Washington!!!
    I couldn't be happier and can also say prouder for this first openly gay man to be nominated for a cabinet position.
    When I joined the board of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund in 2000, we were focused on getting Tammy Baldwin elected to the House.
    Now this year I'm dreaming of a gay man named Pete to be the first openly gay American President some day. That's all I want for Christmas, Bob, except for you and Carlos to have a Merry One!
    Thank you for your commitment to the cause.
    Onward in 2021.

  7. Romney said it like it is didn't he!

  8. @Six
    I love me some Nicole Wallace; even though she is a Republican, she takes no prisoners from that side, and calls it like it is.
    Allen West has been an asshat for years, growing even worse in Texas.
    And Mittsy and Chrissie WERE too late.

    Yes, indeed!

    Marco has no spine, no balls, no integrity.
    Yes AND Yes.

    ReTHUGlicans they are.

    My feeling is that those THUGS who don’t put their grown-up pants on, and continue to do the bidding of ______, need to be removed from office.
    I kind of like Christie, but I wish he hadn’t waited so long to speak up.

    I remember being THAT kid and wondering if one of us would ever be so openly accepted in politics, and would have ever won a state in a presidential primary!
    You have a fabulous holiday and thanks for all YOU do to keep the march going!

    I only wish he’d spoken up sooner.

  9. Lots of good stuff, Bob. It is really quite disturbing that Chris Christie is a voice of reason for the GOP.

  10. Go Pete, Go!

    Mitt wants to run for president in 2024, doesn't mean he isn't right, but he wants to run again.

    Allen West keeps digging his shithole deeper and deeper.

    Mo Brooks future is looking dimmer and dimmer.

    Rubio's pissed cause he hasn't fucked in years.

  11. Allen West is a dangerous person. A very dangerous person. Remember he was charged with torture. The men and women under his command hated him. After trying to pick a fight with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, West was told to leave the floor of the house until he cooled down. The Florida GOP did away with his district when it drew lines in 2010 stopping his political career in Florida. Now, he's in Texas. The guy is a class A creep.


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