
Thursday, December 17, 2020


The other night I was a little late getting out of work, so I texted Carlo about 6:15 that I’d be late.

I got no response. At home, I said I had texted him and he said he never got it [he did] but was on the phone with a friend at the time.

I awoke the next morning, and as I was leaving for work, I grabbed my phone, and saw a text message from Carlos responding to my text the previous day:

“Okay. Hurry home.”

It was sent at 11:15PM, right after I’d gone to bed and after I’d been home for nearly five hours. I don’t think he quite gets the texting thing.

Poor _____, every time he tries to discredit the election, and loses, Joe wins again! And Tuxedo is living for it.

The editorial board of the Orlando Sentinel issued an apology to its readers for endorsing ReTHUGlican Michael Waltz in the 2020 general election for Congress, saying:

“We had no idea, had no way of knowing at the time, that Waltz was not committed to democracy. During our endorsement interview with the incumbent congressman, we didn’t think to ask, ‘Would you support an effort to throw out the votes of tens of millions of Americans in four states in order to overturn a presidential election and hand it to the person who lost, Donald _____?’”

Sad when you have to ask a politician if they’re committed to democracy and the Constitution of this country, but then … ReTHUGlicans. That’s all.

Verillas, an LGBTQ-owned fashion label, donated $1000 to the NAACP after seeing a group of Proud Boys, the racist-far right hate group favored by _____, wearing its kilts at a pro-_____ protest in D.C. last weekend:

“Disgusted to see members of ‘Proud Boys’ a fascist terrorist org wearing our products. We’re LGBTQIA+ owned, operated, designed and lived. We’re against everything they stand for. I see $750 of our gear in the picture—I just gave $1000 to the NAACP to redirect hate to love.”

Funny how those Proud Boys love wearing LGBTQ designed clothing and bending over and baring their asses in public. How very queer of them.

Verillas move follows one from last September, fashion label Fred Perry, who announced they would stop selling the black and yellow collared shirt that has become the adopted uniform of Proud [Closeted Gay] Boys.

Joel Osteen claimed all summer long that he took no money from the Paycheck Protection Program, a  government program designed to help small businesses through the pandemic.

Turns out, shocker, that Joel Osteen is a f%king liar, because his Lakewood Church received a $4.4 million PPE. And while you are shocked about this, and notice that the photo above is where Osteen lives on the money he scams out of evangelical fools, also remember that this is the same guy who closed his church to the displaced Houstonians after Hurricane Harvey decimated the area and lied about flood damage to his church as an excuse. It was only when he was exposed, again, as a f%king lying faux-Christian hypocrite, that he finally opened his doors.

Joe Biden has picked Pete Buttigieg to be his Secretary of Transportation. Pete would become the first Senate-confirmed LGBTQ Cabinet secretary should his nomination make it through the chamber.

Another step forward …

PS That photo of Pete really heats up my loins. Just sayin’.

Georgia’s GOP senators are refusing to acknowledge Joe Biden as president-elect even after Electoral College voters officially named him the winner over _____. In fact, on Tuesday, Kelly Loeffler—who made millions on the pandemic, mind you—said she would keep fighting for _____.

Oh, and that’s smiling Kelly up there, standing side-by-side with Nazi, Chester Doles.

Ah, men, er, man.

Levi Bradley is an actor, model, athlete, and delicious slab of meat. He’s rough, rugged, gives good face,  good pecs, good jeans. 

That’s all? 
That’s enough.


  1. yes, tuxedo!

    "PS That photo of Pete really heats up my loins. Just sayin’." - you and me BOTH, honey! chasten is one lucky guy! I don't think pete has ever taken a bad photo.

    the rest of the trash can fuck right off.

  2. Pete Buttigieg was a Rhodes Scholar so must know my home town well; he should have learned from the snarl up of Oxford traffic how not to deal with transportation problems....just as long as he doesn't follow Ms Chao's line of sending all the DOT monies to Kentucky - shouldn't that be investigated by a special counsel?

  3. (Carlos) (Tuxedo) (Pete Buttigieg)
    take care, xoxo :-)

  4. Good for Verillas and Fred Perry! Principles before profit. And I love the Tweet of the Week!

  5. Oh Pete could get it. Any. Day.
    And I think that for Carlos, texting is kind like email? I think? LOL
    And yes, Tuxedo, YES.

    That C*nt Loeffler. I hope the kick her to the curb. And Levi? I'd just wear him, thank you.


  6. Carlos texted cracked me up has does Tuxedo. It's funny with each passing day the dump gets more quiet.

    Proud Boys dont do their research, had they, no way would they be wearing those items. It's funny!!!!!!!! Dumb red neck asses!

    Apparently Kelly Loeffler doesn't listen to what her head McTutrtle said. Biden is President and the attitude and statements won't be tolerated. At this point any GOP MEMBER who still does this, should be excused from service and then a special election held....this is bullshit at this point.

    Pete Buttigieg always gets me hot dear. And funny, I had in his tee shirt when the news broke. so it it safe to say he was sitting on my chest when the news broke?

    Joel Osteen. Never did like him. He even looks slimy. Mark my words if a huge gay scandal doesn't break out with him yet. I just have a feeling......

  7. I'm thrilled Biden chose Mayor Pete. He would have been a fool not too - Pete is articulate and intelligent and destined for great things!

  8. I get all messed up with the text thing. Sometimes the text sound goes off and it is nothing but a weather update.
    It seems like ALL the crooks and traitors are being exposed. Hopefully, they don't out number and out gun us.

  9. Carlos and SG, once again. "Why is the number 37 next to my WhatsApp on my phone?!?" "It means you have 37 unread messages!"

    As for the library: Mexico will also have to come up with the money to pay for all those book SHELF.

  10. @AM
    The first time I ever heard about Pete, or some him, I thought, "Cute." But he is clearly in the Hot Category now!

    Pete is no criminal like Chao-McConnell

    Yes to all three.

    I think you might like a Pete-Levi sammich?

    Proud Boys are stupid, and Osteen has to have some skeletons in his closet. Maybe his plastic surgeon knows.
    And that picture of Pete ... swoon.

    Pete is an asset to the team, and this sets him up for the future.

    BUT do you respond to a text five hours later, after you're spent five hours talking to that person, and they've told you about he text? Nope, that's just my dear Chochis.

    You feel my pain, or, really, my joy.
    And I didn't think about the one book shelf. Mexico will get off easy.

  11. I see Levi's quite versatile

    Kelly's ass is swinging so far to the right she won't know if she's pissing or shitting.


    Face it, Osteen is a 2 bit whore when it comes to money.

    You do have quite a cornucopia of swine today... except for Levi.

  12. Carlos and I have something in common... hee hee.
    Tuxedo is right... 66,67,and 68.

    Proud Boys are old frat boys who couldn't hack college. They think this is a fun club. F 'em.

    I think ugly Joel there should donate 4.4 million to food pantries around the country. Azz wipe. We should have a find ugly pictures of Joel Olsteen contest.

    Pete is sweet. Not my type. But my clan.

    Loeffler is such a tool. The other day she was telling a crowd how she too, knows what it means to have nothing and struggle during these hard times. You know, right before she made her way back to her Mansion. Hypocrite. She is a nazi.

    I think the orange ogre's library should only contain books he's actually read. Yeah... How big a building do you need for a McDonald's menu and the instructions on the back of a Depends box?

  13. @Dave
    You callin' Carlos, Tuxedo, or Pete swine?????

    Your comments on Bobservations always make me smile!

  14. Having seen Mayor Pete recently for the first time with beard I've been spoilt 'cos I want it to be a permanent feature - in fact both him AND his beard.

  15. I wish Joel Osteen would fall down a well. Hate that guy. And the "Proud Boys" are so clueless, it's almost embarrassing. And I'm so glad to see that President Biden is going to have advisers that can actually advise him.

  16. I have never wanted to work in transportation before. So Proud! I haven't checked text messages since Tuesday, perhaps I should turn my phone on?

  17. @Raybeard
    He is quite hot, and smart and compassionate and has something very rare in politics these days: common sense.

    Joel in a well sounds good to me.

    I have no idea about how to work in infrastructure, but I'd be happy gettin' Pete's coffee.


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