
Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. That's because they are all two faced fucking heartless bastards, Who all have America defended for them and don't deep down care. They two all have bone spurs....

    Im telling conspiracy I told you...Putin will be our president....when he takes over and gets rid of his lap dog.

  2. Troops dead....and yet they will STILL vote for him.

  3. It is unbelievable.

  4. WHAT does Putin have on the Orange Menace? Inquiring minds want to know!

  5. it is amazing that a crowd of right wingers who profess to admire and support the military also seem to think it is okay to let the Russkies pay bounties on those self-same troops. If Obama were still president and the same issue arose does anyone believe for a micro-second that these fascistical Repugs would not be polluting the airwaves demanding his resignation/impeachment? Hell the impeachment would have started on the day the news broke. Hypocrites one and all

  6. You know Vlad's god damming Kompromat on IMPOTUS. Be it the pee-pee tapes, money or whatever shady deals Cheeto has done with the Russians, he has to stay mute in anything concerning the Ruskis.
    I can't believe the bleeding heart repugs don't say anything. Oh, wait. It's repugs we're talking about here, so yeah.


  7. Turds of a feather flush together.


Say anything, but keep it civil .......