
Monday, July 06, 2020

I Can't ...

... anymore.

I am so over the news; I'm over the deaths and the dying and the new cases of COVID-19.

I’m over the people who are gathering en masse, without masks, acting like there aren’t people dying every single day.

I'm over an entire political party that doesn't seem to care that 130,000 Americans are dead while they allow their leader the chance to strip the living of healthcare.

I’m over the Occupant of the White House using our Independence Day as another shot at his enemies who, by the way, are every single Democrat, every person of color, every member of the media, every person in the world who isn’t rich, white and male.

I’m over waking up every single day to another Karen telling people of color what they can and cannot do.

I am over Karen and Ken playing Blondie and Clod in from of their home.

I’m over Karen and Ken painting over an authorized Black Lives Matter sign in the middle of the street because, as they say, there is no police brutality in this country, and there is no racism in this country.

I am over the Karen who goes shopping without a mask and then shrieks at the top of her lungs that she can’t wear one because she has breathing issues. If only …

I am over white people storming state buildings with guns being called good Americans while Black people marching in protest over another Black life snuffed out by rogue police officers called thugs.

I’m over “Go back where you belong,” because last I checked we were the country that welcomed everyone.

I’m over “Speak English, you’re in America” as if English is our national language.

I’m over Hate, in action, speech and practice.

I am over this America. 


  1. (stands up and applauds bob) MEE TOO! FUCK THIS USA!

  2. I wish I had something to say that would make it all better. But I've been over this USA for a long time now and have admired your stamina.

  3. By the time this is over, we'll know who every white supremacist in the country is by name.

  4. Like I've always said. I knew ______
    would be bad but I'm still astonished
    at how very bad things have turned out.
    take care, be safe, xoxo :-)

  5. I'm with you. It's exhausting.

  6. Hopefully, knowing there are like-minded people out there will help us get through the next 6 months. (Yes, that's with the assumption that this nightmare will turn dramatically after January 20th.)

  7. I am too!!!!!! This might be a cold sounding thing...but as an ice queen may they can contract it and push daisies in a couple of week. I say let it kill them all and thin the heard.

  8. I'd like to ask "Do you fee better now?" but I already know the answer - and it becomes with an 'N'.

  9. I hate to admit it, but I have largely stopped watching the news, too depressing. I am over it, can't wait to "Flush the Turd, on November 3rd."

  10. I have not imbibed coronavirus news because it has always been way too depressing. Even more depressing is considering the way that der Trumpenfuhrer and Bojo have managed the crises hitting our countries. You are right, it is all about ignorant privileged rich white men who think because they have dosh that everything they do must be right. I can only iwsh I had the energy to rise up and revolt (instead I am just revolting).

  11. I am over it too. I think our system of government is outmoded and needs to be changed, but it won't be due to the constitution. I actually have looked into moving to Canada, but it isn't as easy as it would seem. I am so over the people who won't wear masks because they think it interferes with their rights. And don't get me started on guns and gun ownership. The second amendment is nuts.

  12. That Fourth of July speech was despicable. I hope the November election is the end of Tweetie. Think of it -- he's killed more Americans than Kennedy, Nixon, and Johnson combined.

  13. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I thought the same thing this AM when I awoke...I usually turn on MSNBC to determine if the world is still standing and not burned to the ground...I thought I would just sleep in...I couldn't take another discussion about COVID-19 cases, deaths, folks not wearing masks, and how The Big Fat Orange One in the White House has to go for shirking his duties...I just couldn't...I rolled over and said I better get up...An extra hour would make fuzzy brained for the entire day...Got up and I fired up the laptop and started another day in our country's deplorable condition with no real end in sight...

    PS-To the lady at the cash register of the premier chocolate place in Denver, yes dear you can breathe with your mask on...Know your audience...I know the fancy country club is just a few blocks away and your views may be welcomed there but not with me...Get over it...Wear your damn mask...If you can talk to me and do your duties...You can breathe...


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