
Monday, July 20, 2020

Karen Goes To Starbucks

Amber Lynn Gilles is one of those Starbucks Karens, but she’s a Karen with a twist.

See, Amber Lynn Gilles went to a San Diego Starbucks without a mask and Lenin Gutierrez, the on-duty barista, refused to serve her. So, Amber Lynne Gilles took his picture and posted it to Facebook to somehow shame him for trying to protect people from the virus:
“Meet lenen [sic] from Starbucks who refused to serve me cause I’m not wearing a mask. Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption.”
Sadly, her post backfired in an epic way. Facebook people saw and shared Amber Lynn Gilles’ post and felt badly for Lenin; one of those folks started a GoFundMe page as a “virtual tip jar” to raise $20,000 for Lenin. The page raised well over 100K and now … wait for it … it’s epic …it’s totally Karen … are you ready …. Here goes … Amber Lynn Gilles wants half the money.

Yes, Amber Lynne Gilles says Lenin discriminated against her by asking to follow California law requiring masks to be worn in public spaces:
“It was discrimination, and everybody is OK with it and enabling and rewarding that behavior. I get shortness of breath, dizziness and it messes with the heartbeat, and I do have asthma as well, and I do get mask-acne. So, there’s several things going on and not only that but it doesn’t even work.”
Boy, she is one hot mess: asthma and mask acne? Still Gilles went to her local TV news channel, KGTV, and gave them two documents to prove her exemption.

The first was a pelvic exam from 2015, with results that say “probable exophytic fibroid arising from the anterior wall of the uterus measuring 2.9 cm size,” and “simple 2.5 cm left ovarian cys.”

Ovarian cyst and masks? Now, granted I am not familiar with female anatomy, but does that even make sense?

The second document was a handwritten note on letterhead from a local chiropractor, who claimed that Gilles “has underlying breath conditions that prevent her from wearing a mask or any type of facial covering whatsoever.”

A chiropractor? Gilles defended that note by saying:
“They are dedicated to providing non-invasive personalized care and treatment. They are real doctors.”
And then Amber Lynn Gilles said she may start her own GoFundMe to raise money for legal fees should she decide to sue … unless she gets an apology:
“I feel like I need the apology. I’ve been discriminated against, I’m the one who’s sick.”
And now I agree with Amber Lynn Gilles: she is sick. But I also have a tad bit of advice:
Dear Amber Lynn Gilles,
Stay the fuck home then.
Love, America.


  1. as a woman, I DO NOT breathe through my ovaries! total bullshit!

    also, I have asthma and I wear a mask. fuck you, cuntface caren! you deserve NOTHING but a kick in the ass!

  2. Sooo typical - she wants the

  3. Asthma would have been the least of her worries if it had been me. I would have been fired and sued for throwing hot coffee in her face. Tired of these fucking smug privileged bitches thinking they get their way every time. I think the time is coming I need to move from this country.

  4. Fuck Amber and fuck any Karen who dares come up with stupid excuses not to wear a face mask.
    The Goddess is almighty and has not allowed me to work in retail at any time during my life because I'd be in jail after bitch slapping to death one of these cows (sorry, cows, you're awesome).
    The nerve of these entitled heifers knows no limit. And she dared go on TV? Famewhore.
    Good for Lenin. I hope he enjoys the money and uses part of it to sue that idiot.


  5. Bet she graduated with Honors from the School of Self Entitlement.

  6. Karens and Barbies and Kens, oh my! Back to my sick bed, again.

  7. @AM
    This 'Karen' is all kinds of crazy and self-entitled.

    Sure, because that's all she cares about.


    I love Lenin's tip money, and he and others who put up with self-entitled bitches deserve it and more.

    I think she cheated her way through ....

  8. @Deedles
    Pay 'em no mind and feel better, Snooks.

  9. Oh dear god... I hadn't seen her medical "exemption" proof. But, for how many years has she suffered from mask acne? And how did she find out?

  10. Maybe she should wear her mask like a sanitary towel to protect her ovaries from the coronavirus! Just a suggestion!

  11. @Mitchell
    Mask acne [Macne? Mascne?] is a new one.

    I love your suggestion!

  12. I have asthma myself, and I can wear a mask just fine. I had read about this in the news. Nuts.

  13. My chiropractor deals with my skellington (falling apart) and musculature (ditto). If I have a breathing problem I would go to the doctor who would refer me to a consultant (that's the NHS for you). Perhaps this Amber female is taking tips from der Trumpenfuhrer and making the worst of a bad job by upping the lying?


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