
Monday, July 20, 2020

Bullshit Barbie's CliffsNotes for Press Briefings™

Poor Kayleigh McEnany promised the press she’d never lie to them—which was broken the second that last syllable escaped her lips—but she never promised she’d be an incompetent moron, and yet here she is …

Last week Reuters photographer Jonathan Ernst captured a closeup of the binder McEnany brings with her to every briefing and, well, it’s high-larious and indicative of everything that’s wrong about this White House, Hot Mess.

You see, at every briefing, McEnany is seen flipping through her Cliff Notes of Press Secretary-ing  and then appearing to read verbatim from pre-written responses. Now, to be fair, there’s a lot of information on a variety of topics, so that explains the binder tabs marked “Covid” and “Test” as well as “PPE,” “Masks,” “CDC,” and “Cases.”

But then there’s the tab “Mary,” allegedly information on The Occupant’s niece who just released a tell-all book about her batshit crazy sociopathic uncle; or the one marked “Hogan,” which may refer to Maryland’s Republican Governor Larry Hogan who wrote a scathing Washington Post essay condemning _____’s pandemic response. 

And then there’s “Goya,” which I don’t think is an ethnic foods recipe section.

The other day McEnany—pronounced Mac-ah-ninny—seemed to read from the LGBTQ section after being asked about _____’s ban on transgender troops by saying:
“I haven’t talked to him about that specific policy, but this president is proud that in 2019 we launched a global initiative to end the criminalization of homosexuality throughout the world. He has a great record when it comes to the LGBT community. The Trump administration eased a ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men and he launched a plan to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, so we’re very proud of our achievements.”
But nary a word about the transgender ban because I guess there’s no tab for that?
Here are some of Kayleigh’s actual tabs …

This one is full because everything is Obama’s fault.

This one is the biggest and perhaps the only one she really needs. The other one is recipes.

This one is empty, and the Russia one contains Love Letters from Donny to Vladdy™.

And, lastly, sadly, she can’t even spell Mueller correctly.


  1. Wonder how long she will last?

    take care, xoxo :-)

  2. These women get to my nerves. They swear they’re Olivia Pope. Poor stupid wenches.
    And 5is is the presidency of the lies and obfuscation, so they need to keep their non-sequiturs and lies straight. They even have a LIES folder!
    The fucking nerve!
    I despise them al, with the strength of a thousand suns.


  3. plastic stuffed barbie needs a dick in her mouth (just sayin'). fucking lying bitch!

  4. Someone...anyone....Leave this girl in the backseat of a really hot car with no windows cracked. This would be the perfect week for it.

  5. does Kayleigh (what kind of name is that?) bite her nails? They are suspiciously short for a bleached blonde, orange tanned woman working in the White House?

    n.b. I refuse to call her a lady because any woman in der Trumpenfuhrer's White House cannot, by definition, be a lady!


  6. Nothing more revealing about a deranged administration than the Cliff notes of the press secretary for her briefings. Seriously, anyone?
    I have a sample sentence for her for her next briefing:
    Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Go directly to Jail.
    Please, please, please let the Districts of New York capture this thug and his gang of thugs and convict them of their crimes against - well, everything.
    Oh, and who thinks Joe Biden will be in the mood to commute their sentences?

  7. I wonder who's up next for the job.

  8. Has anyone called her Kayleigh Cockamamie yet?

  9. I see the Hot Button issues are colored red... wow!

  10. @TDM
    She's blond and pretty so I imagine quite a while.

    It kills me that she has a file that says 'Lies' and 'Wins' on it. Dumbass.

    I'd say shove a mask in her mug; she doesn't deserve dick.

    A brilliant idea.

    Funny that it was just a few years ago when she went after _____ and him being unsuited for the job and now she's his mouthpeice ... and maybe puts his piece in her mouth?

    I am so ready for many of them to go to jail, and then for the rest of them to write books about what a horrible evil stupid man that they all stood up for and protected. Off is the direction in which they should ALL fuck!

    A trained seal in a blond weave?
    I'll stick with Bullshit Barbie.

    Maddie does that, doesn't she?

    She needs to get to those tabs fast!

  11. I have to think that is the worst job in town.

  12. @Travel
    Well, it does appear that all of _____'s Press Secs have no soul or no spine so perhaps their career choices are limited?


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