
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. I could never understand the Confederacy like you said it didn't last long and they have long been dead. Keep bitching i say...and they'll lose another war.

  2. I never realised that. But since I seem to know more about the American Constitution and [most of] American history than you-know-who - and who else doesn't? - it'll come as a surprise to him too. Not that it'll make any difference to someone who's incapable of thinking that he's not ALWAYS right.

  3. Yeah, the Confederacy may be long gone but the longing for slaves still lingers. It's kind of ironic considering people are always telling us to get over slavery. I'm over it, it's the people who want to hurt me and mine that have the problem.

  4. Over here the argument is between those who think the clock can be turned back to 1941-5 and those who believe in living in the real world. Either way racial tensions still produce turmoil.

    It seems to me that the Trumposaur would love for there to be another civil war; his troops out on the streets while he cowers in the WH bunker.

    1. I'm all for the Helen....and they would lose....far more people who care and tired of this outnumber them. We need a revolution to wake people up me thinks.

  5. He will be 'inspecting' his bunker...

  6. The confederacy is a wet dream for racists.
    They’ll try to justify it by all means possible.
    And you had a Punk phase? Pics or it didn’t happened. *runs to get popcorn *


  7. And athe last 2 years of those 4 were a perfect shit show... think Sherman's march to the sea.

  8. You'd be amazed at how many people still talk about their Confederate heritage. I live 45 minutes from Richmond, so that certainly gets a lot of nutty talk.

  9. sherman didn't finish the job. FUCK ALL NAZI RACISTS!

  10. Four years? I have things in my freezer longer than that!

  11. Truth! I've argued this point until I was blue. These rednecks I live in the middle of just don't get it.

  12. @MM
    They lost! It's history not heritage.

    _____ is an idiot of epic proportions. Oh, and a racist.

    That says it best. Thank you.

    I think if _____ keeps this up he will be voted out in a landslide.

    If we could just get a lock on the door.

    And yes. And I believe the pictures are buried ion a time capsule somewhere just outside San Francisco, only to be opened and enjoyed upon my demise!

    But it's their heritage!!!

    Their heritage is being an American, not a Confederate. And if your heritage is as a Confederate then you are saying quite simply that you think ending slavery was wrong.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    Get 'em out and make a meal!

    Sadly, they never will, I think.


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