
Monday, June 15, 2020

Doctor Suggests 'Colored' People Don't Wash As Much

Just to show that racism isn’t a stupid man’s disease, there’s ER doctor and Ohio state Senator … and a Republican, because, of course … . Steve Huffman. Huffman was recently fired from his position at TeamHealth, a firm that outsources health care providers to medical facilities, after suggesting that “the colored population” don’t wash their hands as well as others.

In 2020. A doctor. Colored population.

The racist Republican lawmaker—and why is he still in office—made that comment during a hearing on whether racism ought to be declared a public health crisis in Ohio, during which he asked Ohio Commission on Minority Health executive director Angela Dawson, a black woman, why there were higher rates of COVID-19 infections among black Americans, and said:
“Could it just be that African Americans—the colored population—do not wash their hands as well as other groups?”
After being fired, and saying some word salad garbage about his question being  asked in an “unintentionally awkward way that was perceived as hurtful” Huffman issued a fuller apology via Facebook:
“At a legislative committee hearing on Tuesday, I used an insensitive and offensive term while asking a question. I had absolutely no malicious intent, but I recognize that my choice of words was unacceptable and hurtful. I apologize, and I make no excuses.”
No malicious intent in suggesting that colored people don’t wash their hands because, well, colored. In 2020.

I think the Ohio Senate needs to ask someone to pack his racism and go.


  1. I think I'm more offended at being called less clean than noncolored (opaque?) people than being called colored. I am a lovely butterscotch hue, after all.

  2. I can't believe he got elected...

  3. Just great. I’m moving from Jacksonville (welcome orange Cheeto convention party) to Ohio (home of that moron) next week. I need to find a new home!

  4. I betcha he REALLY wanted to say the N word. PUNCH THAT NAZI!

  5. Well....racist and bigots don't use mouth wash enough either....what's his point?

  6. It's funny how these people insist that they are not racist... then they open their mouth and a nazi falls out.

  7. @Deedles
    Yes, ma'am!

    Or that he graduated medical school!

    Don't hurt yourself, cuz that one is painful!

    Make a statement in Ohio!

    Old is fine, white is fine, guy is fine.
    Racist motherfucker in public office is the issue.

    He needs to be removed from office/

    I was shocked reading that.I cannot believe someone in 2020 would say that. But, stupidity reigns.

    True dat!

    He would NEVER talk that way ....until he did.

  8. You are right Bob, people tend to say what they think. You'd think if he didn't normally think that kind of derogatory muck this unpleasant character spouts, he'd be more careful about saying it in a public arena. I'm glad he's not my doctor.

  9. Mega ouch!

    take care, xoxo :-)

  10. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Apparently many white republicans politicians don’t wash their hands very well either. Or take other really s-i-m-p-l-e precautions.

    Republicon congressman Tom Rice contracted Covid-19 as a result of his refusal to wear a mask while on the House floor. Being the bright spark he is, he then proceeded to infect his wife and son and who knows how many others with, his words, “the Wuhan flu”. What a package! An ignorant, entitled, racist danger to society!

    At least 22 rebublican lawmakers have tested positive for Covid-19. Perhaps the doctor should discuss what he is most familiar with -- other entitled white idiots that can’t be bothered to take simple precautions against a deadly disease. (Dr. Rand Paul, can you identify with this?)

    To be balanced, there are Democrats that have also tested positive.




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