
Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Funny Papers

Ed Hall, Darrin Bell, Adam Zyglis, Chris Britt, Steve Sack, RJ Matson, Michael de Adder, Mike Smith, Kevin Siers, Steve BensonBenjamin Slyngstad, Mike Luckovich, Matt Wuerker, Clay Bennett


  1. #1 and #2 - Ouch!
    #7 - Poor President Lincoln can't catch a break even when he's been dead for over 150 years.
    #11 - It's time to fight the Nazis again.
    #14 - Indeed, one to go!

  2. the first 2 - thanks, dump! you made racism "funny" again - NOT!

    poor lincoln, having to sit there and listen to all that total bullshit.

    the last cartoon - flush the turd on november 3rd!

  3. The second wave one.

    Just what I've been saying.

  4. @RTG
    I just can't get over someone saying they have it tougher than a man who was shot in the head.

    Your last line makes a great campaign slogan!

  5. The Supreme decision may be the clincher.

  6. @MM
    It'll happen because buffoons are in charge.


  7. Oh! Canada!
    They got it right!

    Take care, stay safe.
    xoxo :-)

  8. The second one is just so sad!

  9. "I remember when we fought the Nazis, not elected them" -- that says it all!

  10. The first one, incredibly sad. Another death that can be traced back to trump.

  11. @TDM
    They do seem to do better than the US.

    Yes, it is; and disgusting, too.

    To the point, that one!

    Well, it can be traced back farther than that.

  12. I have to say, some of them were sharply to the point... but that last one? Can we talk about homeruns?

  13. alas the last one won't matter tuppence

  14. Why do other countries go ahead and act when they have mass shootings? Oh wait. Rhetorical.
    This administration (and the Repugs) are putting many people in danger by opening too soon. Of course they don't care: they have discovered that black and brown people are much more affected by COVID-19 so they don't care.
    So much truth in those cartoons.


  15. Dear Bob

    a friend of mine wrote to me about the elections; "why they couldn't find someone credible I don't know. the only reason they chose Biden was to let him fall apart in office and insert Hillary through the back door which is so bleedin' obvious I don't know why people don't seem to be able to see it. The only reason he isn't vindictive is that he doesn't know who people are. He is a non-person; he doesn't even realise that he's running for president half the time. You really want someone with Hillary's hand up his arse? Hillary is worse than trump because she's just as corrupt, just as treacherous but she's cleverer than trump. and right now whoever is chosen."

    I do not agree with this at all and can only assume it is from the Russian rumour mill. I just wondered if you'd heard of anything like this?



  16. @Helen
    Yes, I have and it's absurd. They said the same thing when Bloomberg got in the race; that he'd pick Hillary as VP and then resign. And when Bloomberg dropped out they had to rewrite the story.


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