
Monday, May 11, 2020

The Old Mother Hubbard Lie

Remember last week when _____ played the role of Old Mother Hubbard and claimed when he went to the cupboard of PPE and medical supplies to combat COVID-19 that the cupboard had been left bare?

Well, Mother Hubbard has some ‘splaining to do, namely about this press release from the White House dated February 7, 2020:
This week the State Department has facilitated the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials.  These donations are a testament to the generosity of the American people.
Today, the United States government is announcing it is prepared to spend up to $100 million in existing funds to assist China and other impacted countries, both directly and through multilateral organizations, to contain and combat the novel coronavirus.  This commitment – along with the hundreds of millions generously donated by the American private sector – demonstrates strong U.S. leadership in response to the outbreak.
This assistance only adds to what the United States has done to strengthen health security programs around the world.  For the last 20 years, the United States through USAID has invested over one billion dollars to strengthen the capacity of more than 25 countries to prevent, detect, and respond to existing and emerging infectious disease threats.  
Since 2015, under our commitment to the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), this support has helped improve surveillance and laboratory systems, risk communication, outbreak response, and address the rising threat of anti-microbial resistance.
The United States is and will remain the world’s most generous donor. We encourage the rest of the world to match our commitment.  Working together, we can have a profound impact to contain this growing threat.
Yes, as the virus was just rearing its ugly head in America, _____ sent tons of equipment to China; as the virus was spreading he promised to spend $100 million in China to fight the battle.

He bragged in this press release about what the “United States has done to strengthen health security programs around the world” but he’d done nothing when the virus came a’caling.

When it came time to fight the virus on his home turf, he was left holding his limp, orange, mushroom-shaped dick in his hands.

That’s all; his own White House admits it.


  1. Thanks for the Bloomberg/HC info Bob

    If this is what the Dimwit in Cheif sent China, I just wonder how very much more in the way of US PPE/dosh has been sent to Russia?

  2. sigh...

    take care.
    xoxo :-)


  3. Well, Bob - there we have it. Further proof that Agent Orange is demented and should be sent to a mental institution which has no provisions for protection from Covid-19.
    Jesus Christ.

  4. What's so sad Bob is that you could put all this proof in front of that asshole and he would still deny it - and his followers would STILL lap it up as fake news! It does my head in!

  5. JFC; and he and his minions still call it the "chinese virus".

  6. It wasn't just a trump thing, Justin did the same thing, he refused to listen to the caution, he refused to stop people from infected countries from coming in. I think part of it was governments refused to take the virus seriously.
    However the other dirty trick trump did was he refused to believe the threat until the last minute, so he hadn't asked for PPE to be manufactured. Meanwhile other countries had been placing orders with American companies weeks earlier... so he confiscated that PPE to make himself appear to be doing something and labeled the companies as unamerican.

  7. Cheeto waited until the last minute to start acting on COVID-19 because it made HIM look bad. Remember that Wall Street and the repugs only care about the economy. And that’s Cheeto’s only card. That’s why he did squat.
    Also, he’s got businesses in China ( collusion Barbie has I don’t know how many licenses there) and didn’t want to piss them off while badmouthing it in the press and playing tough man for the trumpanzees. The grift is strong.
    It’s all a ruse. It’s all a grift. America has been conned by a con man.



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