
Sunday, May 03, 2020

The Funny Papers

Mike Konopacki, Kevin Siers, Jack Ohman, Randy Bish, Nick Anderson, Dave Whamond, Chris Britt, Michael de Adder, Ken Catalino, JD Crowe, Clay Bennett, Marc Murphy


  1. It's been a rough week on social media for me (especially FB). And it's because of the Kool-aid drinkers. Thank you for putting a little humor into it!

  2. they are ALL good, bu the last one is dump's waterloo.

    drink up that bleach, MAGAts! the fewer of you there are, the better off this country will be.

  3. Can someone wake me when this is over, it isn't over yet.

  4. As usual, grimly funny this week.

  5. Wow! Someone could write a master's thesis dissecting the variation on "The Last Supper."

  6. @Sadie
    Don't let the bastards get you down.

    I love that last one.

    And with all these places reopening the same week we've suffered the most single day losses, I don't think it'll be over soon.

    Sadly, true.

    I love Fauci at the top with his head in his hands.

  7. All those bleach drinking ones are right on!

  8. A grim week. The worst of it was the cividiots in Michigan. The best thing that could happen would be for every one of them to get sick enough to die at home so as not to clog up the medical systems.

  9. I will not be surprised if by fall he somehow turns this virus to his advantage or creates a diversion away from the issues and wins.

  10. I hope the last one sticks!
    take care, xoxo :-)


  11. Best Sunday funnies EVER, Bob!
    Mike Pinched Face showing up with no mask was unbelievable this week...thank goodness for your cartoon. I was speechless.
    You and Carlos stay safe and sane.
    Hugs to you both

  12. The Last Supper.

    If only. That would take them all out in one fell swoop......

  13. @Debra
    Scary, but rue.

    But it's just like the flu? Except for that whole killing 55000 people in one month thing.

    I don't know if even he can do that. I mean,sure his followers will beleive him, but they're morons.

    That is the goal!

    I can't with Pence. I'm almost more sick of him than _____. ALMOST!

    Wouldn't it be nice... except for Fauci up there in the corner. Save him!

  14. Ouch to these but spot-on
    I liked the Last Supper one the best.

  15. I always love the political cartoons you post. These were especially good this week. I liked the last one the best.

  16. I got some really good laughs out of today batch! The 4 more years, the kook-aid, the last supper... all got loud laughs.

  17. @Ur-spo
    That was my favorite, too. The cartoonist, Michael de Adder, is brilliant.


    The Kool-Aid is spot on!

  18. Ohhh that Last Dinner!
    If only...



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