
Monday, May 04, 2020

My Two Cents: Tara Reade

I believe the women, which is why this one bothers me.

More than a year ago … a year ago … Tara Reade accused Joe Biden, as other women have, of touching her shoulder and neck in a way that made her uncomfortable, when she worked for him in 1993. That makes sense; Joe admits he’s been known to do that. And then earlier this year, in March, she came out again with the same story, but it got little to no traction, so in April she came out again, though this time the story was different.

This time Reade claimed that in 1993 Joe Biden pushed her up against a wall, put this hand down her skirt and put his fingers in her vagina. But … how is that not the story the first time out? I mean, it feels like the touching of the hair didn’t meet some sort of objective, so she doubled down with fingers penetrating her.

As I said, I believe the women, but this one troubles me, and here’s why:

Although Reade waited 27 years to accuse Biden of sexual assault, that doesn’t bother me so much. I understand that it’s hard to step into the light and go up against a powerful man. And if I believe Christine Blasey Ford—and I do—waiting for many years before speaking up about Brett Kavanaugh, I’d have to believe Reade, except …

How do you tell the story of Biden touching your hair and neck, but forget to mention the penetration with his fingers? And why tell one story first, and then add more graphic details more than a year later?

Reade has an explanation for that. She claims that when she came forward with her allegations in March 2019, she wanted to speak to The Union newspaper in California, but says the reporter’s tone made her feel uncomfortable, so she “shut down” and didn't tell the whole story. She waited another year before finding someone else to tell her story.

That doesn’t ring true.

It also is strange that Reade says she complained about Biden's assault to Marianne Baker, Biden’s executive assistant, as well as to top aides Dennis Toner and Ted Kaufman, and yet all three say she made no such complaints. And these three did simply say they didn’t remember a nearly thirty-year-old complaint, they all completely deny ever being told the story by Tara Reade.

Still, Reade insists she told them, and insists she filed a written complaint against Biden with the Senate personnel office, and yet reporters and staff have never found that written complaint. Even Tara Reade doesn’t possess a copy of the complaint, though she has copies of all other relevant paperwork from that time, including a copy of her 1993 Senate employment records.

That strikes me odd.

Even more troubling is that Reade cannot remember the date, the time, or the exact location of the alleged assault, except that it occurred in a “semiprivate” hallway connecting Senate buildings. She expects us to believe a powerful well-known man assaulted her in the halls of Congress and yet she cannot remember. This is troubling because, with her lack of memory on this point, it’s next to impossible for Joe Biden to go through records and prove he could not have committed the assault, because he was somewhere else at the time. 

Also troublesome is that Tara Reade provides two different explanations for why she stopped working for Biden in 1993. She claimed once that she was fired because Biden wanted her to serve drinks at an event and she refused. Reade says she then felt "pushed out” of her job and so she quit.

However, Reade also claimed that after she filed a sexual harassment complaint—and now she says she never used the words ‘sexual harassment’ in that complaint—with the Senate personnel office, she faced retaliation for complaining and was fired by Biden’s chief of staff.

Quit or fired? It cannot be both.

It also cannot be both that Tara Reade was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden in 1993, but as recently as 2017 she would “Like” praise for Biden’s work combating sexual assault, to which she tweeted:
“My old boss speaks truth. Listen.” 
She was praising him for his work in trying to end the very thing she now claims that he did to her.

It doesn’t make sense. What happened?

Bernie Sanders? Not a stretch; in January of 2020, Reade came out in support of Sanders for president, saying Biden was “the blue version of Trump” and that the Democratic National Committee was trying to “shove” Biden “down Democrat voters throats.” 

And then Tara Reade suddenly began contradicting all she said before about Biden, saying her decision to finally come forward was due to “the hypocrisy that Biden is supposed to be the champion of women’s rights.”

Praise him? Accuse him.

Were her allegations against Biden a form of retaliation for Bernie not winning the nomination? For 27 years, Tara Reade did not publicly accuse Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her, but after his string of victories derailed Sanders from his path to the Democratic nomination, Reade went public with her claim.

And these not just her claims; there is an alleged phone call from her mother to a talk show; friends and family who’ve suddenly remembered, and then remembered more, have come forward.

In 1991 an anonymous woman—who Reade now claims was her mother, who is now deceased—called in to CNN's "Larry King Live" show and said:
"I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him." 
Her problems there? If we believe Tara Reade, and we believe this woman was her mother, then why talk “problems”? Why not say, anonymously, oddly enough, that your daughter was sexually assaulted by this “prominent senator”?

And then you have Reade’s brother, Collin Moulton, who, in an interview with The Post, says his sister told him Joe Biden inappropriately touched her neck and shoulders. He said not one word about sexual assault until a few days later, when he texted The Post that he suddenly remembered Reade saying Biden put his hand "under her clothes.” 

Again, a man touching your sister’s hair and neck is inappropriate, so why lead with that? If the man forced your sister up against a wall, kissed her, shoved his hand down her skirt and inside her, that would be the story.

Two of Reade’s friend, who requested anonymity, have differing stories, as well. One says Reade told her she was sexually assaulted by Biden, while the other said Reade told her that Biden touched her inappropriately.

Two friends, two different stories.

In addition, in prior interviews, Tara Reade gave an exhaustive list of people she told of the alleged assault, and yet neither one of these women were on that list.

A third friend, Lynda LaCasse, gave an interview to Business Insider, claiming Reade told her of the assault in 1995 or 1996. Insider called LaCasse the “first person to independently corroborate, in detail and on the record, that Reade had told others about her assault allegations contemporaneously.”

That word ‘contemporaneously’ is troubling, because in legalese it generally means ‘existing or occurring in the same period of time,’ but if Reade was sexually assaulted in 1993, telling a friend two or three years later is not contemporaneous at all. 

And one other thing I find disconcerting about Reade’s story. We know that several women claimed that Joe Biden made them uncomfortable with things like a shoulder touch or a hug, but there has never been one hint of sexual assault in all of Joe Biden’s life, except for Tara Reade.

Now, it could be possible that in his entire life Joe Biden committed just one sexual assault, against Reade, but generally speaking men who do these kinds of things don’t do them just once … just look at the twenty-five very similar allegations against the sitting president.

As I said earlier, I believe women, but that doesn’t mean all women are being truthful. It doesn’t mean all women shouldn’t be questioned about inaccuracies in their stories. It doesn’t mean I can’t support the #MeToo movement and question allegations of sexual assault that seem off.

Do I believe Tara Reade? I don’t know because I wasn’t there; only she and Biden know the truth. But I do know that her story doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Her lack of memory on vital parts of the story, like when and when, bother me.

Her changing the story from touching her hair to penetrating her with his fingers bothers me.

Her friends and family who remember one thing, but then suddenly remember more bothers me.

Her praise in the years after the alleged assault for Biden and her sudden attacks on him when she became a Sanders supporter bother me.

The whole thing bothers me.


  1. I agree. The whole thing bothers
    me too.
    take care, stay safe.
    xoxo :-)

  2. I agree with you and everything you said. What I can never figure out to save my soul, is when these things surface, in any case, why does the victim always seem to wait till the person is either famous, person of power, or extremely wealthy? Not defending either side, but it just seems weird to me.

    If shouldn't matter if the accused is a part time sales clerk, a college professor, a construction worker, a bagger at the grocery, a senator, a CEO of a corporation, a mechanic, a dog walker, a doctor, or a presidential candidate. As in this case. I always hate doubting anyones claim on a serious matter...but it always raises questions in my mind, why wait to the accused is in a position of fame or powder?

    But as I told Dave, this cheese in Denmark smlls fishy to me.

  3. Speaking as one who has worked in both the divorce court and Crown Court and as a woman I can confirm that there are women who, for some reason or another, occasionally lie in claims like this. You cannot believe EVERY woman because there are rogues out there.

    Like you, I don't know whether Reade's claim is true or no, but there are some troubling discrepancies in her tale, not to mention the changes in her online story, the fact that her sexual assault tale is eerily reminiscent of a novel her father wrote, and further there is her praise of sexy Putrid which in itself makes you wonder whether this is part of Putrid's attempt to keep Kim Don Trump on the throne!

  4. this one is an UGLY LIAR!

    kavanaugh's accuser (and all of dump's 20 accusers) spoke TRUTH!

    reade is nothing than a gold-digging cunt.

  5. I have to comment..... As you laid out the story... with the factual events... its would seem that one of our news organizations would pick up on this and state the obvious.... Something is slightly not true about the what Ms. Reade is stating.... when you tell the truth, you tell it not in parts. but once .. all of it...

  6. I don't know, don't care, don't want to hear it because, even if Joe was covered in leaches and dripping blood, he'd still be the better choice than No.45.

  7. Sorry if this sounds harsh, do I believe Reade, it's an 87.9% no from me. Seriously I have no empathy for her anymore, even less now after reading this post. The world needs dump gone, it's critical that he goes. Biden doesn't shy away from saying this never happened, it's too late, she needs to sit down and be quiet now, Biden probably won't be there in four years anyway, definitely not in eight. One thing I do know for absolute sure, I would never praise someone for their view on sexual assault, if they had raped me.

  8. I agree with your analysis. I do not believe Ms. Reade. I do believe Ms. Ford. It is hard to judge these cases but I think you also have to look at the accused. Biden does not have a history of assault behavior. Bret Kavanaugh's behavior was questionable even during the hearings.

  9. Like most women I've been on the receiving end of VERY unwanted attention from men, particularly when I was a teenager. And I get the bit about coming forward many years later - yep I understand that. But my memory of the details of these events has never wavered. I know every detail and they do not change - like the pervert who stood next to me while I was seated on the bus and was rubbing his dick up and down my arm. Yep, I can even tell you which bus stop he got off at. From what you've written above, it seems Biden might be guilty of "over-friendly" touching but as for the rest I don't believe it. Not one bit.

  10. I don’t believe her at all. And wouldn’t be surprised if she’d been dug up and coached by the orange brigade.

  11. In her interview with NPR, I believe, La Casse admitted that she and Reade had been out of touch for a number of years and it was Reade that contacted her, and while renewing their friendship Reade reminded her that she had told La Casse about the incident all those years ago. This is bitter Bernie Bros trying to work their hate.

  12. I agree. Her story just doesn't hold together. What is she trying to accomplish here? Knock out a guy who has one weak sexual harassment allegation so that a guy with 27 credible sexual harassment/assault allegations can stay in office??

  13. I had a feeling right away this wasn't adding up. But I friend of mine who is republican jumped all over the story right away. It really makes me angry, because she it's always telling my side that is wrong. Everything is political with her.I have told her there are many worthless republican's just as their are democrats. You have to look at the character of the person. While I do think Trump had some much monkey business, I don't think all the women accussing him were telling the truth either. The problem is, people in the far right and far left will never budge. The accusations are always one sided, and the other never does any wrong. I'm in the middle. Both side of the aisle have many with skeletons in there closets... neither side is squeaky clean.

  14. It’s just way too on time to Joe getting the nomination.
    It’s just too on time to create drama after the Hunter Biden story dies.
    It’s just too on time for election season.
    Also, Ms. Reade canceled an interview with Fox News, the biggest, most unfair and unbalanced government mouthpiece in the US.


  15. I agree that this all seems pretty fishy. When Biden was vetted when he was running for VP in 2008, why didn't any of this come out? Maybe I missed something???

  16. @TDM
    It's all the inconsistencies, with all of their stories.

    I believe when a woman makes these claims, but that doesn't mean, under a harsher light, and some investigation, it can't be proven untrue.

    It smacks of that whole Jussie Smollett gay bashing business. And it pisses me off, because when someone makes these kinds of claims ... Smollett or Reade ... and there is doubt, it makes it harder to believe the next person that comes along. That, and the fact that, if true, either one or both, Smollett and Reade, were lying sickens me.

    I simply cannot understand why "fingers in my vagina" wasn't the first thing she said.


    Your last line says it all!


    That's also a big issue for me; I think, as you said, you'd remember almost every detail, down to the smallest thing.

    I'd hate to believe that would be true but it wouldn't surprise me.

    Hadn't heard that, but it goes in the Doubt Her Story pile.

    It does smack of ulterior motive.

    This: I have told her there are many worthless republican's just as their are democrats.
    And This: Both side of the aisle have many with skeletons in there closets... neither side is squeaky clean.
    Truth. Facts.

    So many questions and so many inconsistencies.

  17. @Michael
    That, too!

  18. You are on it Bob.
    This woman (I guess not to be confused with Tara Reid from 'The Big Lebowski') has again changed her story, saying she never filed a sexual assault claim and then he scheduled appearance on Fox 'News' was suddenly canceled this past weekend.
    Nothing at all to see here that's for sure.

  19. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Great posting...Yes, we should HEAR women's' claims...But that does not mean we should convict, castrate, and place men in dungeons UNTILL we vet those claims...I am wise enough to know that not all women act in the best light possible...

    Here is an in-depth article by Greg Olear that provides additional substance to your outstanding points:


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