
Thursday, April 23, 2020


Earlier this week Carlos looked lovingly at me and asked:
“Are you ever gonna change out of your pajamas?”
“When I go to bed.”
Didn’t happen. Wore them to bed and, yeah, still wearing ‘em. Sometimes I like the lazy.
Under lockdown, I grow bored, so I have been making a series of ‘Tuxedo Says’ posts for Facebook. He is gathering quite the following and so I thought I’d share some here.

Last week Saturday Night Live comedian Michael Che announced that his grandmother had died of COVID-19. The following week, to honor her memory, Che said he would pay the rent for the month for all 160 units in the public housing complex his grandmother used to live in in New York, saying:
“Obviously I can't offer much help by myself. But in the spirit and memory of my late grandmother, I'm paying one month's rent for all 160 apartments in the NYCHA building she lived in. I know that's just a drop in the bucket, so I really hope the city has a better plan for debt forgiveness for all the people in public housing. AT THE VERY LEAST."
I’ve always thought CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond was hot and this week he became even hotter. At _____’s coronavirus briefing propaganda campaign, Diamond called out IMPOTUS for congratulating himself on his response to the pandemic:
“More than 22 million Americans are unemployed … Today we hit the grim milestone of more than 40,000 Americans now having died from the coronavirus. Can you explain then why you come out here … showing clips of praise for you and for your administration? Is this really the time for self-congratulation?”
And then _____lied:
“[What] I’m doing is I’m standing up for the men and women that have done such an incredible job. Not for me, for the men and women, admirals, vice president … I’m sticking up for those people. Those people have been incredible. I’m also sticking up for doctors and nurses and military doctors and nurses.”
And Diamond pushed:
“But the clips that you played and what you read earlier was praising you and your administration. Why is now the moment to do that? On the day more than 40,000 Americans have now died?”
And _____ snapped:
“You’re CNN. You’re fake news. And let me just tell you, they were excoriated by people like you that don’t know any better because you don’t have the brains you were born with. You should be praising the people that have done a good job, not doing what you do.”
What he’s doing, you ignorant fuckwit, is pointing out that you are standing on the backs of dead Americans and proclaiming your greatness. What he’s doing, is showing the world, and people in this country with brains, that your days are numbered.

And he’s looking hot, while doing it.
Oops, sorry not sorry IMPOTUS, but it appears that most Michigan residents favor Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s handling of the coronavirus over your response.

Even after protestors terrorists descended upon Lansing with their Swastikas and Confederate flags and _____ signs.
Reminiscent of the protestor in Tiananmen Square who stomped a tank while blocking the road, two nurses in Denver, Colorado stood in the street in masks and scrubs and blocked anti-quarantine protesters.

A woman can be seen brandishing a ‘Land of the Free’ poster at the worker while screaming at him and raising her fists from inside her car. The woman yells at the nurse, asking him why she wasn’t allowed to go to work while he could.

Um, he’s a nurse, and you probably sell swatches at Hobby lobby, Freedumber.

Good on the nurses. Stand strong. Stand back.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was mocked as “Nancy Antoinette” last week for showing off her freezer filled with boutique ice cream that goes for $13 a pint.

Republicans went apeshit, though they say nothing about _____ and his gold toilet.
More sorry, not sorry … the _____ Family of Con Artist and Grifters who old one of his cheesy hotels there in DC has inquired about changing its lease payments to the federal government; the rent is approximately $268,000 per month.

The _____ Organization owns and operates the luxury hotel, but it is in a federally owned building and as part of its deal to open the hotel, the company signed a 60-year lease in 2013 that requires the monthly payments to the General Services Administration.

Oops, sounds like another bad investment to a family of thieves and liars. Sorry, not sorry.
And finally, a Lockdown Hottie … Gil Soares, international model and now … realtor!

After moving from his home in Portugal to the US, Gil spent 7 years traveling the world as a model, living in New York and Los Angeles before settling down in West Hollywood.

And loving life there, he chose to become a realtor, selling homes in West Hollywood and Beverly Hills. I wonder if he has open houses in his undies.

Or less.

Just sayin’.


  1. That pic of the Trumpelstiltskin family is one of the saddest family photos I have ever seen; mummy and "daddy" posing together while poor little Barron sits, alone and unloved, on that lion....I do feel sorry for that kid and can only hope he won't grow up like the rest of the Trumplets, but the omens aren't good.

  2. Tuxedo and I have a lot in common. I love it.

    I still like Nancy. I have a love/hate relationship with her. But with so many not having much needed items, I do agree she probably shouldn't have show expense ice cream when many are struggling.

    And did you notice even Baron's match boxes are limos? What a creep family

    And I saw that story about the two nurses. The things that lady was shouting were just plain awful. And these people get even more mad and angry when you don't fire back...which is even more funny to me. She is probably the same fucking piece of greedy filth that hoarded all the toliet paper...that inconsiderate bitch. Had it been up to me, no one except medical and health workers, and food and drug stores would be open...everyone would have been working at home.

  3. You work them pajamas, Bobulah! Less laundry that way. Just don't stand in front of a fan and scratch (don't ask).
    El Gato Guapo, yay! He is throwing a major Siamese cat vibe. I love that little critter.
    Michael Che, what a good guy.
    I'm skipping over Gil Soares because I need to type and sweat makes my fingers slippery.
    That tweet is the best!

  4. @MM
    After the GOP went nuts over Nancy and her $$$ ice cream it was revealed that she buys it from a local small business, so she was really helping keeping them afloat, unlike _____ and his con artist family

  5. (Carlos)
    Everyone stay safe!
    xoxo :-)

  6. Thanks Bob! I hadn't heard that part of the story. Now that is good news!

  7. I saw Jeremy Diamond keeping his foot firmly on the gas at Trump's briefing and he was really good (as well as being gorgeous). And hat's off to those nurses. The idiot female yelling at them? Do they seriously have NO idea just what they look like?

  8. Grab that stupid by the hair and drag her into a room full of dying people and tell her "okay get to work"!

  9. I second sooo! why get dressed if you're going from bedroom to home computer?

  10. I like Nancy. The trumpanzees were all ‘she’s got elitist ice cream’ but say shit about Nepotism Barbie and Nosferatu jetting in the middle of the quarantine. Hypocrisy! Just like taking a knee is a sin but advocating for the death of thousands is just normal. Karen. Ends her hair did.
    Carlos is a riot.
    And Mr. Soares should drop by my house to check the elastic of my face mask. In his underwear.


  11. I have an Essential Job, I need to get dressed.

    Michael Che does the right thing.

    Jeremy Diamond is... attractive, and his little run in with the Idiot Jerk was magnificent.

    DeVos is from Michigan and Whitmer's popularity must burn her ass.

  12. Give Jeremy Diamond a raise!

  13. I've made subtle suggestions to SG that he should shave every three days... as opposed to never. Thankfully, he DOES shower and dress every day. I sleep naked, so feel like I should put on actual clothes during the day as opposed to what I "wear" to sleep... Odd, though, when I lived alone (a long, long time ago), I did spend much of my time at home without any clothes on.

  14. I've been watching for your Tuxedo memes-- they're completely inspired and hilarious. (Tuxedo deserves all the accolades!)

  15. @Helen
    Proves money can't buy happiness or class, but it can buy you a third wife.

    I did wear them all day, for one day ... but I took it as a holiday of sorts.

    The look he gave me was priceless.

    I like the press holding him accountable, even if it rarely sticks!


    My thought exactly ... though I have been shaving and showering.

    His minions don't see their hypocrisy because hate gets in their eyes.

    My job is ... essentially one day a week at this point, and done at home so ....pj's it is.

    In every sense of the word.

    I shower and shave, and usually sleep in just socks, but it's been chilly here of late.

    He does like the added attention.


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